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"I literally can't breathe", I hyperventilate as I throw up for what seemed like the tenth time today. Chris rubs my back as he holds back my hair, trying to help me as best as he can, "This little angel isn't going easy on me", I laugh tiredly as I lean against the wall. "Do you want me to call the doctor?", Chris asks me, concern laced in his tone. I caress his face and smile lightly as I shake my head no, "Babe, this is normal. It's morning sickness"

"I know but isn't there something we can do to stop it?", he asks me innocently. I can't help but laugh a little as I look at his face. He was so concerned and innocent that it made my heart ache, "You're too cute. You can't stop morning sickness, it's part of the first trimester"

"Oh", he says dumbfounded. I laugh at him as he picks me up off the floor and places me on our bed. He walks back into the bathroom, rummaging through our drawers before walking back over to me with a cool compress. He places it on my forehead to cool down my face as I lean into him. "I don't like seeing you like this"

"I promise I'm okay. It'll be over soon",

"How much longer until we can tell people?", he asks me as he sits down next to me. "I'd like to wait another month or so, just to be safe", I tell him as he nods. "I already picked out which room can be the nursery", he says as he looks up at the ceiling. "Really? Which one?"

"You know the room right next to the hallway closet? I chose that one. When you were sleeping I went in and I got an idea. It's big enough for the baby and once the baby gets older we can turn it into a normal bedroom"

"You really planned this one out didn't you?", I smile as I look at him in awe. His cheeks blush a light shade of pink as he looks down at his hands, "I may or may not have already bought a few things for the baby"

"What did you buy?!"

"I ordered a baby crib and a changing table. I promise you'll love them. They received really good ratings and they're safe for the baby. There's a lot of storage in the changing table for the baby's clothes and diapers", he explains to me as his eyes light up. I couldn't help but tear up listening to him explain and talk about the baby. It warmed my heart to see how excited he was, and I couldn't have asked for a better husband and father to my child. He was going to be such an amazing father.

"Ella? Why are you crying?", he says softly as he grabs my face in his hands. "I'm just really happy"

"Are you sure?"



*two months later*

"Chris? Robert is going to be here any minute, hurry up!", I call out as I set out the platters of food on the table. Robert was coming over with his wife Susan. We told him we just wanted them over for dinner but in actual fact we were going to tell Robert that we wanted him to plan our gender reveal. I was two and a half months pregnant and it wouldn't be long before we would be able to find out the gender of the baby. Our doctor told us that we'd have to wait until I was four and half months pregnant.

The doctor had cleared me and told me that the baby and I were safe and that it was okay for me to tell people about my pregnancy. The doorbell rang as I set down the last platter of food. I rush over to the door and open it, smiling wide as I see Robert and Susan, "Come in!"

"You look so beautiful, sweetheart", Susan smiles at me as she hugs me. "Thank you!"

"Ella! How are you doing, kiddo?"

"I'm doing really good. Let's go sit down. Supper is ready—Chris!"

Robert and Susan sit down in front of me as Chris comes into the dining room, panting, "Sorry I couldn't find my pants. Hey, Downey! Susan"

"Ella did you make all of this food?!", Susan asks me in astonishment. I nod proudly as she gasps, "This is amazing! You've really got a knack for cooking don't you?"

"I love it! Cooking and baking is something that I love to do, which is why I'm always in the kitchen when I have the time"

"Well good for you!", she encourages me. We serve ourselves as we converse back and forth. "So we've been meaning to ask you something, Robert", I start off by saying as I set down my glass. He raises his eyebrows as he wipes his mouth, "Yeah?"

"Chris and I have something to announce. You are the first person to know this, and we would like to ask you if you'd do us the honour of planning our gender reveal", I smile brightly as I look at him. He chokes on his water as Susan pats his back, "I'm sorry, your what?"

"I'm pregnant"

"You're pregnant-, Susan did you hear that?! She's pregnant! Oh my god she's pregnant. You're pregnant. Congratulations!", he cries as he jumps up from his seat to come and hug me. "Robert are you crying?", I ask him as he doesn't let go of me. He nods his head as he continues to rock me back and forth. "I'm so happy for you guys", he sniffles, "This is amazing. Am I really the first one to know? How far along are you?"

"I'm about two and half months pregnant. So? Will you plan our gender reveal?"

"Of course! Yes! Anything for you guys and the new little kiddo!", he smiles as he pulls Chris and I in a group hug. "Congratulations, Ella. I'll give you some advice about this whole baby thing and pregnancy thing", Susan starts as we walk into the living room.

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