Chapter 11

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(Todoroki's POV)

I wake up and feel small arms around me and hear an alarm clock blaring. I reach over and hit the alarm clock, accidentally knocking it off the bedside table. 'Whatever. Today's a Sunday anyways.' I think and get comfortable again, pulling Izuku a little closer to me. "Love you, Izuku." I whisper and fall back into a peaceful sleep.

~Time Skip~

Once more, I rise from my slumber, only this time Izuku's arms aren't around me. I sit straight up, spinning me head around the room to look for the missing boy. I bolt out the room when I hear pans clattering and a loud "Damn It!" "Izuku?" I call as I walk to the kitchen. "Huh? Oh I'm right here." I look down and see Izuku looking up at me with a huge smile. He still had the writing from last night on his cheeks. I smirk and he looks up at me with a confused look. "Remember last night?" I recall, making Izuku's eyes widen, but then he giggles. "Speaking of  don't look in the mirror anytime soon Shouto." I give him a confused look, not knowing what he means, but he just giggles again. "Anyways, I decided to make breakfast, but the pan fell with the Eggs on it so I need to remake them. Do you want to help?" Izuku lets go of me and smiles. I sigh. "Can't we just go out or something?" I complain. Izuku looked away embarrassed. "What's wrong?" I ask, crouching down to Izuku's level, and Izuku looks back at me, guilt layering his eyes. "Well... the last time we went out... I cried a lot and you had to carry me home... I was really embarrassing, I'm sor-" I cut him off with a kiss on the lips. Izuku looks shocked at first, but quickly kisses back. I pull away and smile slightly. "Well, if you want, this time you can carry me back here." I say. Izuku smiles and nods. "We can be even then!" Izuku exclaims and he gets up, only now realizing the mess he's made. "It's a good thing we're eating out, the eggs would probably just taste like me and the ground." Izuku says, and I smirk. "I mean, I wouldn't mind tasting you~" I step closer so that our chests are almost touching and he blushes furiously. "I...uh... I'm g-gonna go g-get c-changed." Izuku stutters and runs to his room. I chuckle, thinking about my adorable boyfriend.

~Another Time Skip~
(Midoriya's POV)

I come out of my room after recovering from my flustered state and changing. I walk out to the kitchen to start walking to a café with Shouto, but what I see...hell. Of course the moment I walk in, Shouto is shirtless. I mean it's not like I've never seen him change before, it's just we're a thing now so I guess it's more awkward. I guess Shouto notices me, because he turns around and gives me a smug  look. "Like what you see?" My cheeks grow hot at his remark.  "N-No! I m-mean...uh...YES! W-W-Wait...I d-didn't mean i-it l-like th-that!" I yell defensively. Shouto chuckles and continues putting his shirt on. "You're too cute Izuku." Shouto smiles at me. "No way! You're too cute Shouto!" I giggle lightly. He comes over to me and hugs me. "You're cuter." Shouto boops my nose. "Nuh-uh! You're cutest!" I look up at him and smile. "We can be cute together then." Shouto finishes. He looks down at me and kisses my nose. I giggle again. "Fine. Let's go get something to eat now, I'm starving!" I smile and walk away from the embrace. "Alright." Shouto says as he puts on his shoes. I put on mine and take his hand. We walk out the door and start walking. "So...umm which café should we go to?" Shouto speaks up. "Hmm, maybe we should go to..." I stop mid-sentence and look at...a certain two boys...walking in front of us. Shouto looks at me questioningly and looks over at where I'm looking. His eyes widen in shock and he stops, letting go of my hand. I stop with him and attempt to say something, but no words come out. "Is that..?" Shouto starts. "Kirishima and Kacchan holding hands. Yes." I finish. Apparently, Kirishima noticed us and his eyes turn to saucers. He stops walking and taps Kacchan's shoulder, making the blonde haired boy look up at me and Shouto. He quickly lets go of Kirishima's hand and walks over to us, Kirishima following behind him. "WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU AND HALF & HALF DOING OUT HERE, STUPID NERD!" Kacchan yells, drawing the attention of other bystanders. "We're getting breakfast, dumbass." I scowl at Kacchan. "The real question is what are you and Kirishima doing out here, not to mention holding hands~" Shouto teases, and the two blush. "W-We um..." Kirishima stutters. He glances at Kacchan and Kacchan rolls his eyes. " are o-officialy dating n-now" Kacchan looks away from the two of us and he crosses his arms. "Oh ok, well I support the two of you unconditionally!" I smile brightly and I see Shouto smile and look away from me. "Hold up, what is that on your guys' faces?" Kirishima glances at the two of us. Shouto looks at me questioningly, until he realizes what happened. "You weren't asleep, were you?" Shouto whispers to me. "Can we talk about that later, we have bigger issues right now!" Shouto glares at me playfully and I giggle. "Seriously, are you two d-" HEY WHY DON'T WE ALL GO OUT TO GET BREAKFAST TOGETHER! YA KNOW, AS BROS!" I exclaim, changing the subject of me and Shouto's face art. Kirishima smiles wide. "Of course! Katsubro what do you think?" Kirishima smiles at his boyfriend. "Ugh, whatever." Kacchan frowns. "Katsubro? And I thought Kacchan was embarrassing." Shouto snickers. "SHUT THE FUCK UP ICY HOT BASTARD!" Kacchan yells at Shouto. I roll my eyes. "Stop fucking fighting you idiots and let's get some DAMN FOOD!" The three look at me surprised, but then Kacchan goes back to his cold glare and Shouto starts laughing, while Kirishima smirks at the two of us. "Umm yea, let's go get some food." Kacchan grumbles and walks off, the rest of us trailing behind.

~Time Skip for the Billionth time~
(3rd POV)

The four boys walk into the café, the red and blonde haired boys holding hands. Todoroki and Midoriya walk to the front counter, ordering hot tea for everyone at the table and a plate of macarons. They all start eating in a comfortable silence. "So, my mom got 5 tickets to an amusement park next weekend and I was wondering if you guys would like to come." Kirishima speaks up after all the Macarons were gone. Midoriya's eyes light up as he nods his head vigorously. "Of course, I would love to come if you would have me!" Izuku exclaims, his smile bright, and Kirishima returns the smile. "No duh I'm coming." Bakugo mutters and smiles slightly. Meanwhile, Shouto looks at the rest of them with a confused look. "What's wrong Sh-Todoroki?" Izuku looks at him with concern. "What's park?" Shouto looks away with embarrassment. "Oh, Todoroki! I forgot about....him." Izuku looks at the bi-haired boy with more concern than before. "Who is....him?" Kirishima asks, looking clearly confused. Izuku shrugs his shoulders. "I-It's nobody." Shouto quickly states. It would be better if not a lot of people knew, and Shouto wanted it to be that way anyways. "Well, I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, but it's a place with a lot of rides and stores, possibly some games. It's a whole load of fun and it would be great if you could come." Izuku explains, looking at the other boy with pleading eyes. "Sure." Todoroki says plainly and smiles lightly at the shorter boy. Bakugo and Kirishima look at each other with suspicion. "So, are you and Half & Half dating Deku?" Bakugo smirks at the two. Midoriya and Todoroki blush and look at each other. "Um...W-We a-" Izuku gets Inturupted by his phone ringing. He sighs and picks it up. "Hello?" Izuku asks the caller. "Zuku, I'm home right now, but I'm leaving again to do more work at the grocery store. I want to see you before I leave though, ok?" Inko's voice comes from the other line. "Alright mom, we're coming back now." Izuku hangs up the phone and gets up. "We're?" Kirishima asks smugly. "Uh...yea." Midoriya looks at Todoroki, who just smirks. "C'mon Todoroki, we...uh...gotta start walking." Izuku urges the other, who's smirk becomes bigger. "No, you have to start walking. Remember our deal?" Todoroki gets up, looking down at the shorter boy. Izuku's eyes widen in shock as he realizes what his boyfriend is talking about. "F-Fine." Izuku turns a bright red and rolls his eyes. He crouches down, and Todoroki gets on his back, smirking still. The whole place is watching this scene unfold with some quiet laughter. Bakugo and Kirishima are looking at them like they have two heads, which in this case is kinda true. "Do I get to sleep too?" Todoroki teases when Midoriya gets up. "Whatever, your surprisingly light anyways." Izuku mumbles, still blushing madly. "Oh really? I'm surprised, since your short I thought you would have more trouble." Todoroki replies smugly. "Fuck you." Izuku snaps as he starts walking. Todoroki puts his arms around Izuku's neck and rests his chin on his shoulder. "You wish~" Todoroki whispers seductively, making Izuku turn red again. The two leave the store, Izuku being flustered and Shouto snickering. "Yea, I think they're dating." Kirishima speaks up after a while. Bakugo and Kirishima look at each other knowingly. "Definatly." The couple say at the same time, taking a sip of their teas.

Word Count: 1678

Oh my god, that end part though! I'm glad I finally posted, I felt bad for leaving you guys hanging for so long. Anyways, 500 READS ON THIS STORY! THAT'S HALF A THOUSAND READS! I love you guys sooooo much, I didn't even think this story would get much attention. I think I'm gonna write a KiriBaku fanfic after this, that should be fun. Okay, I got to finish up some homework, so, as always, see y'all in the next chapter!~GalaxyGirl UwU

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