"Shut up Taehyung you merpeople don't even have a dick." It was Taehyung's turn to be lost at words, his face soon tinted with pink as he couldn't think of a comeback.

Just as Jeongguk was dragging Taehyung into the shower, Taehyung spoke the unthinkable again.

"Jeongguk, look! My dick is growing! Look! Does that mean I have magic? Look- it's lifting its head up! Does it have a mind of its own? Hi there, little fella!" Taehyung squealed out mirthfully, using both hands to wave at his dick.

By this point, Jeongguk was more annoyed than intrigued by Taehyung's curious attempt to understand human dicks. "Taehyung you don't have a fucking magic cock get your shit together, Jesus! It doesn't have a fucking head- scrap that. It does. I guess. You only use it to pee- you know, excrete your urea and water. And when you touch it, it enlarges, okay? It doesn't fucking grow. More blood rushes towards your dick and vasodilation occurs that's why it swells and your dick would be purplish red when its erected. That means you are aroused, get it? All dicks are like that. Well, not all, but you get what I mean. Then if you are lucky enough to have a partner, you insert it inside them. For sexual pleasures and shit. And afterwards, it will shrink back to its normal size as most of the blood return to your main bloodstream. Are you with me soldier?"

Taehyung looked blown away by Jeongguk's scientific explanation. He asked for a full explanation, Jeongguk delivered it, he just didn't get it. Not Jeonguk's fault for using slightly bit more scientific terms deliberately.

"Can I see yours please, Ggukie?"

"That's it. I'm kicking you out."

Jeongguk did not actually kick Taehyung out, he said so in hopes it would scare Taehyung into coping with him and stepped into the shower. Instead, he scared Taehyung so much bug fat tears started to gush out of Taehyung's eyes, which solidified into shimmery pearls when they reached his jaw. Jeongguk didn't want Taehyung to cry, he wanted to comfort him, hug him and tell him he didn't mean it, but he also hated Taehyung for being unnecessarily curious about cocks and hugging a naked man would be fucking weird.

After five minutes Taehyung finally calmed down enough to step into the shower. Jeongguk turned on the water for him, then closed the curtains and sat on the toilet seat. He had told Taehyung that he would help with his clothes when he finished shower but he had forgotten that Taehyung knew nothing of the shower dynamics.

"Jeongguk what do I do with the body wash?"

"You use it to wash your body. You basically read its instructions"

*squeak squeak*

"Jeongguk do you own that squeaky duck? It's so cute!"

"It's Jae's"

"Jeongguk, what is a shampoo? Oh, it makes pretty bubbles, and it smells nice! Vanilla breeze- Oi Mr Vanilla! Why are you attacking my eyes! Help Jeongguk, it stings, it hurts so much! Fuck!"

Which resulted in Jeongguk almost giving up on all hopes of life, as he opened the curtains and stepped inside the shower, muttering something like Taehyung had to dry him with his powers afterwards. He told the blind Taehyung to direct streams of water to cleanse his eye, as he shampooed Taehyung's mint hair with gentle hands, massaging his scalp.

"Have you ever washed your hair before?"

"What do you think ggukie, I live in water."

"Okay. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I forgive you."

"You know when someone tells you they are sorry you're not supposed to say I forgive you on every occasion."

"Why not? You are forgiven though."

"Just don't"

Since Jeongguk and Taehyung were of similar height, Jeongguk had to reach up to wash Taehyung's hair. Taehyung had hummed some tunes to himself, ones that he recognised. He had heard Wonho and Seokjin hum it, the sailor and fishermen folk songs. But Taehyung's version was unlike any other tune he had ever heard. The way Taehyung sang about the sea was so beautiful, it made Jeongguk miss a place that he had never been to. Taehyung's voice was a mixture of a lot of things; the sea breezes, the waves, splashes created by flocks of fish., the currents, and the water. It was as if the sea itself spoke to Jeongguk and told him to come home.

When Taehyung stopped singing, Jeongguk almost whined in protest. "Jeongguk, are we done? Can I remove the water now?" Jeongguk nodded absentmindedly, while he put a towel on the ground just in case Taehyung did not completely dry them.

Taehyung raised his hands as a mime actor would, and he muttered under his breath, Jeongguk guessed it wasn't any human language, as it sounded like Voldemort speaking parseltongue by the sea because it sounded like the waves, but it's also slurred and unclear and very very airy.

Soon, a ball of water appeared in front of them, Taehyung waved his hand a bit, and the sphere of the ball turned into the shape of an Iron Man figure. Mark 50 from Infinity War, the last amour of Stark, which Jeongguk loved the most. Taehyung did a great job in mimicking the body gestures of Tony Stark with water- right hand raised with a nano hand blade, while the left one was armed with a repulsor cannon. The version created was like an ice sculpture of his favourite figure, translucent and transparent, and it was fucking beautiful and majestic at the same time.

"For you Ggukie, your favourite man." Taehyung smiled earnestly, staring Jeongguk right at the eye. Taehyung had only seen his Iron Man figure once, and he was already able to recreate this masterpiece. This seriously put Jeongguk's painting hobby to shame.

"Taehyung... I-I love it. It's so pretty. I wish I could keep it forever." Jeongguk ached to touch the water sculpture in front of him, but he stopped just in time. Taehyung let out a deep chuckle. "You have the real one in your room, besides, I could make one for you every day when you shower!" Taehyung then dismissively waved his hand, and the sculpture disappeared into thin air.

"Well, I guess now is the time to teach you how to sleep on the bed huh?"

After Taehyung dressed, he trailed behind Jeongguk as he left the bathroom, as he no longer needed to clutch on Jeongguk's arm, Jeongguk considered Taehyung a quick learner. Jeongguk guided him to lie on his queen size bed, and Taehyung commented on how soft the bed had felt.

"Is it safe? You know we can never sleep alone since there might be predators lurking around, we have guards in some even sleep with their eyes opened. Some elder merpeople had gone through the war and refused to lie down to sleep." Taehyung's crestfallen expression made Jeongguk wonder what kind of nightmares he had faced when he was scared of falling asleep alone.

"Don't worry, I'll sleep right beside the bed. You can call me if you need help." Jeongguk gathered his pillow and his bean bag at the corner of the room and made a makeshift bed.

"Okay. Goodnight Ggukie."

"Goodnight Taehyung."

How do you like the pacific geoduck lololol I've ate it before, not a big fan sksksksk anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, cause I sure enjoyed writing it~comment if u like it!! I'll update once more in the weekend

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