14. Point of No Return

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The bed was full of Marvel's scent. It wasn't perfume or anything like that. It was the body soap and shampoo he used that remained there. Despite his prideful demeanor and intimidating aura, the place he always slept in smelled very calm.

I was still in a vulnerably prone position when he unbuttoned my suit from behind, taking off my top in a highly knowledgeable manner, the fabric slipped away from both my wrists. The surface he traced with both of his hands, the fingers curiously grazed upon my sensitive spots, making me frantic, and I couldn't do anything but swallow every provocation.

My belt had been unbuckled, my shirt had been a mess. The anxious creases on my brows deepened along with no doubt that Marvel was going to pull my remaining clothes away.

"Only... me?" I asked, stealing a glimpse at Marvel who was busy peeling off my garments one by one, and yet he was still covered in a neat suit.

He paused and returned my glance and soon he was aware I protested at the unfairness, despite my dismay. Watching my expression, his eyes softened as his lips formed a smile.

"I can remind you again, but this is the last time I forgive you for being unaware of your place."

Elevating primal fear, I got a feeling that what Marvel was going to say would likely make my position even worse.

"You're mine, so all you need to do is to obey me."

Tossing away hesitation, Marvel took off the remaining clothes on me as he spoke. The words as powerful as the acts and I tensed up, knowing what would happen in the near future. For some reason, I could tell by the way he looked at me; there was this gaze that claimed to mean my whole being as his ultimate possession that if I denied, I would never know what the owner could do.

Once again, fear found me. It spoke to me in its cackling voice, telling my legs to go weak, my stomach to lurch, and my heart to ache. I was once told that there was nothing to fear but fear itself, but still, I couldn't silence its disturbing noise.

I repeatedly told myself that fear was simply brain chemicals, the signal appeared to warn me, and then I had to analyze the situation as I may without it. I tried to imagine it from the outside, as if it were a movie and not real life, so I could remind myself what my role should do, helping me to make a better scenario.

"You already look like this when I haven't even started," Marvel changed the topic, noticing the switch in my appearance. "Will you really be okay?" He chuckled, knowing what was happening and what was following.

"T-this is my first time..." Although my voice was shaking, I gathered my strength to continue, "with another man."

"Hmm... " he hummed in a low tone, unsurprised. "Obviously, I could tell as much," he rendered a kind smile. So kind, almost strange. "I could tell as I'm the only man who can do this to you."

At a loss for words, I hid my face behind my messy bangs, covering the flushed cheeks, though, the atmosphere didn't affect Marvel at all. Unflinching determination, he casually lifted my hips, so effortless, with a single touch of his palm pressing my back to arch, and I gasped in anticipation, my hands clenching against the bed beneath me.

The fear pushed me like a pillow over my face. Enough air getting by it, allowing my body to keep functioning, but I was crippling all the same. I sensed, I moved, I talked like I always did, but my insides were dying slowly.

"Asta," Marvel called my name and I flinched, slowly glancing at him through the gaps of my bangs. When our eyes finally met, he smiled again. "You need to stop biting your lip or else it will bleed."

It required only his fingers to touch my chin and I would act at his bidding; lifting my head, letting him rub my bruised lip with his thumb.

"Look at what you've done," he hissed under his breath, disliking what he saw. "From now on, you're not allowed to hurt yourself."

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