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"Ella slow down, you're going to get indigestion" Elizabeth scolded Ella as she continued to shove the endless amounts of food on her plate into her mouth. Ella had yet again visited the cast on set and was currently with Elizabeth, eating the food that was catered to them. Chris was in the middle of filming his scenes so Ella took it upon herself to stay with Lizzie and catch up on what they both missed out on.

"I can't help it. I have a lot of cravings and I'm in a lot of pain-" Ella began to say but was quickly cut off by Liz who sat in her chair with wide eyes. "Oh my god are you pregnant?!" Liz exclaimed excitedly as she gripped onto Ella's hand. Ella looked up from her plate and gave Liz a look of confusion. "No you dumbass, I'm on my period". Liz's face dropped as she realized she was completely wrong. She looked at Ella intently before they both broke out into fits of laughter.

Ella stopped laughing though as she clutched her bladder, her period pains getting the best of her. "Do you have Tylenol or something? I can't take it anymore". "Yeah, let me go get my bag, I'll be right back". Liz got up from her seat before exiting the room to retrieve her purse. Just as she left a man walked through the double doors and made his way towards Ella.

"Hey, you must be that chick Chris is hooking up with right?-" He said as he turned the chair around so that the back of the chair was in front of him. Ella turned to him with a look of disgust as he grabbed a chip from her plate. "-Oh, where are my manners? I'm Axel" he told her as he extended his hand out for her to shake. She cautiously looked at his hand before turning back to her plate, praying that Elizabeth would just hurry up.

"So you're just going to ignore me? Do you know who I am?!" he told her, his tone becoming more aggressive. She turned to look at him, her eyebrows raised and her face contorted in annoyance. "No I don't and I could honestly care less" she answered him honestly as she stood up from her chair, dumping her plate in the garbage. This Axel guy was making her uncomfortable and she wanted to get as far away from him as possible.

"Well I'll inform you on who I am. My name is Axel Donovan and I'm a model, actor, director, and social media star. I am highly respected by many and everybody wants to be me" he said as he ran a hand through his hair. He sent her a wink, smirking, awaiting her answer. "I'm sorry could you repeat that? I wasn't paying attention" Ella told him sarcastically. "Is that sarcasm I hear?" He questioned her. "Ding ding ding we have a winner!" She said as she rolled her eyes. She began to walk away, wanting nothing more than to see someone she knew here so she could get away from this man. Before she could even get close to the door he grabbed her arm, tugging her backwards.

"Listen here, Allen, I don't know who you are, or what you want but I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave me alone, okay? Today is really not my day so unless you want a kick where the sun don't shine then I'd suggest you remove your hand from my arm and let me go" she told him as she yanked her arm from his hold. A red mark imprinted on her arm caught her eyes as she began to massage her arm. She gave him one last look before walking out the door, bumping into Liz in the process.

"Where the hell were you?! What took you so long?" Ella asked her angrily as she continued to massage her arm. Liz looked down at Ella's arm and frowned. "What's wrong with your arm?". "Well while you were taking your sweet ass time this strange man came up to me randomly and started talking to me. He stole my chips!" Ella frowned. "Seriously Ella?! A strange man comes up to you and the only thing that stood out to you was the fact that he took your chips?"

"What? They were good chips! They were name brand chips Liz! I've only ever bought the non name brand chips because they were always cheaper-". "Ella! Stop talking!" Liz sighed in annoyance. "What?! I didn't say anything wrong"

"Did this man give you his name? What did he look like?". "He said his name was Axel Donovan. He had blonde, shoulder length hair, and blue eyes" Ella informed Liz as they began walking away from the double doors. "I've never heard of him. Did he have any access pass around his neck or in his hands?"

"Not that I know of. He had on a T-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. He had no pockets and there was nothing around his neck or around his wrists, why?"

"Everyone that's in this building, whether it be the cast, crew or visitors, have an access pass attached to the same string. If they don't have that access pass around their necks or somewhere on them then that means they're in this building without permission" Liz told Ella as she held the door open for her to walk through. "Wait-, do you mean to tell me that he isn't a friend of yours'? I thought he was apart of the crew or something"

"No Ella! We've never heard of this man. What else did he tell you?"

"I don't know he went on about how he's an actor, director, model and social media star. I've never heard of this man". Liz held up her finger, instructing Ella to wait, as she quickly typed away on her phone. "Ella..." Liz dragged on as she slowly looked up at her. She looked hesitant to speak which only spiked Ella's anxiety even more. Her heart began to race as she looked at her best friend intently. "What is it Lizzie?! Speak please. You're scaring me"

"Ella...I searched his name up and he doesn't show up..anywhere. There's no actor, director, model or social media star by the name of Axel Donovan". Ella's heart dropped the moment Liz uttered those words. "So you mean to tell me I was speaking to a complete stranger who may I add wasn't invited here? He snuck in?!"

"Most probably. We should go report this though, incase he comes back into the building again. We don't want to take any chances" Liz informed Ella as she held her hand out for Ella to grab. Ella shakily grabbed her hand and interlocked her fingers with Liz's. They sped through the hallways as they made their way towards the Russo brothers. "Hey guys, Ella has something to tell you guys" Liz explained as she shoved Ella towards them. Ella proceeded to give Liz a death glare as she turned around towards the two brothers. "Listen can it wait, Ella? We're running on a tight schedule today and we need to move as quickly as possible" Anthony informed her. She gulped before nodding her head and turning around. "Guys wait! This is really important. Some random guy came in today and spoke to Ella but he wasn't invited in. He said his name was Axel Donovan. He claimed to be a very well known social media star, actor, director and model"

"Axel Donovan? Never heard of him. Ella are you sure he didn't have a visitors pass or access pass on him?" Joe asked her. Ella shook her head no. "He didn't have anything on him. And he was pretty creepy. He was aggressive too"

"What do you mean aggressive?" Anthony asked her, concern laced in his tone. "When he was speaking he was very harsh and pushy and he grabbed my arm really hard. I'm starting to bruise already" she told him as she pointed to her already bruising arm. She instinctively began to massage it, wincing slightly as she pressed on the forming bruise.

"Well thank you for informing us. We'll be sure to amp up security. We'll check the security cameras right away, okay? Your safety along with the safety of everyone else in this building is important to us and it comes first above everything else" Joe told her. Ella sent him a thankful smile before grabbing Liz's hand again and walking away. "Hopefully they'll be able to catch the creep that spoke to you. I'm sure it's nothing Ella. And if there's anything, we all have your back, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you Lizzie. I don't know what I'd do without you"

"Me neither Ella,  me neither"

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