Chapter 2 PT 2

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"You were talking to him again, what did he want." I heaved a breath, I knew I would be dew for this Confrontation from Blair, right when my butt hit the seat.

"He, um, well," I did not want to give away the fact that he thought I was onto something, Blair would lecture me about my wrekless mind to no end. "He was just asking how I was doing."

I hated lying to my best friend, it was something that left me with a pit forming in my stomach. She said nothing, going back to spooning her breakfast.

"He gave you a pastry," she observed, not really meeting my eyes. I nodded, staring at the breakfast food that sat a reminder of the mornings events. I was the only one at the whole table who had one, the rest of the elites sat together on the balcony, Allison the only girl up there.

She sat, and I could tell she felt like a million bucks, her father was the president of the council, and she thought she was a princess, forcing everyone else to feel less then her.

"Do you know who he is?" I blinked, being forced back into reality by the sound of my friends voice. Delia looked up as well, noticing me for the first time.

I looked The direction she was gazing, to see him sitting there, the boy with the red plate, he was talking to a group of boys a year older then I, they appeared very interested in what he had to say, nodding in agreement.

"No," I mumbled, turning to meet Delia's ice blue eyes. She was of the same class as I, her father was a docter, but only for those of our class and above. She picked at her bread, and I could tell she wanted to ask me about my breakfast choice, but she was one who always had to appear as though she were miss proper.

"It's from Conrad," I blurted, grinning as her eyes grew wide. She clamped her mouth shut a second later, contemplating her words carefully. Blair squeaked beside me, still in shock that he would allow me such a breakfast.

"You know what this means don't you?" Megan spoke up for the first time. She was a tall girl, with pale skin and slick black hair. She was the bossy one of the group, one who was quick to voice her opinion, so it was a shock that she had kept quiet this long.

"We already discussed it yesterday" Blair shot out, standing up to put her dish away. I picked at my food, not really feeling like eating, since I seamed to be the topic of all the gossip.

"He does not have me in mind," I half screamed, wanting to get the message across. "If anything, he will want a girl like," my eyes fell on the group who sat aimlessly on the balcony, Conrad was in deep Conversation with his father, Allison was picking at her breakfast, seaming rather disinterested. " someone like Allison."

"Oh please, why does everyone think she is so high and mighty?" Megan fluffed up her hair. Her father was one of the cooks, for the elete. There were two types of cooks, those who cooked for the poor were considered poor, the class that Blair resided in. Those who cooked for the elete were in the middle class.

Blair associated with us because her mother had grown up in the middle class, however, she married without Concent and was forced down to be in the lowest class.

Everyone scrutinized her, which resorted in her becoming a guarded person, who would never dare make a scene of herself.

"It is because she is," Delia had her eyes on me as she said this statement, her icy eyes resembled something of jealousy, a thing I had gotten used to from her.

She may be proper, and always have to look as though she has it together, but if someone Else gets an ounce of attention, she is the one who will force you out of The spotlight for her own self gain. In a classy way may I add.

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