chapter 5 p 1

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We ate dinner in silence that night, at a small diner on the edge of town. There were only two places to eat that were not at the mess hall.

Joe's Diner, a small place that family would go when reunited with their kids every weekend.

Then there was the grand Maronite, the place the elete boys would take the girls that they were interested in. It was a sign that a man had you in mind. I had never been there before, and to be honest, I really didn't want to go.

Around us, FamiliesChatted happily, glad to be with their kids once again. My father seamed as though this was the last thing he wanted to do, he would glare at me every minute, cutting  off anything my mother tried to say to me.

I poked at my pork and potatoes, suddenly feeling sick. " excuse me, I need to use the restroom," I muttered, pushing away my chair and scrambling off. My parents said nothing, but I had a feeling they were happy to see me go.

I pushed open the door to the bathroom, barreling over the sink as I took in my pale state. I splashed water against my face, my eyes brimming over with tears.

He hated me, my father hated me.

I just knew it, he would disown me.


The act of purposely losing ownership to something or someone.

When a parent disowned a child, the child would be sent to live at the orphan home, they then woodwork as the lowest of low jobs in the community. My father would laugh at me for the rest of my life.

There had to be a way to change his mind about me, I couldn't possibly have him disown me. I had to play it safe from now on.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, studying every feature that made me myself. Those things would soon fade away, I had to loose that daring spark in my eye, I saw the way my father ignored at me during dinner, the way he acted as though he didn't know me when he saw me in my cell.

It hit me like a ton of bricks, a wide grin spread over my face, I wasn't sure if it would work, but I had to give it a try, even thinking about him made me stand up that much straighter.

I had to make him fall in love with me, or I might not make it to my next year.


Sorry this one is so short

Happy Sunday

Thank you to all the new readers

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