Chapter 13

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(3rd POV)

"So, did you do it?" An older man with grey sweatpants and a black shirt asked a slightly taller male with black spikey hair. They were at the back of a dark alley, right outside a side entrance to an abandon building. "Of course. It's not like I wanted to, he is my brother after all." The boy with black hair said in a bored type of voice. "So, he is starting to think violent thoughts, correct?" The older male smirked. "He's not thinking it, we are forcing him into it." The taller boy stated with a scowl. "Whatever. Anyways, it's not my fault he's closest to that green haired freak. We're only using him for now to get close to the One for All posseser, got it?" The older male reassured. "Yea, yea. Try not to hurt the shorter kid too much, please? It would tear my brother to peices if anything happened to him." The black haired male asked. The shorter boy grinned maliciously. "Sure. Let's go inside and we'll talk more about the plan, shall we?" The black haired male rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said and opened the door to the side entrance and walked in, leaving the man in grey sweatpants outside. "Yea, that kid won't even be able to remember his precious boyfriend when we fully take control of his mind." He muttered to himself and walked in after the taller male.

Word Count: 240

This is supposed to be short, I promise I didn't just get lazy. By the way, this chapter should help you understand later on. Actually, this probably confuses you even more right now, but I promise this will eventually make sense. Anyways, I have to go since it's a school night. Ugh school. See you lovely readers in the next chapter!~ GalaxyGirl*~* on.

Connections~ TodoDekuWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt