8. Rotating Illusions

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The voice of the priest echoed in the entire church building. He marked a small cross on his forehead, lips, and heart with his thumb while praying solemnly. The sunlight reflected on the crimson, lemonade, and emerald glasses on the window. Along with the congregation, I sat, crossing my fingers to each gap and placing them in front of my face.

"As you might have heard, a lot of unexpected things happened, so I'll continue the investigation from here," I uttered softly, closing my eyes like I was praying.

A man sitting on the row of seats behind mine was Aakash, a fellow spy agent from Green Organization and also my junior Altin had sent to meet me.

In order to report my investigation progress, I went to the church and my comrades were going undercover as a parish or priest since Marvel's bodyguards wouldn't likely follow me here.

As a direct agent who infiltrated, leaving no trace was paramount. I wasn't allowed to connect with my organization using any device. The only way to report the result of my investigation was to secretly meet a fellow spy after exchanging agreeable passwords. At this point, trust was more important than anything else.

I had to inform every detail of our target; even the most trivial things about them, their plans for the near future, and how to anticipate the possible events whether good or bad.

But, since the current investigation was unplanned, I didn't have any information to report, instead, I was the one to ask for it.

"He's only two years older than you, Senior," Aakash was ready to ease my curiosity with the data he had memorized in his head.

"So young, but already being a Family leader?" I couldn't help but be skeptical. Not to my comrade's information, but to the fact itself.

We silenced for a second. I supposed the moment Aakash found out about it, he couldn't believe it as well. Even the whole situation was ridiculous, because it was the first time we faced something like this.

"Have you ever heard of Yerevan's endless revenge toward Almanad?" Aakash resumed our conversation.

"It's not an endless grudge, but revenge?" Confused, I replied to his question with another question. "Why?"

"Because of a betrayal that caused the Yerevan's leader and also his wife, dead, causing the only son who had just turned twelve at that time to be an orphan."

I leaned against the wooden chair, starting to grow restless as I had a bad feeling about what I was about to learn.

From my seat, I looked at the priest, Claude; also my comrade, reading the gospel. His voice was just faintly heard when I was too focused on Aakash murmuring behind me, transferring the information.

Marvel Yerevan, the current head of the Yerevan Family and the owner of Yerevan Group, became an orphan at the age of twelve when both of his parents were poisoned and murdered by their business partner, Almanad Group.

Being the successor of a Mafia family, Marvel didn't live the life like the other kids his age. He didn't attend public school, but intense homeschooling with selected tutors. He wasn't allowed to make friends with random kids, but with the family with mutual business. The truth was, the parents of the "ordinary" wouldn't allow their kids to befriend him.

Having a high academic intelligence, Marvel finished his education at a very young age. But, rather than pursuing his study, the consigliere; advisers for the Mafia boss, were guiding him to be the decent leader of Yerevan. As a result, at the age of eighteen, he was able to avenge his parents' death.

Every of those who had betrayed and killed his parents and sent his family into a miserable downfall, he made sure they went through the same suffering by eliminating the leaders, not to mention their subordinates, leaving only the Almanad twin heirs with nothing in possessions and rights, all were under his command.

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