She shuffled over and hugged me, not crying but not smiling.

"We will get your ears pierced after we have moved in, okay? We don't want other things in the way,"

"Thankyou. I love you, a lot, and sometimes I think you are annoying and strict, but I know it's only for my own good. I know people who can't speak to their dad about how they are feeling, but I am really happy I can speak to you,"

I kissed her cheek, holding her close to me.

"Im glad you feel like you can. I hated it when you were all upset before telling me you were bi, and I know that is so nervewracking, but if anything like that happens again- something you are scared of saying- I will listen,"

"I know,"

"While you get your nails done, we are going round town, so is there anything you need?"


"Alright, anything else? Do you have enough for holiday?"

"I think so,"

"Alright. If I see anything nice, I might pick it up. What colour toothbrush do you want?"


"That's your favourite colour huh?"

"Can I have it again on my braces?"

"You can have whatever you like,"

"Should I get purple nails instead?"

"Your choice. Can you put your elastics back in please?"

"Then we leave?"

"Watch some youtube or read, because Viola needs to pack, but pretty much,"

She kissed my cheek and went to the bathroom, while I joined Viola in the bedroom. I rested my hands on her waist, kissing her shoulder. I'd missed her touch, and presence.

This morning, she'd said a brief goodbye to Marcus, but he'd had to leave early so it was just the three of us again- it didn't feel right.

"Ash, please can you help me pack?"

"Of course,"

"I'm gonna have to quote Ava and tell you my mind hurts,"

"Talk to me then," I said, folding her petite tops up. They neatly slotted in the corner of the suitcase, which was lucky because my clothes took up a lot more room.

I heard nothing from her as she folded her shorts, making my stomach fill with dread.

"Just because you've been away for a few days, it doesn't mean you can't talk to me,"

Her lip started to tremble and I shushed her, cupping her cheek in my hand. As tears started to appear in her eyes, I moved the suitcase so we could sit down.

"My dad isn't going to get better,"

"Don't say that,"

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