"Hey number two," y/n approached Bakugo who was stood on the balcony alone, looking out over the city while swirling his champagne.

"Hey," he greeted her as she leaned against the rail and looked back into the party where people were dancing, having arm wrestles (Tetsutetsu and Kirishima), eating or just mingling happily with old friends and acquaintances.

"Why aren't you in there basking in all of your glory?" she asked, looking over to the blonde.

"What glory?" he growled, "I didn't get number one."

She sighed, knowing this would happen.

"But you did," she leaned closer and rested her head on his shoulder, "You're my number one hero."

He looked down at her, his eyes softening as he gazed at her.

"But we made a deal," he mumbled, "when I become number one I'd marry you..."

"It's just a number, Katsuki," y/n replied stepping away and turning to him completely, "one, two, three, it's just a number. It doesn't define you, or who you are. It's the relationships and the people you know who define who you are."

He stayed silent before walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her. Hiding his head in the crook of her neck.

"You really think I'm number one?" he asked, his breath tickling y/n's neck as he spoke causing her to laugh a tiny bit.

"Of course, Suki," she smiled, "You're my number one hero, you always will, no matter what."

She wrapped her arms around him as he stood up straight and pulled y/n into a kiss. They rarely saw each other face to face. Y/n was always travelling and Bakugo was always working, so the only times they met were national Holidays like Christmas, new years, birthdays all that kind of fun stuff.

They always ended with Atlas and Bakugo shouting.. Well barking.. at each other over y/n which amused her a lot considering one was a dog that was at his waist and if he stood up on his back paws he'd probably be taller and the other was a hot headed man who didn't know how to explain his emotions too well.

"I love you, y/n," Bakugo mumbled as they separated for air, he rested his forehead against hers and watched as the corners of y/n's mouth curved upwards.

"I love you too, Katsuki," she replied.

"Yo Bakubro-- oh my god its happening!" Kirishima and a bunch of others came out onto the balcony just as Bakugo reached the floor, one knee propped up, the other flat against the floor.

"Shut up, shitty hair," Bakugo shot a glare to fan(girl/boy)ing friends before pulling a small black velvet box and taking a deep breath in before looking to the brightly smiling y/n, "f/n l/n... Will you honour me in loosing your shitty last name and taking mine?"

She nodded and Bakugo slid the small ring onto her ring finger and kissed the knuckles before standing up again, keeping a tight hold of her hand as a wave of snaps and flashes erupted from about everyone's phones and camera. Y/n chuckled at the sight as Bakugo got frustrated.

"Clear out, vultures!" he shouted, his hand sparking in the all to familiar warning explosions which just made y/n and all their classmates sigh but keep on smiling.


Wedding bells followed that day, a few months later, after a new home was bought, of course.

Despite Bakugo's attempt to get a big house, y/n managed to convince him to buy a simple, small house.

Two years later the house is graced with an extra member. A baby with blonde hair and e/c eyes.

"Tomoe is finally asleep," y/n slouched down into the small beige sofa and sighed as Bakugo walked over and passed her a mug of (tea or coffee) before sliding in next to her.

"He's so exhausting," Bakugo grumbled as Atlas flopped down on the floor, spreading out and taking up the length of the foot of the sofa.

Y/n chuckled slightly before grabbing the remote.

"Movie?" she suggested, he kissed her forehead and nodded before a loud crying cut through the building, "I'll get him."

"Alright, I'll get the movie ready then and I'll take the next round," Bakugo replied, y/n nodded and placed her cup on the coffee table before she walked to her three week old son.

"Alright, little man," she picked the blonde up and bounced him up and down gently before crouching down and letting Atlas sniff the child.

She'd noticed that the old dog had become extremely curious towards the child ever since they'd brought him home.

Tomoe giggled to himself before finally falling asleep again, y/n put the boy to bed and returned to the living room where Bakugo had brought out some blankets.

"Shitty hair wants to meet Tomoe," he told his wife.

"Language, Katsuki," she warned him, "you need to watch your tone now. And Kirishima can come see him whenever, maybe he can even become the number one baby sitter when we go to those god awful hero party things."

"And your UA meetings and parties and entrance exams," Bakugo kept the list going as y/n curled up next to him and he wrapped the blanket around them. Atlas jumped up and sprawled across them both.

"All that boring stuff," y/n laughed slightly.

"He'll call himself an uncle, you know that, right?" he asked. She smiled and nodded.

"I'm fine with it, considering I am not in contact with my dad and sister and you are an only child, it means that Tomoe won't have aunts or uncles so why not make our friends the designated roles?" she reminded him before snagging the remote and pressing play, "now let's relax while we can."

Bakugo smiled and nodded before the two drifted into movie night.

I am Destruction | Bakugo x reader (kinda) Where stories live. Discover now