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Ella began to stir as the bright sun made its way through her window

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Ella began to stir as the bright sun made its way through her window. She groaned in annoyance as she dug her head deeper into her pillow trying desperately to block out the sunlight. Ella sighed, knowing no matter how hard she tried to shy away from the sun, it wouldn't go away. She threw the covers off her warm body and stood up making her way towards her bathroom.

While brushing her hair she realized that Chris had stayed the night. She had forgotten about his visit and how she had asked him to stay with her. She shocked herself though. Ella was never the type to be so forward and bold but something took over her when she asked Chris to stay. Though it was far out of her comfort zone, she was happy with the decision she made last night. She felt much happier and she felt safe knowing she wasn't alone.

Ella quickly got ready, brushing her teeth, her hair and putting on the outfit she had set out for herself the night before. She walked into the living room, ready to call out Chris' name but stopped once she saw him. She fought to hold back an awe as she saw Chris' sleeping figure before her. He was cuddled up into the countless of pillows on her couch as he slept peacefully. Ella laughed quietly to herself as she moved into the kitchen to make them both some breakfast. She felt like Chris deserved a home cooked meal for once. He was always working and most probably lived off of fast food and catering and Ella knew how exhausting that could get so she decided to make him a nice breakfast that he could enjoy.

Chris began to stir and Ella peaked over to see if he was alright. He grunted as the sun made contact with his face and placed the big pillow on top of his head to shield him from the rays of sun. Ella laughed louder than anticipated which made Chris jump up. He looked around startled but sighed a sigh of relief once he saw Ella's face. Ella laughed loudly as she looked at his bed hair, yet she found herself swooning over it too. She never believed girls when they said that bed hair on men was attractive but now she finally did.

"Hey sleepy head, did you sleep alright?" Ella questioned him as he stood up from the couch. He cleared his throat and gave her a sleepy smile before making his way over to the island in the kitchen. He sat down on one of the bar stools and placed his head in his hands. "Yeah, you have a really comfortable couch" he mumbled into his arm. Ella shook her head before setting a plate of sliced oranges in front of him. "Here, eat these. I'm making you breakfast so munch on these while I finish up the rest of the food". Chris looked up at her with a smile and grabbed an orange slice in his hands. "Hey Ella you don't have to do that. I can just pick up some food on the way to set-"

"Nonsense! You deserve a home cooked meal every once and while. Now eat your orange slices-" Ella reprimanded him as she flipped over the bacon in the pan. "-So what time do you get off work today?" Ella asked him as she placed the first few slices of bacon on another plate. Chris set down the orange peels and cleaned his hands on the napkin beside him. "Today's a pretty short day for me. So I'll probably be gone for about three hours. Four at most"

"Oh that's good. Maybe if you'd like you could come over here after work and I can make you dinner? If you'd like though. You don't have to-"

"I'd love too. So have you been looking for a job?". "Remember that restaurant you brought me to the first time we met? Well Doris offered me a job there but she wanted me to take some time off before I start working again"

"That's cool, well I'm happy you have a job. I hope this one makes you happier than the last one you had" Chris says genuinely as he places his hand on Ella's. Ella smiled at him before tending back to the last pieces of bacon on the stove. She flipped them over just as her hand gave way, making direct contact with the hot pan. Ella quickly pulled her hand back and let out a small yelp as the burning pain began to pulse through her hand. She clutched her hand to her chest as light tears formed in her eyes.

Chris was quick to jump up from his seat and tend to Ella as she continued to clutch her hand in pain. She began to breath heavily as the pain intensified. Chris turned on the tap water and made sure it was cold before placing Ella's hand directly underneath the flowing water. Ella sighed in satisfaction as the cold water came into contact with her burning hand. Chris rubbed the small of her back in an attempt to calm her down and regulate her breathing.

Once Ella removed her hand from the faucet she placed a bag of ice on top of it that Chris had quickly grabbed out of the freezer beside him. "It looks pretty bad Ella. Do you have anything that I can use to wrap it up? Any bandages or cream?"

"Yeah, in my room. Go into the bathroom and open the top cabinet to your right. You can't miss it. It's a blue emergency kit." Ella sniffled. Chris nodded his head before placing a kiss on top of Ella's head. He quickly ran down the hallway and into Ella's bedroom. He rushed into her bathroom before opening the cabinet Ella had told him to. He pulled out the blue bag and ran back down the hallway and into the kitchen where Ella was.

He opened the kit and saw ointment along with a white bandage wrap. He slowly took off the bag of ice from Ella's hand and carefully dried off her hand with a towel. She winced at the contact but persuaded Chris to continue. He did as told and began placing the cream on the burned area of her hand. Ella gasped as she looked down at her red skin. She had such sensitive skin so it didn't surprise her all that much that such quick contact with the pan made such a reaction on her hand.

Chris slowly began unwrapping the big, white bandage and started to wrap it around her hand. He warped it over and over again and fastened it until it was secure and unable to come off easily. Ella thanked him multiple times as he began cleaning up the medical kit.

"The food is cold now. I'm so sorry Chris. Now there's no time for you to eat and you have to be at work in less than ten minutes" Ella began to ramble on, guilt laced in her tone. She felt horrible to say the least. The one time Chris was able to eat a home cooked meal and she had ruined it by getting burned.

"It's not your fault Ella. It's the thought that-"

"If I was more careful you could've had a nice breakfast. If I would've been more concentrated on the stove-"

"Ella! It's not your fault! Things like this happen. Trust me when I first cooked for myself it was an absolute disaster. We'll have an amazing dinner tonight, okay?" Chris said soothingly as he placed both his hands on Ella's shoulders. He looked into her eyes, reassuring her that what had happened wasn't her fault.

"But you'll be hungry-"

"I'll be fine Ella. They always have catered food on set. I'll just grab something from there" Chris said as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. Ella blushed lightly as she began to clean up the kitchen. She had washed Chris' clothes from yesterday so that Chris could wear a clean set of clothes to work.

"I washed your clothes from yesterday so you can wear them to work today, I hope you don't mind" Ella smiled at Chris. "You're amazing you know that?" He enveloped Ella in a hug as he rested his head above hers. He breathed in her scent; vanilla and coconut. He let go and look at his watch, his eyes going wide.

"Hey I have to go or else I'll be late, I'll see you tonight sweetheart" Chris yelled back at Ella as he ran to the front door. Ella smiled at the nickname, not expecting it as she continued to clean up the mess that she had made in the kitchen. Lately, whenever Chris would be in a rush or if he was nervous he would accidentally or unintentionally call her certain nicknames and it made Ella's heart race. It made her happy. And happy is something she hasn't felt in a long time.

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