Chapter 7 p 1

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I rolled out of bed, a little after midnight, studying the other girls closely, I couldn't wake them up or they would go get Miss Norten in a heartbeat.  

I was just by the door when I heard someone call my name. "Where are you going Drew," my eyes shot skyward, it was Blair. She laid up, her large eyes trying to figure me out. "You keep so many secrets from me now."

"Blair, I was just going to the bathroom," I managed to say, my mind screaming. She propped herself up on one elbow, not looking pleased. I folded my arms, taking a glance at the clock.

12:04 PM.

He was waiting for me!

"You're not going to the bathroom, I already know, Nathen has changed you, you can not sneak out to go see him. You need to focus on Conrad, I think, I think he likes you, I saw him kiss you." I wanted to blab to her that it was Conrad who was making me sneak out.

I found myself defending Nathen, even though I barely knew him. "Nathen has done nothing, and I'm going to the bathroom, you shouldn't have these thoughts about me, and you know it."

It was part of the law to not get into others business, but also we were taught to turn someone in, almost spy on someone if ones actions were suspicious. I knew if Blair turned her back on me, then she would choose her country over me, but wasn't that what she was supposed to do?

I was wrong for having these thoughts, it was more inpatient  to   Obey the law then put myself into trouble. Blair looked as though she were about to cry. I felt a lump form in my stomach as I crawled back into bed.

I knew I was wrong for not really caring about the rules anymore, but that wreklwss seed had already started blooming.


"You skipped out last night." I knew I would have to face him sooner or later. "Here, take this," he placed a Muffin on my plate, and once again, everyone watched our little scene.

"Thanks," I stated, lifting my eyes to see he was already watching me. I reached for a glass of milk so I could join my friends, but Conrad intersected my movement, taking a glass for me. "I better join my," He cut me off.

"Sit with me today, I promise if anyone gives you a hard time they will have to answer to me." I nodded, feeling my heart skip a beer when Conrad placed a hand on the small of my back, heat taking over where his hand rested.

We walked across the crowded room, up the stairs to the Elete, however, if I would have known the group of people who we were seated next to, I would have not agreed at all.


Well well well, there you have it, another update

Let me know what you think

Happy cliffhanger day

And merry early Christmas

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