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I had never liked silence, especially today, when it enabled me to let my thoughts consume me. I had a safe journey to the cave, but I knew Nathen wasn't as lucky.

It was midday when I had slid off the horse, letting it prance off into the distance so that it wouldn't give my whereabouts away. I missed his presents next to me, the very thought of him tugging at my heart, as I gazed back in his general direction. I missed his smile, and his quiet laugh.

Stop thinking about him, I screamed in my head, if he doesn't make it back, it will make it all the more difficult. I drew in a shaky breath, pulling myself together before I walked behind the clumps of trees, and down a small hill that lead into the cave, I would have never noticed this was here unless Nathen had pointed every little detail of it out to me.
His sent lingered in here, and by all the stuff that was inside, I guessed he had come here often. I slid down to the ground, taking a jacket that sat next to me, and staring at it. I wondered if he wore it often, or if he had ever thought about me while sitting in here.

I let my head rest against the wall, as I stared out at the scenery picturing millions of fireflys that might have flown around here at one time. Squeezing my lids shut, my head fell into my hands, "be safe," I mumbled out, a soft wind sweeping through the cave.

Why, why did he have to be so good? I didn't deserve him, I was just a week girl, a nuisance, he deserves so much better. Blair, with everything that has gone on I had completely forgotten about her. She was my best friend, and I had allowed her to be banished, to disappear away from my life without even a trace of worry, for all she knew I had forgotten about her.

That wasn't true, before I departed from this place I would do one thing to help one person, I would free Blair, I didn't know how, but I would do it.

I listened to the sound of my own breathing, so quiet even and dull, something you could always count on, until it was took an away from you, almost like a stranger. You didn't realize you needed it so much until it was gone. 

How could I sit here, and just wait, that wasn't me, I wasn't just a weak girl. I wouldn't just let Nathen die.


I would go find him. I could help I knew I could,  I didn't have to tell him, I would just help from the sidelines.

The reason they want him dead is because of me. It's all my fault, I brought him through this and it's nothing but madness.

Why does he even care about me?

He can't die, he just had to come back, he had to, I squeezed my hands together, so tightly I could feel my nails dig into my skin.

"Drew, What are you doing here? I've been looking all over for you."

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