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*20th of November (day one of court hearing)*

I clutch Chris' hand in my own as we approach the court room. Today was day one of two. Today wasn't the worst day out of the two, it was simply just a day to revise the case from six years ago and the additional issues added onto the now reopened case.

I sat down in the court room with Chris by my side. He was the only one with me today besides Josh, a few other police officers and my lawyer. I was called to the stand to re tell my side of the story. Once I was done I sat down and waited for the judge to continue. "So let me get this straight—", the judge started off as he looked down at the forms in front of him. He scanned through them before looking up at Blake and I.

"Blake has breached the restraining order you placed against him six years ago, correct?"

"Yes", I answer firmly. My heart was beating at an immense speed as I stood at the podium. "And if we look back six years ago, Blake Ernest was your boyfriend at the time and he was abusive and controlling, am I correct?"

"Yes your honour"

"Okay, you may be seated Miss Lombardi", with that I sat back down and reached for Chris' hand again. My mouth was dry and I could barely think as the court case continued. Three hours had passed before we were dismissed. We were to be back here tomorrow for the final verdict. I was scared and I was nervous. I wanted Blake to pay for his actions. He couldn't win this time, not again.

The moment I got home I went straight to bed, too tired to do anything.


*21st of November (day of the verdict)*

"You've got this, Ella. Just take a deep breath", Chris tried to reassure me. We were currently in the gender neutral bathroom as I violently brought up this mornings breakfast. My nerves were getting the best of me the more I thought about today. We had to be in the court room in five minutes and I wasn't mentally prepared for it.

I wiped my mouth with toilet paper as I pulled out my toothbrush. As weird as it seemed, I always carried one in my bag for emergencies.

Chris continued to rub circles on my back to try and calm me down as we finally reached the court room. He opened the door for me as I stepped inside. Blake had yet to arrive which eased my nerves just a little bit. As I went to sit down with Chris I noticed a group of people sitting on my designated side of the room.

Familiar faces came into my point of view as I smiled nervously. Everyone was here. The entire cast had come to support me. Not one member was missing and it made my heart burst with happiness. I was so overcome with love that it pushed away all my nerves for the time being. I hugged a few of them before we were interrupted by the judge, "Please be seated"

We did as told as I instinctively grab Chris' hand in my own. The doors opened, gaining everyone's attention as Blake and his entourage walk up to their seats. Blake looks at me menacingly before looking at the judge, "Please be seated Mr. Ernest"

"Now I've had enough time to go through all the files again and look over both statements and I have come to an agreement. I would however like to call to the stand, Ella Lombardi and Blake Ernest. Though I've made my decision I will give each of you the opportunity to speak one more time and mention anything that you may have left out in yesterday's court hearing. We'll start with Blake"

Blake smiles smugly as he straightens up his chest, "Your honour, I believe that I am not guilty. I believe that Ella has been mistaken with her accusations once again. I never put my hands on her and I certainly don't think I endangered her in any way. I treated her like the world and gave her everything she could ever want, she's just greedy and ungrateful. I believe that she's accusing me out of spite and wants pity from her peers. This is why I believe that I should win this case and not her"

I shake my head, disgusted and bewildered at what I just heard. I furiously grip the mic in my hand as I begin to talk, defending myself, "Your honour, I know for a fact that everything he has just said is a lie. Why would I purposely starve myself to the point of being hospitalized for malnourishment? Why would I purposely hurt myself so that bruises would appear on my face? If there was one word to describe Blake Ernest it would be delusional. How could he possibly think he did nothing wrong when I have substantial proof that he was the one who abused me both physically and mentally. He was degrading and manipulative and he deserves to pay for what he did to me. I had to endure so much after cutting him out of the picture. Do you know how hard it is to gain back all of the weight you lost? How hard it is to eat when you haven't eaten in so long? It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.

He took away a part of me that I can never get back. Why would you ever let someone like him roam around the streets so freely after everything that he's done. You have the proof in your hands! You have the proof right in front of your eyes! If that's not enough to convince you that he's guilty then I don't know what is. He's a poor excuse of a man and he's getting away with it. It's because of men like him that girls feel insecure about themselves. I pray to God that other people don't have to go through what I went through. I wouldn't even wish it on my worst enemy. My point is, he's done something exceedingly wrong and it's about time he pays for it. Actions have consequences and I believe that it's time for his consequences to pay him a visit", I say tearfully. I sit down next to Chris not being able to control my emotions. This was all too much for me to handle and I hoped that it would all end soon.

I continue to cry silently as the room goes silent, the judge looking over his papers. He sighs as he takes off his glasses, rubbing his face, "I've made my final decision. I hereby declare Blake Ernest—"

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