Chapter 12

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Okay so I realized I've been spelling Shouto's name wrong. I'm not gonna go back and fix every single time I spelled his name wrong, but I will start spelling his name correctly. Alright, that's it. Enjoy chapter 12. (:

(Todoroki's POV)

We arrive at Izuku's house, me still being on his back and Izuku being pissed. "You can put me down now." I say. "Gladly." Izuku says coldly and drops me off his back. "Thank you for the lift Izuku." I smirk at him. Izuku rolls his eyes and starts to walk away. "What's wrong?" I ask him. I don't know if he's just faking or if he's actually mad. Either way I'm still concerned. "You publicly humiliated me! That's what's fucking wrong." He snapped. I was appalled by his sudden outburst. I quickly recovered and went up to him. Izuku slightly stepped back and looked away from me. "I think it would be best if you just went home." Izuku said, a stern expression on his face. "I'm not leaving until I make things right." I state, still looking down at him. He crosses his arms and looks at me, but doesn't say anything. "I guess I will have to do that by admitting my wrongs, for which I'm sorry for." I say, looking down slightly. I hear quiet laughter and look up, seeing Izuku trying to stiffle his laugh. I give him a confused look, which only makes him laugh more. "I-I'm sorry! It's just I was just joking a-and-" Izuku get's cut off by his own laughter. "Hey! That's not fair!" I pout, but then start laughing with him. Once we stop laughing, I crouch down and hug Izuku. "I'm still sorry though, I guess it was kinda mean of me to do that." I say. Izuku chuckles and ruffles my hair, making me giggle. "I love you Shouto." Izuku says, hugging me back. "I love you too." I smile as Izuku rests his head on my shoulder. Of course, my phone rings, ruining our moment. I release from our embrace and take my phone out from my pocket. I roll my eyes when I see the caller. I answer the phone, only to be yelled at. "WHERE IN HELL ARE YOU! YOU'VE MISSED AT LEAST A DAY OF TRAINING!" Endeavor yells through the phone. Izuku looks at me with worry, but I give him a reassuring look. "I've been at a friend's house..." I smirk. "Studying." "I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS. YOU KNOW YOUR NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO HAVE FRIENDS. GET YOUR ASS HOME NOW SHOUTO." Endeavor hangs up. I roll my eyes again. 'I don't want to leave Izuku alone for that long, he something he'll regret.' I think. Izuku taps me on the shoulder and I look down at him. "I'll be fine, I'll go over to Uraraka's or something. I just don't want you to get hurt or in trouble because of me." Izuku smiles at me. "Fine, but be careful. Please?" I say, not convinced. "Promise." Izuku states. He stands on his tippy toes and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask, making my way to the door. "Of course. Love you!" Izuku smiles, waving. "Love you too." I smile back and walk out the door, preparing myself for the hell hole I'm about to enter.

~Time Skip~

I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling, hurting all over from the burns and bruises my dad left me with. 'God...why does life hate me so much? Whatever, it's not like I've never dealt with this shit before. I wonder if Izuku is ok. Did he get to Uraraka's safely? Is he ok? I should text him to make sure.' I think while sitting up. I grab my phone off the table and go to my recent contacts, finding Izuku's number quickly.





I sigh as I hear his angelic voice.

"Izuku! Are you ok? You got to Uraraka's safely right? No encounters with villians or something?" I hear Izuku chuckle through the phone.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. What about you?"


"Shouto...what happened?"

"It's nothing...."

"Shouto Todoroki I swear to god what is wrong."

"It's just what happens everyday. I've been dealing with it since I was 5, so really I'm fine."

I hear the line disconnect on the other side, and I start to freak out. 'What happened? Oh god, please tell me he's okay. Should I find him? I should go check if he's okay-" My thoughts are inturupted by a knock on the window. I look over to see Izuku's adorable face, and relief washes over me. I rush over to the window and open it. Izuku immediately crawls in and tackles me to the ground. I wince slightly at the pain of the impact of my bruised body and the hardwood floor. "You idiot! This doesn't look like you're fine!" Izuku whisper-yelled at me. "I'm sorry...." I say and Izuku kisses my nose. "It's okay, just let me clean you up." Izuku smiles softly and gets up, reaching his hand down to help me up. I take it gratefully but frown at him. "Izuku, you know I love you but you really shouldn't be here." I say. Izuku sighs but stays put. "I thought you'd say that. I will do anything for you, Shouto, even if that means getting hurt because of it." I hug the smaller boy tightly and he returns the hug. "Izuku, I can't-" I start. "Come on, we're getting you fixed up." Izuku cut me off. He had a stern but soft look on his face. I gave in and I led him to the bathroom. He told me to sit on the sink counter and I obeyed. Izuku found the first aid kit and started cleaning off my cuts and bruises when he chuckled lightly. "What's so funny?" I ask him. "It's kinda like the first time we met, except...well you know..." Izuku looked away shyly. I giggled slightly. "I guess. It could also be the last time we meet." I say nonchalantly. Izuku looks at me with a shocked expression and a hint of fear in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what that was..." I stutter. Izuku ignores it and continues cleaning my wounds. Once he finished he smiled at me. "Alright I'm done. Do you feel any better?" Izuku asked proudly. I chuckled and nodded, not trusting my own words. "I'll walk you home. It's getting quite late and I don't want you to run into some psychopath." I say, relaxing slightly. "Are you saying I can't protect myself?" Izuku asks jokingly while cleaning up. "Maybe. You don't have to do that you know." I smile at him. "I know, but I'm doing it anyways." Once Izuku finished we crawled out my window again and started walking to Izuku's house. We held hands along the way. I loved the way his small hands fit into mine so perfectly. "Alright, goodnight Shouto! I love you!" Izuku called to me as he walked to his front door. "Goodnight, and Love you more!" I call back. I hear Izuku laugh as he closes the door. Turning around, I start my walk back to my home. Midway through, I start getting...strange thoughts. 'Would anyone noticed if I killed someone this late at night? Like, if someone were in an alley I could just jump them and- What the hell am I thinking!' I shake my head as if It were to clear my head of such strange thoughts. I quicken my pace and arrive at my house. I hop into the open window, closing me off from the darkness outside.

Word Count: 1265

I guess we're just not gonna talk about Shouto thinking about killing someone. Anyways! Lol I'm sorry this is so short and I haven't been that active recently. Like, I don't deserve all this attention you guys are giving me. Speaking of, I'M ALMOST AT 1,000 READS. I CAN'T THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH! I know it's not a lot, but for someone as socially akward as me, that's a lot of people. Hehe, I have school tomorrow so I can't talk long, but I'll see y'all in the next chapter! ~GalaxyGirl OwO

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