Chapter 1: So this is it?

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The sky felt it was holding me down on the roof of my house. Clouds were grey and white looking like cotton candy. My mouth felt dry, as it was open just slightly. I heavily blew heavy air out of my mouth. The rivers of water coming from my eyes dripped down onto my ears, and onto the the tile roof. Of a place I used to call home.
" Ye...una" my words were painful to say, not just because of my dry throat and mouth but because of the pain I had put upon that person, and so many more.
Distant sounds of thunder were heard. I neither had the strength or the need to look in that direction of the sound. Soon cold drops of water hit my face. It was almost calming though knowing I was being washed of sin and blood. It was only a matter of time before I would be dead and I knew it.
The tears of angles washed my own tears away. My mouth that was once dry, was now slightly less like a desert. I hadn't had water in days, I could honestly say it was good.
" I am...sorry" I said swallowing the water in my mouth feeling the cold liquid go down my throat. " I know I said I would live for all of you... but I just can't anymore there isn't anything left for me..." the words that left my mouth went to no ones ears, perhaps to the people I loved. Maybe it went to there ears, I thought.
" I am,maybe,going to heaven but I don't believe that..." my tears became more painful to leave me eyes and my throat began to feel like barbed wire was wrapped around it, pulling tighter and tighter as more words left my mouth.
" I don't care if nothing happens after you die. I mean you guys would know...but I shall maybe be somewhere where there is only darkness and that's fine. I won't have to fight for my life anymore."
I reached for my holster that held within it my hand gun. The button popped and I pulled-the, only clean thing I had owned for years, gun out. I didn't bother closing the flap back down, I didn't need to anyway. I held my hand holding the gun above my head so I could get one last look at it.
" I know I made promises, but so did you and you broke them. It's my turn to break mine."
The gun was now held to the right side of my head with my finger on the trigger
" Man I wonder what happened to Aaden? Maybe he's a zombie..., o well."


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