Chapter 2

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Heyoo people, I'll try to upload daily but no promises! This is a sad chapter and I guess it's important so I'm just gonna let you read, bye bye now!

Self harm and depressing thoughts are ahead, so trigger warning just in case. Procced as long as you are comfortable with reading this stuff-

(Midoriya POV)

After Todoroki left the chat I told them that I had to go to bed. Uraraka obviously didn't believe me but she eventually let me go. When I turned off my phone I started shaking. It started to get hard to breathe and the room started to get blurry. I shakily got up, remembeing I forgot to take my anxiety pills. I stumbled to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. It helped with my vision, but my legs were still shaking and I could barely breathe. I stumbled to the cabinet and grabbed my pills. I shook 2 pills out of the container and swallowed them dry. I gagged slightly at the taste of the pills, but I just slowly sat down on the toilet seat (with the lid closed) and sobbed into my hands. I probably sat there for 30 minutes just sobbing until my wrists started to get this 'pins and needles' feeling. 'Not now, please not now.' I silently beg myself. Without realizing it, I get up and walk out of the bathroom to my bedside table in my bedroom. "Stop it, please just stop it." I whisper to myself. It's almost like I have no control over my actions as I slowly open my bedside table's drawer. I grab the blade I hid in there as I'm trying to fight with myself.

<Are you seriouly fighting with yourself? You're so pathetic. Why don't you listen to Kacchan and take a swan dive off a roof. It will be better for everyone, not always being held down by a burden like you>


<You good for nothing idiot! Just kill yourself before everone has to see your worthlessness in action at that celebration party. You don't even deserve to be in that top class school when all you can do is turn yourself invisible. Fucking die already.>


<Keep making yourself bleed, but bleeding won't make you less of a burden to your mom,




Everyone around you.


So just fucking die al->

"STOPPPPP!" I yell as I'm sobbing again with blood and tears littering the floor around me. My mind and inner demons took charge of me again and I hate them...... Even if I know they are right. I walk to my bathroom again and clean off all my cuts. '22 this time huh? God I'm such a mess.' I thought to myself. I bandaged my cuts up and picked up the pills I dropped on the floor earlier from my panic attack. I put them back in the cabinet and shut the cabinet door. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a rag to wipe off my floor. 'Thank All Might my floor is hardwood.' I thought. I quickly cleaned up the mess and threw the rag out the window so no one questions a wet and bloody rag in our trash can. I turn off the lights and try to not let the bad thoughts overcome me while I fall into a deep sleep.

AHHHH POOR MIDORIYA! I almost cried while writing this. I stayed up all night writting this (god I'm so sleep deprived --_--) Anyways, the party is slowly coming up and I'm excited to write it, but of course there will be more roadblocks yet to come. NOPE NO SPOILERS! I REFUSE TO SAY ANYMORE, GOOD DAY/NIGHT/WHATEVERTIMEITISFORYOU! ~Galaxy Girl (;

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