Chapter 4

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AHHH I'M SORRY FOR WAITING SO LONG FOR THIS CHAPTER!!!! I've been extremely busy with everything. Since you probably don't care about the details I'll put them at the end in case you want to skip them, but for now, enjoy this chapter!

(Deku's POV)

As our small group was walking to Kirishima's house, Todoroki kept on glancing at me. I think he knows that I have someting wrong with me. I can't really say anyting because I kept on looking at him too. Once our eyes met and I felt a few butterflies in my stomach. <You guys literally looked at each other, nothing special... but then why did it feel so special? Whatever. It's not like someone like him would ever like someone like you.> I think bitterly as I turn away from him and glare at the ground. Soon enough we arrived at Kirishima's house. He had a decently big house so it's no wonder he needed help decorating. Once we got in Iida took charge and assigned us stuff to do. "Uraraka and Tsu, get the living room comfortable. Hagakure and Mina get games ready. Yaoyorozu, make the decorations while Todoroki hands them to Deku to hang them up with the help of Sero with his tape while me and Kirishima make the snacks. Does everyone got that?" Everyone, including me, nodded. Everyone went there separate ways to do their part in the party. Since I was too short for some of the places, Yaoyorozu made a ladder for me. We had a simple routine. Yaoyorozu made whatever we needed, Todoroki threw the decoration up to me, then Sero would add tape to where we needed to. One of the decrorations we needed to put on was super high up at the entrance of Kirishima's house. Uraraka stopped what she was doing for a second to float the ladder to the place we needed then left to go back to Tsu. Once I was up there, Todoroki threw up the huge poster. I panicked as I saw how high up I was and I lost my footing. <Hm. I never thought I would die from falling off a ladder,but here I am. At least the pain will stop now.> I close my eyes and smile to myself until I feel someone catch me. "Damn it." I mutter. I slowly open my eyes to a confused looking Todoroki. All of a sudden I get really flustered and butterflies erupt in my stomach. <What the fuck. Why am I getting so flusstered over I met 2 hours ago.> "Midoriya, are you ok?" Todoroki asks, a concerned look on his face. "Yes, I'm fine. Just put me down." I say not-so-reassuringly and I look away from his multi-colored eyes. I could feel him staring at me, and I start to get a little agitated. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I say sarcastically. Then, as if we just got married, he picked me up, muttered something along the lines of "I'll be right back.", and started walking to what I assumed was the bathroom. I just stared up at him dumbfounded.

(Todoroki's POV)

As I take Midoriya to the bathroom, I can't help but think if there is something wrong with him. I mean, I was suspicious he had depression since I first saw the bandages and his dull eyes, but after I heard him mutter "Damn it." once I saved his life, I was pretty sure. I needed to ask him and I didn't want to ask it in front of everyone, so this was the first private place I thought of. I really wanted to repeat his remark he said earlier when I was staring at him since he seemed so sad he didn't die, as he stared at me with a extremely confused expression, but I felt like me and him had some weird connection and I didn't want to be mean. "What in hell are we doing here," Midoriya asked, "and why are you just standing there, can you at least put me down or something." I quickly realized we were already at the bathroom and I set him down on the counter. As I locked the door, he visibly tensed up. "I swear if you are trying to fu-" "I'm not trying to fuck you Midoriya, I just want to know what's wrong." Midoriya seemed to relax a bit, but also a look of pain in his eyes. "Why do you care." He asked in a slightly annoyed tone. "I...I-I don't know, but I just feel like I have to help you for some reason." I mumble. "That's weird, because I feel the same. It doesn't matter though, I'm fine." His voice cracked when he said 'fine'. I didn't want to pry but it seemed bad if he was gonna cry over it. "Well then what about that sad and dull look in your eyes?" I ask. "I...umm..well I-" He stuttered before I cut him off. "Or the bandages around your arms, or how sad you seemed when I saved you from death, or how Bakugo was clearly being an ass but you still said you were fine-" I was cut off by him sobbing im my chest. "I-I'm...s-sorry... I-I-I..-" "Shhh, you did nothing wrong, you're ok." I say hugging him. He hugs me back and just sobs uncontrollably. I whisper sweet nothings to him and rub his back. With that, he seems to get more calm. Once he completely stops crying, I crouch down to his level and he looks me directly in my eyes. I grab his shoulders and I stare back at his beautiful emerald eyes and start talking softly to not pressure him. "You don't have to tell me exactly what's wrong, but I want to help you and I can't do that unless I know you're ok or you're not ok. So, Midoriya, are you ok?" His eyes tear up and he shakes his head 'no' slowly, then he wraps his arms around my neck and sobs into my shoulder. "Let it all out, It's ok. I'm here now. Don't worry, you'll be ok. Shshsh." I whisper in his ear and I hug him back. "T-thanks... I'm s-sorry for l-lying." Midoriya mumbles, still hugging me. "Don't apologize for anything, it's not your fault." I say back. "Why don't we enjoy the party for now, and then we can talk about everything later?" I suggest as I take my arms from around him. "O-okay." Midoriya says as he lets me go. "Let's get you you cleaned up first." I say, wetting a towel and wiping Midoriya's face with it. "Thanks for everything, T-Todoroki." He says with a small smile. I feel butterflies in my stomach and feel my face heating up. <Why do I feel butterflies in my stomach after knowing him for such a short time? It must just be nothing, right?> "Do you have a fever? You seem to look a little warm." Midoriya asks with concern. "Oh, yea I'm fine. Are you ready to head out?" I ask, shaking away the thought of anything too deep. "Sure!" He exclaims while hopping off the counter. "Let's go then." I say unlocking the door and walking out with Midoriya following behind. We get back to where everyone is and everyone comes over to us. "Is Deku ok?" Uraraka asks. "Yea, I must've jammed my toe or something when I fell off the ladder so Todoroki helped me with it." Midoriya said with a big fake smile. It almost hurt to see him fake his happiness, but I knew I couldn't help him unless I know the details, so I had to wait. "I'm ok now, did everyone finish up preparing?" He asked. Iida nodded. "Everyone should be here soon, so be ready I guess." Kirishima added. <Tonight is gonna be a long night> I thought as we all went to the living room.

Whew! 1538 words. It's an interesting chapter I guess, with poor Deku being a sad little munchkin, but thankfully we have the candy cane to comfort him. Lol this story is a mess already. Anyways, for those of you who care why I've been absent, me and my family had to prepare for the Eagles game we're going to today! I'm kinda nervous cause I like the country wayyyyy more than the city. (A lot of my relatives live in Philadelphia so I know what it's like, I'm not being stereotypical.) On top of that we have been babysitting my friend for long hours so it's really busy in my house. I'm gonna have to take a 1-3 day break because I'm not allowed to bring my phone to the game incase it gets lost and we are staying in Philly for 2 days. I'm not sure what time I'm getting home, so I'll try and make the Party Chapters longer to make up for it, Sorry! I'm gonna go to bed now since I spent all night working on this and now it's 6:00 in the morning, good night/morning!~Galaxy Girl(;

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