Chapter 4

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April's P.O.V

Its been 21 days know that yourself. The atmosphere in the lair is cold, silent, depressed. Donnie hardly ever sleeps, mikey is always in his room, mostly crying.
And leo..? He's always in raph's room, always Raph's old bandana is wrapped around his arm, and he mostly goes to his grave near the farm house, I don't know how he gets there fast.
Splinter is meditating non-stop, Casey hardly comes out of his house.
And me? I have my own problems too, but I come out here and calm the turtles.

I know that leo has to be strong, but losing his equal, his brother, his hero is hard for him. I won't forget that night..

*flash back*

"Raph!! Don't do this to us! To me!"

"please open your eyes! Open those green emerald eyes!! I have to see them!!"


*end of flash back*

That night was just, terrifying.
*sigh* Leo's birthday is one month ahead, but I don't think if he even wants to celebrate, none of us wants..

Leo's P.O.V

I really miss raph, we all do, I just miss him the most. The last time I saw him, his emerald eyes, his smile..i didn't think it would be the last time I see them, but now..He's gone..and nothing can change it. if I could just go back in time, I would save him first. Save the brother who always understood me when there was no one.

I rolled on my shell, staring at the ceiling. My grip tightens to Raph's sheets, a tear finds its way to my eyes and rolls down on my face.

I cover my face with my hands, and burst out crying, silently. These nights, I'm used to crying myself to sleep. I just can't be strong anymore, i don't want to stay strong. Pretending just hurts more, so why bother..?

??? P.O.V

ugh, he'!
"gimme help gurl don't just stand there!" she giggles and comes to help me.

We finally got to our secret lair, she throws him on the table, then bites her lips nervously.

"HEY! I don't want him more injured than he already is!"
"yea yea, sorry my ASS, let's get started."

To be continued..

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