Chapter 1

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(Todoroki POV)

I stare at the ceiling while laying in bed. I tried to fall asleep about a hour ago, but I couldn't because of the mixed feelings I have for my first day at U.A., the best hero school in Japan that I recently got accepted in. I was happy about being away from my father's abusive training for awhile, nervous because I don't know anyone, and also kinda sad knowing I couldn't have friends because of my fathers harsh rules. I heard a knock on the door. Knowing it was Fuyumi since she didn't just barge in, I started to get up from my bed. As I was getting up, I felt a sharp pain in my side and I remembered that about a hour ago I had to go through another painful training session with my father. "Shoto? Are you awake?" Fuyumi asked from outside my door. "Yea, come in." I reply in my usual monotone voice. "Shoto, you got something in the mail from a guy named Ejjiro Kirishima. Do you know him?" My sister asked. "In the letter that got sent home telling me I was accepted, there was a list of the names and quirks of my classmates. I remember seeing his name on there, so I guess I know him." I answer, confused as to why someone would want to talk to me. "In that case you should open the letter." Fuyumi said, smiling softly as she handed me the letter. "Okay." I mumbled as I took the letter from her hands. I slowly open the letter, still genuinely confused.

Dear Fellow U.A. Classmate,

I'm having a huge celebration/sleepover at my place for me and all you guys for being accepted in such an amazing hero school, and for all of us to get to know each other better for the new school year! It will be on Friday this week, since this is the last week until we start school again. My parents are out for the week so you don't have to worry about that. My adress is XXXXX On 123 street. The party starts at 6:30 pm, hope to see you there!

P.S. Im making a group chat for this so I can see who's all going, here's my number! Just text me and I'll add you to thr group chat.


I read the letter and sighed, knowing I couldn't go because my father would never let me. "What's it about?" My sister asked, a hint of concern in her voice. "Some party I'm invited to that I can't even go to because of stupid father." I mumble. "When is it?" Fuyumi asked. "Does it matter?" I ask. "Of course it does! Dad's leaving to Hosu for a buissness trip and to get rid of some crime there. He's leaving on Friday at 4:00 pm and returning on Sunday." Fuyumi says, a bit of excitement in her voice. "Well, it's on Friday at 6:30, so I might make it." I say, trying not to get my hopes up. "Perfect! Did he leave his number?" My sister asks while smiling. "Yea, I'll text him and tell the group that I'll be coming." I say, reaching over to grab my phone. "Yay! It's good for you to get out of the house for once." Fuyumi said with a chuckle. "Yea, thanks Fuyumi." I say as I enter the didgets into my phone. "Of course! You're my little brother after all." Fuyumi said with a soft smile. "I guess." I mumble. "I'll leave you alone to text your friend now. Bye Shoto!" Fuyumi said as she walked out. "Bye." I say back as she closes my door. I look back at my phone to text Kirishima.

(T- Todoroki, K- Kirishima)

T- Hey, Is this Kirishima

K-Yea, who is this?

T- Oh, sorry I'm Todoroki. I'm texting about the celebration this weekend. I just wanted to let you know I'll be coming.

K- Great! Im gonna add you to the group chat now Todoroki. See you in a flash!

T- Ok.

I wait a few seconds before a message pops up on my phone.

(All the people and their screen names on the group chat:

Kaminari- Denki
Midoriya- Izuwu
Uraraka- Uravity
Ashido- Pinky
Yaoyorozu- Yaoyomomo
Sero- TapeDispenser
Todoroki- IcyHot
Kirishima- PartyGod

~1-A Group Chat~

PartyGod- Guys, I have another person! His name's Todoroki. Greet him kindly and with respect!

IcyHot- Hi.

Pinky- Hey Todoroki! My name is Mina Ashido, nice to meet you.

Denki- Yo. I'm Kaminari, but everyone calls me Denki!

Yaoyomomo- Hi, Im Yaoyorozu!

TapeDispenser- Wassup Bro, I'm Sero. Nice to meet ya man!

Uravity- Hi! I'm Uraraka, Im looking forward to meeting you!

IcyHot- Thanks, It's nice to meet you too.

Uravity- No problem! Deku, stop being your shy self and talk to Todoroki you big doofus.

Deku- Hi.

IcyHot- Nice to meet you... Should I just call you Deku or do you perfer your real name.

Deku- uhhhh.... I don't mind .

Uravity- I swear to gosh Deku If you don't speak more than 3 words when you speak I will find your house and do it for you

Deku- ...I...ummm... Hi, how are you doing?

Uravity- Ughhh, you're so difficult

IcyHot- Well, I'll see you all on Friday. Goodnight.

I turn off my phone as I get spammed with a bunch of goodnights from the group chat. I smile to myself as I lay down in bed, covering myself with my blanket.

'I can't wait till Friday' I think before falling into a dreamless sleep.

Hello all of the people who actually decided to read this story! Tysm for actually giving me a chance, I'm new to all of this but just bare with me. Some of these chapters will be sad but they will eventually get more light hearted. All right I'm done rambling, see you in the next chapter! ~Galaxy Girl<3

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