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"Chris! That's not the line" Ella sighed as she looked down at the script in her hands. Chris had gone back to Ella's house so they could rehearse his lines and so far it wasn't going too well. Chris was purposely messing up his lines solely because he wanted to hear Ella's laugh and see her beautiful smile.

"I'm sorry! I'll try again okay?" Chris said in between laughs. Ella shook her head, a small laugh escaping her mouth. "Mr. Rogers, I almost forgot, that suit did nothing for your ass" Ella recited from the script in her hands.

"No one asked you to look, Tony" Chris answered back. "It's ridiculous" Ella says flabbergasted. Ella moved position and stood on the other side of Chris, pretending to be Scott now instead of Tony. " I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass"

"It is America's ass" Chris replied. "Oh my gosh finally!" Ella gasped. Chris shook his head before pulling her into a hug. Ella stood there for a few seconds before realizing what was going on. She quickly wrapped her arms around his body and sighed in content. The feeling of being in his arms was something Ella couldn't explain. She never wanted to leave his embrace but she knew she had to because she feared that he'd be uncomfortable.

"Thank you Ella. Really" Chris smiled down at her. "It's no problem at all" Ella looked up at him adoringly. Chris began to lean in slowly and Ella began doing the same. Their lips were inches away from each other when the doorbell rang. Chris groaned while Ella sighed in frustration. "Give me a second" Ella muttered to Chris.

She walked over to the door and opened it wide, being met with a face she never thought she'd see again. She was repulsed, disgusted, but most of all, she was angry. She looked up at him, her body becoming stiff. He payed her body language no mind and began to speak.

"Hello Miss.Lombardi. I hope I'm not interrupting anything" Mr.Pearson said as he looked into Ella's house. Ella walked outside and closed the door half way so her ex boss wouldn't be able to see inside her home.

"What are you doing here John" Ella seethed.

"Oh so we're on a first name basis now?"

"Listen I'm not up for small talk so answer my question. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted your job back-" before Mr.Pearson could finish his sentence Ella cut him off. "No!". "I beg your pardon?" Mr.Pearson replied in shock. He wasn't expecting Ella to use such a harsh tone when speaking to him, especially since he was once her boss.

"I already told you no over the phone. What it is that you can't understand?" Ella grumbled. "We really need you Ella. We're a mess without you. You were an asset to our team and we need you back"

"I wasn't an asset to your team. The only reason why your workers, including yourself, are a mess is because you haven't learned independence and responsibility. You just want me back because you're too lazy to go get your damn coffees and food by yourself. Last time I checked I was hired to be an assistant, not a waitress"

"I'll raise your salary and you can have Friday's off" Mr.Pearson tried to interject. "I don't think so. Bribing me won't work. And I also want to mention how rude and inappropriate it is for my ex boss to show up at my home unannounced demanding that I come back to work after you were the one to fire me. I don't even know how you found out where I live but if I ever see you on my property again or if you ever try to contact me I won't hesitate to call the police"

"Hey what's going on out here-". The door opened wide as Chris stepped outside. "-who is this Ella?". "My ex boss". Chris' eyes narrowed at the man before him. This was the man that had fired Ella. This was the man that had made Ella feel horrible and Chris wasn't going to stand for it. Chris gently pushed Ella behind him protectively as he stood in front of Ella's ex boss. "I need you to leave" Chris said seriously.

"I'm here to talk to Ella. Not you sir"

"I don't think you heard me. I said you need to leave" Chris said intimidatingly. He walked closer to Ella's ex boss, getting close enough to him that Mr.Pearson was leaning backwards in an attempt to get away from Chris. Mr.Pearson wasted no time in backing away as he walked back over to his car. He took a big gulp as he readjusted his tie.

Chris turned to look over at Ella who was smiling at him. "Thank you Chris". "It was nothing. If he ever bothers you again don't hesitate to call me okay?" "'Mmh" Ella mumbled. Chris grabbed her hand and pulled her into the house before closing the door.

"Hey Chris?" Ella spoke suddenly. Chris looked over at her, worried by the change in tone of her voice. He walked closer to her as she played with the hem of her sweater. "Yeah?". "Do you think you could stay the night? I mean not in that way. Just so we can spend more time together?" Ella laughed nervously. "Yeah, sure!" Chris answered faster than he expected too. "Great! I'll get you a change of clothes and I'll go order some food"

"Are you asking me out on a date Lombardi?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, guess we'll never know" Ella laughed as she walked down the hallway and into her bedroom. Chris' gaze lingered on her as she walked away. Something about her just made him feel different. Something about her just made him feel like he was home.

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