Chapter two part one

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I was jolted awake as the 5 AM alarm cut through the morning air. I rolled over, sleep still taking over my senses.

My ears latched onto the sounds of the girls around me, as they lazily brought themselves out of bed, slumping into the bathrooms.

I threw my covers aside, heaving a breath when my toes made contact with the icy floor.

I could hear the shower running, as I trudged down the darkened hallway, soft whispers sounding from around the corner.

Shoving my hands into the pockets of my jean dress, I proceeded to continue my route to  the mess hall.

I emerged out into the cold October air, the breeze cutting through my skin, like tiny prickles slicing into my flesh.

I sloshed through the muddy puddles, my reflection glaring up at me through the Merkie water.

I pulled my thin sweater around me, the wheels in my mind turning. Yesterday I did not do the task I had wanted to, and it was because of Conrad, well I was not going to let him control my life, he may be an elete, but he can't tell me what I can and cannot do.

I turned up the steps of the mess hall, a pair of third year boys bustling past me in the process. "Hey watch it," one of them called over his shoulder, and without a seconds notice, someone yanked my arm from behind.

"I saw you yesterday," I did not have to look, to know who the voice belonged to. Allison Bates.

"You saw me what?" I hissed back, thoroughly confused. She folded her slender arms, her tight curls pulled up into an elegant barn. My bright eyes connected with her sea green ones, that were filled with jealousy and naked hatred.

"You were flirting with him you little," I was about to laugh at whatever meaningless nickname she was going to give me, but I was cut off from whatever I was about to say.

"Now ladies, I do not believe the mess hall is a proper place for confrontation." a perfectly crafted eyebrow lifted on Miss Bates face, and I am sure I know why, as the man of the hour was standing right next to us. Conrad Roberts.

"Why Mr Roberts," she sputtered out, mindlessly arranging her hair, I rolled my eyes in response, preparing to leave but he grabbed my arm, demanding for me to stay in place with his misty blue eyes.

Ugh those eyes

"Can I help you, I really must get to breakfast before it is all gone." I heard a slight snort covered up by a cough from Allison. However all that lived in Conrad's face was pure amusement, as though I was the most interesting thing in the world.

"We can't have that now can we?" He didn't take his eyes off me, as he guided me to a rack of bowls, piled high with delightful looking pastries on them. He was allowing me to take one of these, instead of the every day oatmeal.

"Is there a reason you are talking to me, I promise I haven't," he silenced me with his gaze, an army of butterflies areupting in my stomach.

" not particularly, you just are well, something for me to figure out." He leaned forward, reaching over me to grab a lemon tart. My orbs followed his every move, every nerve in my body alert and awake.

"What is that supposed to mean?" My eyes met Blair's from across the room, she was seated with Megan and Delia.

"Nothing for you to worry about," he jerked a blue plate toward me, the contents of it foreign to my routine something felt off this morning. "Don't go doing something that can land you with," he scanned around the room, his eyes landing on a particular someone. "With someone like that."

My eyes widened, as I locked eyes with the boy from yesterday, the one who wouldn't give me his name.i nodded, my mind already screaming, he ate as though he did not care that his plate was different from all the rest, it was the small things that stood out in our Community, and those were the things that cause the holes in the perfect road of our government.

Everything flowing exactly as planned, every rule and every consequence, things were perfectly crafted so that nothing could possibly go wrong. However when there isn't a solution to fix a bump, then the whole ride collapses.

Dang. Here it is, the next part and I hope you guys like it

What do you think of Conrad? And what do you think of our mysterious man?

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