34. Multicolored Lies

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"The files Gilbert told you to work on last time, are they about my underlings?"

When Marvel asked me, we were alone in his bedroom.

I was standing by his back, helping him take off his suit jacket as a sign of retreat. It was Friday night - perhaps, the time Marvel loves the most as he doesn't need to go to Yerevan Group for the rest of the week.

Six days had passed since I "immobilized" him, and his body had gradually made a good recovery thanks to his people's care - including myself; the one who actually drugged him.

"Yes. He's been having a suspicion on some of your subordinates serving another Family, or even the government," I finally responded, folding up his black jacket and hanging it down my forearm.

"Double agents, huh," he concluded. "I heard that's happening a lot nowadays."

"I think they're becoming informants," I suspected.

"Underground transaction," he smiled, confident about his presumption. "The underworld pays bigger money for each piece of information than their organizations could ever give during their espionage career. After all, it's hard to resist temptation, right? But, Asta, do you know what transaction costs you the most in the underworld?"

Marvel turned around to face me, his smiling face becoming visible. I took a view of him; a black vest that looked fitting to his muscular build covering up his broad frame, above his white shirt was still a neatly tied up necktie - also black, just like his iron-flattened trousers and perfectly polished shoes.

He was standing there, in all his grandeur. When he stepped closer to me, I looked up to meet his gaze. His bright grey hair was nicely groomed, as usual, and flickering lights in his ears were diamonds, yet all those luxuries were pale in comparison to the natural beauty of his eyes that locked mine.

His eyes were blue; not that kind of typically common blue, but the blue which had a tinge of grey surrounding it, so that sometimes they would sparkle like the warm ocean in the daylight, and then as cold and tranquil as a shallow pond under the moonlight.

"Loyalty," the man in front of me husked in a whisper, holding my chin with his fingers as I couldn't open my mouth for an answer when he found me, and I realized I had been lost in his eyes.

I flinched when he reached my hand, his fingers crawling into the gaps of mine, trying to slip into the bottom of my sleeve. His force caused his jacket to slide down my forearm to the floor, and it bothered me how it didn't bother him somehow. But, what bothered me more was the possible change in the beat of my heart when his face was coming to my neck.

I tried to gather my strength to fight for my stance over his dominance, but before I could stop him, his hand was halted by the bracelet around my wrist. Disliking that something had blocked his way, he sharply turned at it.

"By the way, this thing around your wrist is miserably tight and dull, so I've been wondering why you're still keeping it."

Surprised by the unusual topic, I needed to pause to my resolve.

At first, I was worried that people around me might be suspicious about my bracelet. But, since I believe it won't cause any serious damage to my undercover, I decided to keep it.

It's been naturally there forever that I hardly pay attention to it, and so do people around me.

I have to be careful from now on.

"It's blending so well with your skin color, making it difficult to notice, except for these two small, greenish-brown marbles," Marvel continued, his gaze turning to my eyes, quietly smirking to find the exact colors. "Important item- No, important person?"

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