"Please can I not floss?"

"Ummm... nope," he said, "and I know when you don't,"

"Come on," Marcus said, "you're lucky to have access to it, remember?"

"Yeah," I mumbled, following him to the bathroom. I took my elastics out and brushed my teeth, grabbing the floss. I hated it because it was so time consuming, and awkward with my braces.

Marcus washed his face, so I did too, then he went to get changed. My pyjamas were with dad's stuff, so I went into his room and got them. He turned round on the bed and I changed, then went to say goodnight to Marcus.

"Now I know you can be grouchy in the morning, but I don't want you to be sad that I am leaving. I wish I could stay, but there's no point getting upset when I can see you in a week, then move in in a month. You have a holiday to enjoy,"

"I loved having you here,"

"And I loved being here, but its really important that you don't let sadness out on your dad,"

Milo had spent time in dad's room with me, but he came plodding through, jumping on Marcus' leg as if he knew it was his last night.

"And Viola is coming back, so think about how nice it'll be to have your mum back,"

He kissed my cheek, hugging me tightly to his chest.

"We are brother and sister ay? The universe can't keep us apart for that long,"

"I hope you sleep well, it's got a memory foam mattress topper,"

"I'm sure it's lovely. Don't wake up to make breakfast, and don't worry about missing me, because I wont leave without saying goodbye,"


I picked up Milo, kissing his head as I took him to the living room to sleep. I laid down and stroked Montana too, Milo jumping back ontop of me.

"Go to bed,"

"I think that's what you need to do," dad said, appearing at the door way, "Milo, sit,"

"You're mad at me?"

"Of course not, but I am tired and want to sleep,"

I stood up and nodded, filling the dog bowl before following him to bed.

"You promise you flossed?"


"Okay, have you had a good couple of days?"

I was surprised he didn't check, but that meant he trusted me. He knew that would make me feel guilty for not doing it.

"Yeah, looking back, it was really fun,"

"Viola is going to help you pack tomorrow, but she will be tired,"  

"Is her dad okay?"

"He isn't very well at the moment, but it's not a topic she will talk about with you, if that's okay?" 

"Yeah. I would if she wanted to, though,"

"And that's really kind. I hope you realise that I appreciate all your efforts, no matter how hard things get,"

I nodded and he kissed my head, turning out the lamp.

"Goodnight poppet,"

I turned over and sighed, wanting the past few days back again. I'd do it differently.

The thoughts kept me up for a while until I physically couldn't be awake anymore.

"You're home early," I heard dad say, waking me up. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, climbing out of the bed to see what was going on.


"Ava, I missed you,"

"I don't like you being away,"

"Well then it's good I am back,"

"You need to meet Marcus," I yawned, dad squeezing my shoulders.

"I'm about to. We need to pack before you get your nails done,"

I ran to the kitchen where Marcus was, Viola following. He stiffened in my hold, Viola entering.

"Hey, I'm Viola. I'm sorry I couldn't be here,"

"I-I'm Marcus,"

And I hadn't heard him stutter since he got here.

"Did you enjoy Christmas?"

"Yes," I said eagerly.

"It was pretty fun," he nodded, "Ashton's family are amazing,"

"They are," she agreed, "did Ash keep you in check?"

She was joking, but he looked a little startled.

"I'm joking. I'm sorry, usually I don't act so confidently, so I guess I am a little rusty, but I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me,"

"Its okay, I'm awkward too. I'm planning on coming back, I guess, so we can catch up then,"

Comfortingly, she held her arms out for a hug which he accepted.

"Thankyou for letting me stay here,"

"Of course. Are you... do you want to be fostered?"

"I do,"

"So you liked your stay?"

"Viola," dad said calmly, "stop asking so many questions,"

"I'm sorry, I just feel like I have missed out, and that's the only opportunity we will get- which is stupid,"

"I'm coming back, I promise. Ava has made it clear that you're good company, so there is no rush,"

"When are you being picked up?" I asked.

"They're about ten minutes away,"

"Oh! Marcus, what colour do you want your room?" Dad asked, "We can pain it whatever,"

"Just a light grey, if that's okay,"

"You don't have to keep it neutral,"

"Grey, please,"

"Why?" I shot, though my attention was on how tired Viola looked. Dad had his arm wrapped tightly round her wait, as if it was all that was keeping her up, but she seemed okay.

"It calms me down,"

Suddenly, his phone started ringing, snd his face dropped a little. My heart panged against my chest.

"They're here,"

"We can wave you off,"

"You don't have to,"

"We will," I smiled, holding his hand as we headed downstairs. At the sight of two adults standing by a car, he put on a smile, giving them a quick hug.

"This is Ava,"

"Oh! Nice to meet you Ava," 

I nodded and waited, hoping they would say he could stay; they took his bag and opened the car.

Then it hit me that he actually had to go.

I gripped onto his shirt as I hugged him, starting to cry.

"Don't leave me,"

"Im not leaving you, I'm leaving this town for a little like you are on holiday. I promise I will come home soon,"

"I love you so much, please stay,"

"I love you too Ava, but I can't right now. You need time alone, you need good sleep, and so do I. There's no doubt that I am so grateful for you, but I need to leave for a bit to pack, and spend some last time with my current family, okay?"


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