Chapter 7

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School starts this Monday and I'm not ready for it. I had such a fun summer and its sad it ended so soon. Well, as always, just enjoy this chapter!

(Midoriya's POV)

We're walking to the ice cream parlor and I can't help but feel nervous. "Why am I getting so nervous? Well, he is someone to get nervous around. His multicolored eyes are so intimidating yet beautiful and safe- WAIT! Did I just call his eyes beautiful? I mean they are, and he's just a beautiful person in general and his personality is amazing. WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO ME TODAY" I hear muffled laughter from beside me. "You think I'm beautiful?" Todoroki smirks. I must've looked like a tomato at this point. I stopped walking and put my face in my hands, still blushing wildly. "It's ok," Todoroki says and crouches down, getting really close to me and taking my hands away from my face. "I think you're beautiful too." He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Todoroki bursts out laughing and I blush more, shocked at what he said. "Ughhh c'mon, I just want Ice Cream!" I pout. "And stop teasing me. Anyone could see you're beautiful from a mile away." I slap my mouth as I realize the words that just came out of my mouth. "You really think so?" Todoroki asks while stifling a laugh. "I DIDN'T MEAN THAT! LET ME JUST GET MY DAMN ICE CREAM." I shout, but laughing while doing so. We end up laughing for the rest of the walk, teasing each other. The fluttery feeling that I get comes back, but it's more like millions of butterflies laying baby butterflies to hatch in a matter of 2 seconds to continue the cycle. We eventually get to the shop, now talking about some other weird topic I brought up. We go to the counter and order. "I'll have Mint Chocolate chip please." Todoroki says. "I'll have a peppermint Ma'am." I order. Me and Todoroki look at each other and we burst out laughing, having half the store look at us weirdly. We then calm down and get our ice cream, sitting at a two person table at the back corner of the store. The two of us talk and laugh while eating our ice cream, until Todoroki gets serious. "So, did you do it while I was at my dads?" Todoroki asks, looking concerned and serious. I know what it is and I trust Todoroki, but it's hard to just say yes after saying 'I'm fine' to anyone who asks since I could remember. I'm so lost in thought I don't realize he's reaching over to my wrist until he touched. I winced at the pain of him touching the cuts. Tears started to build up in my eyes as I expect to look up into cold, disappointed eyes, but I don't see that In Todoroki's eyes. I see understanding, concerned, beautiful eyes. Todoroki swiftly stands up and goes to my seat to hug me, and I hug him back. My tears have decided that they should come lose so Todoroki hugs me tighter. He also starts running his fingers through my hair, which calms me down strangely. I eventually stop crying and as Todoroki sits back down, little tears are running down his face. "He's caring for you and he's a great person with an amazing personality, and you repay him by making him cry for you? This is why you can't open up to people. You worthless bastard, taking people down with you once you let them in. I can't believe he even considered being friends with you in the first place." "MIDORIYA! OH MY GOD! Midoriya are you ok? Your shaking and you were muttering to yourself...awful things." Todoroki had us at a booth, and he was hugging me. I do the one thing that I never wanted to do with him, I push him away. "I'm fine." I mutter and sit on the other side of the booth. Todoroki takes his hands and grabs mine with them. "Midoriya, you can tell me anything. I know you're not fine and I just want you to know that you can tell me anything. All that stuff you said was not true, I was not crying because I was mad at you for cutting, I was crying because I care about you more than words can explain. You are not worthless either. Not at all." Todoroki smiles at me and starts to continue, but I cut him off. "I'm just a burden so please stop Todoroki. Stop before you-" "No." He didn't say it harshly, or coldly, he just said no. But it still made goosebumps appear on my skin. "I will not give up until you are happy, even if it means giving my happiness to you. That only means that I'm giving you to yourself. I may have only known you for about a week, but times hanging out with you were the best of my life. Please, tell me why you are this way and I can help you." Everyone of those words made my heart hurt, but in a good way, and my stomach to erupt in butterflies again. I cried again and Todoroki ran over to hug me. I hugged him back, burrying my face in his chest. I stopped crying again, but this time when he tried to take his hands away from my waist, I grabbed his wrists and pulled them back to hug me. "Please don't let go." I look up at Todoroki, praying he won't take his hands away from me. He looked down at me and thankfully didn't let go. Todoroki only held me tighter. "Midoriya?" Todoroki asks. "Hm?" I hum, enjoying his warmth. "Can I call you Izuku?" I can't see his face, but I'm sure he's blushing. I nod slightly. "Can I call you Shoto then?" I smile into the hug. "Sure, Izuku." Todoroki laughs softly. "G'night Sho..." I start until I pass out.

(Todoroki's POV)

'Poor Izuku.' I frown as he can't even finish saying my name before falling asleep.  I pick up my phone, careful not to wake Izuku up. 7:30. My phone reads. <I should get him home, but I don't wanna wake him. I could give him a piggy back ride. Hopefully his mom will be there to get him into his bed or I'll have to tuck him in my self.> I get up and adjust Izuku so that he's not uncomfortable. The money is already on the table so I walk out and start my walk to Izuku's house.

(Time skip to Midoriya's house)

It took me a hour to get to Izuku's house, so it got a lot darker than I wanted. I got there eventually, but found that no lights were on. I try to open the door but it was locked. I go around back and find the back door is unlocked. I walk inside and look to see a note on the coffee table.

Dear Zuku,

I have the late shift again so I won't be home until 11:30. Don't stay up too late! Hope you had fun with Todoroki today. Tell him I said thank you for taking you out. He seems like a good friend. Keep him Izuku, ok?


I smile to myself as I read that note. I put it back down and carefully take off Izuku's shoes. After that I go to his room and place him on his bed, gently tucking him in. I smile as I look at his All Might themed room. It's more All Might then I've ever seen in my life, let alone a room. I would love to see Endeavor's face if he ever saw Izuku's room. I'm just about to leave when I feel someone grab my arm. I turn around and see a tired and embarrassed Izuku. "Umm... Shoto? Do y-you think you c-could... stay?" Izuku looks down. I walk over to the bad and lay in it with him. Izuku smiles at me and starts closing his eyes. I pull him closer to me and he nuzzles into my chest and wraps his arms aroung me. I smile slightly and keep my arm around him. Izuku falls asleep and I follow shortly after, the last thing I think before falling into a dreamless sleep being, 'Is it possible to love someone you met in a week?'

Word Count-1420
AWWWWW FLOOOFFFF! EEEKKKK! I love this chapter so much I stg. They are so cute and I just CANNOT! Enjoy the floof while it lasts, some real sad shit is about to go down. By the way, I think I want Deku to still have One For All, but he also has invisibility. I'll have to decide, you'll find out when Deku is ready to tell Todoroki his backstory. For now, I'll see y'all in the next chapter, peace. ~Galaxy Girl °~°

Connections~ TodoDekuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora