Chapter 8

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(Midoriya's POV)


wake up and feel an arm around me and my arms around them. I try to get up and see who this mystery person is when there arm pushes me back down on the bed. "Huh?..." An equally as confused voice says. I blush recognizing the person I'm technically cuddling with. "GAHHH! IZUKU?! I'm so sorry! Oh sh- Ouch!" Todoroki yells and falls off the bed. Memories of last night slowly coming to me, even the part of asking Shoto to stay. "I-It's really m-my f-fault, but a-are you o-okay?" I stutter, looking over the bed at him. "Uhh, heh, yea. Did you, s-sleep well?" Shoto asks, smiling nervously. I smirk. "Well, I mean, you are really comfortable." I say in a smug voice. "Oh really?" He smirks. Shoto gets up and sits next to me, laying his head on my shoulder. "You're really comfortable too." Shoto smiles. I blush wildly, having the same feeling I have everytime Shoto is near me. 'I'll have to ask Uraraka what this weird feeling is tomorrow.' I think, trying to not blush so much that it's noticeable. Obviously it didn't work, since Shoto looked up at me from my shoulder and frowns. "Am I making you uncomfortable Izuku?" Shoto asks. "I-uh... No, it's fine. I'm just...thinking." I mutter and look away from his eyes, which I have finally decided that no matter how much I argue with myself are most definitely beautiful. "What are you thinking about?" Shoto asks quietly. "N-nothing. I mean I'm thinking about something, obviously, but it's nothing important. Well, it could be important, but not to you. Unless-" "Izuku." Shoto whispers. "You were going to tell me how you got depression over ice cream, so if you don't mind me asking, can you tell me now?" He looks right into my eyes when asking me this question. I let out a shakey breath, and start.

(Todoroki's POV)


F-Fine. When I was little, Kacchan bullied me. Both mentally and physically. He said my quirk wasn't going to help me become a hero and that it wasn't strong enough to help anyone. When I was about 12, I started...this." Izuku takes off his bandages and shows me both his arms. New and old cuts are all over his arms. I clench my fists, knowing that someone in our class made him do this. "Most of them are from me, the rest being from Kacchan's physical bullying. Well, ever since then, my mom has noticed my anxiety and talked to me about prescriptions. She only wanted the best for me and she bought me them. Once I got them, my anxiety died down and I felt a little better. I delt with the endless bullying, since I know Kacchan is still my caring childhood friend somewhere inside him. Everything got a lot worse one day in my last year of middle school, the year before I got accepted into U.A. The teacher was telling the class how amazing our quirks were, and then Kacchan said someting about not being mixed in with extras. The teacher then said to the class about how Kacchan wanted to go to U.A. then turned to me," Izuku started to tear up, so I started running my hands through his hair, making him calm down. "H-He told the w-whole c-class that I w-wanted t-to go to U-U.A. My class just s-started to laugh a-and Kacchan glared at me. H-he got out of his chair and k-kicked my desk aside and stared backing m-me up to a wall and y-yelled...a-awful things at me. He was g-going to use his q-quirk if the t-teacher didn't step in." Izuku was almost sobbing at this point, so I just brought him into a hug. As he was calming down, he continued. "At the e-end of class, I was late s-since I needed to put all m-my stuff in my backpack. I-I was about to l-leave until Kacchan and his goons s-stopped me. Kacchan took my.....n-notebook," He glanced at his bookshelf and then back at me. Izuku go up and pulled out all 13 of the notebooks on that shelf. "Here." Izuku handed me the 13th notebook. I started looking through it and I saw amazingly detailed drawings of heros and notes about them and their quirks. As I got to the middle of the book, it was all of our classmates and the teachers. I stared in awe at the beauty of everything. I soon found my page and smiled, seeing a recent note saying 'Mysterious but beautiful eyes.' I start laughing and Izuku looks away, tears filling his eyes. "I k-know it's s-stupid." Izuku looks on the verge of breaking down. "A-Actually. These notebooks are super cool and detailed, you really do have a talent." I start to chuckle again. Izuku looks at me confused. "W-What are you laughing at then?" He looks over my shoulder and I point to the note. He turns as red as a tomato and I laugh harder. "Oh?~ Are my beautiful eyes too mysterious to handle." I look at him and he puts his face in his hands, somehow blushing harder. I start crying I'm laughing so hard. "Oh my god. Sho stop laughing!" Izuku whines, slapping himself realizing what he just said. "Sho?" I tease him, hardly able to breath from how much I'm laughing. "DAMN IT! AHHHHH!" Izuku starts to laugh just as much, eventually stopping to put all the books away. "I'm soooo sorry!" Izuku sits back down, blushing crazily. "It's fine, I got a good laugh out of it anyways." I smile, but then remember what we were talking about before and go serious. "Are you ok to continue or do you need a minute?" I ask Izuku. He looks at me and sighs. "I'm fine, but for this part you need to promise not to tell anyone." Izuku looks at me, almost pleading me with his eyes. "Of course I promise." I say, smiling softly. "Ok, well, Kacchan took my notebook and he buned it then threw it out the window. He started to threaten me about U.A. then left saying that there was one way to get a better quirk. He...uhhh told T-take a s-swan d-dive off a r-roof and hope t-to get a b-better q-quirk in my n-next life." Izuku looked away from me, and I could feel anger surrounding me. "H-He told you to k-kill yourself?" I ask, a lot harsher then intended. Izuku jumped at my sudden change. "I g-guess." Izuku looked up at me. "It's ok though! I have way better friends now and, thanks to you, things are starting to look better." Izuku smiled, a big bright beautiful smile that looks amazing on him. "You should smile more. It looks good on you." I smirk and his face heats up. "S-Shoto! I'm telling you something serious!" Izuku giggles, making me blush this time. 'Why is this boy so cute? Wait- hold up! A-Am I? GAY?' I'm inturupted by Izuku coughing. "Can I continue?" Izuku asks, frowning slightly. "O-Oh yea sure." I say. Izuku lets out a shakey breath. "You won't get mad right?" Izuku asks, not looking me in the eyes. "No promises, but I'll try." I frown, thinking the worst. "W-Well, I went to the bridge on 127 street, right above the stream, and...and I-I.....jumped." Izuku whispered. My eyes go wide and I start to tear up. "Izuku...." I reach out to grab him by the shoulder and he looks at me, guilt lacing his eyes. "I-I know.....I'm sorry." He looks down, making his hair cover his eyes. As he starts to cry, I pull him into a huge hug. "P-Please don't apologize, it was that e-explosive bastard who did this to y-you." I cry as well, but Izuku sobs and sobs. After a while, I ask, "Are you sure you want to continue?" He just nods but continues to hug me. "Do you need to wait a second?" I ask, hoping it's not too many questions. He shakes his head and starts talking quietly, still hugging me. "All Might saved me." He whispers. I smile slightly. "That must've been a really awkward moment to meet your idol." I smirk. Izuku giggles softly and continues. "Well, he asked me what was wrong and everything, but he seemed a little rushed. I told him everything. I can't tell you the exact details of everything cause he made me promise to not post about it or tell anyone, but I asked him the question that was bothering me for a while back then. I asked him if I had what it takes to be a hero. All Might told me that my quirk was very useful, but it would be good for a policeman or detective. After that I left and decided to walk around to process everything that happened, when I saw smoke. I ran to see what was happening and I saw Kacchan trapped in a weird slime monster. I don't know but my feet moved faster then my brain-" "No way." I cut him off. I couldn't believe what I was hearing "You were the one who ran to help him?! I saw that all over the news, but it said you were quirkless?" I stare at him in awe and he laughs nervously. "Yea I didn't use my invisibility. That's also why Kacchan called me quirkless in the chat. He took it from the news people." Izuku frowned slightly. "Ya know, I admire you for what you did then. Whenever I had time, I would watch that clip of you running to help Bakugo to learn to be a better hero." I blushed a little from embarrassment. Izuku smirked at me. "I guess those beautiful, mysterious eyes couldn't keep away from me before they even met me." Izuku chuckled. I smiled and Izuku continued. "Well, since you know the story of the fight, I'll just skip to the next part. After getting told off by a bunch of heros, I started my walk home. Kacchan stopped me and then he told me off for saving him and whatever. Then, I met someone on the way home. I can't tell you who because of privacy reasons, but since this is a really important, I'll have to give you a general idea. So their quirk is able to be passed down by DNA, but if your body is not fit enough to possess the quirk, you will be blown into pieces from the power of the quirk. In that case, I had to train everyday until I was fit enough to possess it. My trainer made me a schedule to keep me healthy and well rested, but also a good amount of training in between it all. I had to clean the whole beach before U.A. try-outs started or else the quirk would destroy me when having it passed down. I did make it, but I don't have control of the quirk, so it breaks whatever limb I try to use it with. I passed the test and got into U.A., obviously. I'm not going to make my quirk known to anyone until I get control of it. The U.A. staff know of everything so they understand. Kacchan still bullies me, but things are starting to get a lot better now." Izuku smiles at me. "So this is what caused me to be," He points to himself. "Me." Izuku's smile melts my heart. 'Why do I feel this way for this boy? I'll have to ask one of the girls for advice.' I think and hug Izuku. "So you're ok now?" I ask him. "Well I'm doing better than I was a while ago." Izuku hugs me back. For the rest of the day, we binge watch movies and stay inside, enjoying each others company.

Word Count (not including both Author's notes): 2043

I WROTE A WHOLE LOT FOR JUST TWO DUDES BEING IN A BEDROOM! (I know what you're thinking you dirty minded little readers but I'm talking about my chapter and this will be a Christian book [mostly], now get some holy water for these children!) ANYWAYS! I tried to write a longer chapter since I've been absent for so long, but this chapter was kinda iffy. I'm honestly really excited for the next few chapters since there's a lot of drama. Okkkkk before I spoil my whole book, I should probably end this here! I'll see you guys in the next chapter, love youuuu!~ GalaxyGirl @~@

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