Chapter 6

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I haven't posted in so long, I feel really bad! I'm sorry but there's so much stress, getting ready for school and all that other stuff, with all that and more, it's been hard to post. I'm trying, I really am, it's just a little hard. Enjoy this chapter now!

(Midoriya's POV)

I tried not to cut for Todoroki. I really did try, but since I never saw him since the party, he probably thinks I'm weird and never wants to hang out again, so I cut. A lot. I mean I ended up cuddling with him and kissing him in the same night, so I can understand why he hates me. I tried overdosing on my anxiety pills, but then I remembered I could see Todoroki at school. If I could just make sure he's ok, even if he does hate me, then I would feel a little better. I ended up passing out from the 6 pills I took. Now I'm on my way to U.A., thoughts of all that happened since the day before I got the letter from Kirishima swarming my ming. Before I knew it, I was at the class 1-A. I took a deep breath, made sure my sleeves were as far down as possible to cover my bandages, and went into class. The first thing I saw was Iida scolding Kacchan for putting his feet on the desk. I looked beside me to see a very anxious Todoroki waiting near the door, like he was waiting for someone. "Todoroki?" I asked from beside him. He looked up at me and it was like all the anxiety was blown away from him. <So he was waiting for me? I thought he hated me. Whatever. Nothing good ever lasts long for me, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.> "Midoriya! I was so worried. Sorry if I sound nosy when I ask, but did you do anymore... uhh self-harm?" Todoroki asked, looking both concerned and embarrassed. I stood there silent looking at him in shock. <There's no point in hiding it, he already knows. Stop being a pussy and open up to him. Let him help you. Todoroki will find out eventually. Tell him all that happened and you will probably feel better.> "Can we talk about this after school, in a place a little more...secluded?" I asked. He nods and I release a shaky breath. "Also, why were you worried about me? You were the one going through all that shit with your father. I'm worred about you more than I'm worried about my self." I say, hoping to have him notice the concern I have.  "Thanks, but I got through 16 years of it by now, what's another 2 more?" Todoroki says shrugging. "What's happening in two years?" I ask. Before he can even open his mouth to answer, we can hear Kacchan yell. "WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU STILL IN THIS CLASS FOR DEKU! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD'VE GOT THE MESSAGE NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE BY THAT DAMN PARTY!" At this point I snapped. "YOU KNOW WHAT MESSAGE I GOT FROM THAT PARTY?YOU'RE A DAMN BOTTOM KACCHAN!" I scream back. I hear snickering from the people listening, including Todoroki. At this point, Kacchan was standing there, trying to find something to say back to that, but it was obvious he couldn't. "Talk to you at lunch Todoroki." I mumble and sit at the back of the classroom, fuming. <Who does he think he is? Making a scene like that in the middle of a school teaching us how to be pro-hero's, plus it was on the first day. God, does he ever shut up about him being number one. It's not like I'll ever make it, but he'll be kicked out in the first week with his temper.> I think bitterly. I go to grab my phone from out of my bag. I almost scream as I see a yellow caterpillar looking thing in the doorway. It rolls into the classroom, and as he takes off the yellow thing, I realize it's just our teacher in a sleeping bag. What shocks me the most is who out teacher is. "Eraser-head..." I say under my breath. I make a mental note to make sure to take notes in my hero notebook when I can. "Good Morning Class. My name is Mr. Aizawa, your teacher for however long you kids stay here." Mr. Aizawa says while he rubs his eyes. "You kids do whatever you want, just don't leave the classroom except for the bathroom and don't wake me up." Mr Aizawa says while going back into his sleeping bag. He goes to the back of his desk and we all wait until we hear soft snoring to start moving. I grab my phone and headphones from in my backpack. I put my headphones on and start playing music, resting my head on my desk while doing so.

(Time skip because I'm lazy)

I jump and turn invisible when someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and see a very confused Todoroki looking at me. "Uhhh... Midoriya?" He asks. I turn visible again, my face heating up from embarrassment. "Oh, the bell rang so we can go to lunch now. Do you wanna eat lunch with me? Maybe we can talk about...what's wrong." Todoroki asks, seeming nervous. "O-Of course." I say with a small smile. I put my phone back in my bag, and start walking with him to go to lunch. That weird feeling comes in my stomach again, and I can't help but wonder about it.

(Todoroki's POV)

As me and Midoriya walk to lunch, the fluttery feeling comes back. I ignore it and find a table to sit at after we get our lunches. I can tell how nervous he is. I'm not sure if it's about talking with me about his self harm or something else, but I just want him to know that he can talk to me. We sit down and we kinda just stare at each other. "By the way-" He starts, until Iida and Uraraka come racing over to us. "Oh my god, Deku what you said to Bakugo today was priceless! He so deserved that." Uraraka says while sitting down. "Heh, thanks." Midoriya says, faking a smile. "Hey Todoroki, wanna get ice cream later this week?" Midoriya adds. I understand what he's trying to say and nod. "Oooooh~" Uraraka smirks. "Did that kiss ignite something? I'm surprised Deku could ask you on a date so easily." Uraraka says. I feel my face heat up at the mention of the kiss. I don't know why but I kissed back. <It almost felt like it was right, and weirdly I was a little disappointed when he pulled away. I don't know why, it's not like I like him. We only just met anyways.> "Uraraka! It's not like that!" I'm pulled out of thought by Midoriya whining with his face beat red. He had his face in his hands and he looked really cute- WAIT WHAT! I start blushing more by this thought. "Whatever you say Deku~" Uraraka laughs. When we all calm down, I still can't get my mind off of everything that happened that night and today. <We kissed, and we barely knew each other! Even if it was just a dare, it was still technically my first kiss. And then we ended up cuddling. He looked so peaceful though, ugh this is weird. Plus that weird feeling I get whenever we're near each other, he said he felt it too though. Why did I call him cute as well. I mean, he is adorable and a great kisser- AHH STOP IT!> I shake my head, eating my food to try and clear my mind. <This is gonna be a long year.> I think, knowing it won't be that bad as long as I have Midoriya and our other friends. Mostly Midoriya but- NOT AGAIN DAMN IT!

1337 words in this chapter! Not as long as most of my chapters but I didn't wanna drag this on. Their 'date' will happen in the next chapter in case you were wondering. I freaking loved that part with Bakugo and Deku though. It wasn't in my original plan but I'm glad I'm keeping it. Anyways, since most people are going to skip past this, I'm not going to bother with the details why I was so long to update with the chapters, but I should be able to get back on my writing schedule until school starts. Until next time readers! ~Galaxy Girl ~_~

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