23. Crimson Lotus

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After a month of no interaction, finally, I came to Marvel.

Hesitantly pulling down the doorknob with my hand, I pushed the door open. Marvel's bedroom was dark. The only light was from a celestial body shining through the giant window, adequately bright to create vivid shadows on the floor.

I scanned my surroundings and soon I found him lying on the bed, chest to down was buried under the warm blanket. No wonder I got no answer even though I had knocked many times... But, not letting the current situation discourage me, I closed the door and walked toward the bed.

Standing still, my eyes were still locked on the man who was sleeping so soundly, his breath even deep. The rest of the room was a meaningless backdrop to him, a mere frame for the morning to come. Just like my existence here and now, so insignificant, so unnecessary.

Perhaps, this isn't the right time to come?

Or maybe, it's already too late?

I thought I wasn't the only one who couldn't stop thinking about him that I was hardly sleeping at night. I thought he would at least worry and check on me before long.

It ended up being just my invalid presumption.

In fact, seeing him so calm and undisturbed toward our distance was enough to answer my questions.

'It looks like the master has gotten bored with his toy already.'

I overestimated myself.

I knew it was all just for the investigation, but the feeling of being the only one yearning for his presence, for his touch, when he'd always been wanting me this whole time, was frustrating...

Without thinking, I lifted my hand toward Marvel's face. When I looked at him, I noticed not only his hair, but his lashes and brows were also light greys in color, just like cinders, making him look like a fairy. Was he born with those features naturally?

In the realization that I had been showing irrelevant desperation of the mission I was given, my fingers halted just an inch before touching Marvel's face. I clenched my hand, pulling it back.

"How miserable," I softly laughed at myself, turning away and leaving the bed. Right before my first step, I felt an unhesitant grasp around my wrist, stopping me all at once.

"I'd waited for three months back then. I convinced myself that I could wait for another three months this time, but..."

I flinched and it was Marvel, getting up and pulling my hand. I slumped and seated on the bed edge in front of him, dumbfounded by his fast movement, and then his words. Before I finished processing the meaning behind them, I blankly looked at his face, but he was staring at the hand he was holding, squeezing it gently.

While the distance between us was reduced by his serene motion, the words were kept in discontinuation, and what I knew after that was his face already on my shoulder. His other hand faltered, but before long reaching my waist, lingering around me and my body was pulled closer.


When Marvel showed me his vulnerability, with those somber eyes, with that sour smile, I nearly jumped at him.

At this moment, his arms embraced a fraction tighter of me and I breathed more shortly, my body was trapped into his form as every muscle gained its tension to the touch.

How could it be that I didn't see it coming? He was feeling the same!

"You don't need to hold back," I threw away my doubt and created my own opportunity. "Because I also missed you so much, Sir."

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