28. Secret Chamber

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At the edge of the clouds, there was a brilliant aquamarine patch, like a turning page catching the moon. The rest was dove grey with a subtle hint of marmalade, just enough to announce the coming sunset.

I woke up on Marvel's bed, with no recollection of when he brought me here. A pink apron was hanging messily on my body, already crumpled and there were some dried, white stains.

The stinging sensations on my limbs were bruises, coming bold and bright in several parts. I was tempted to put armor on, suppressing the soreness under those red and purple hues of Marvel's handgrip.

Slowly, I tried to get up, but quickly realized how futile it was when I had to bite my lip to keep myself from groaning. The pain took over my waist below and it felt like my body had been crushed that every movement caused some muscles and bones to ache. Regardless, my leaping figure got down the bed.

My clothes... Where are my clothes...

I looked around, my head becoming dizzier. I took the apron off and wrapped my body with the blanket, walking hurriedly to the bathroom to wash before going out of Marvel's bedroom.

Wincing in pain, I limped heavily while reaching out to everything I could find nearby to hold onto, but failed miserably when I couldn't prevent my legs from stumbling upon the blanket.

"Ugh..." I groaned in a jaded mess as I slumped down the floor after being unable to prop my body against the bookshelf, causing several books to fall with me.

My situation couldn't be worse. I wanted to seek help, but not wanting to be seen like this at the same time.

Taking in a deep breath and out, I immediately tried to get up again and then put the books back to their places.


I was startled and confused even more when I heard the last book I put back created a clicking sound. In curiosity, I took the book and put it back again. The same clicking sound appeared once more, but, still, nothing happened.

It was a faint, tiny sound in which only my sensitive hearings could catch, and if by any chance I wasn't focused, I believed I must have missed it.

Getting enough wondering for a while, in the end, I shrugged and left the oddity behind. Just after two steps ahead leaving my position, I halted, turning my head and watching the bookshelf carefully.

What if... Just, what if...

By the grime and the creases, there an old book, just like the others. I scanned the entire shelf. Whether the book's height, thickness, color, all was unsorted, blending naturally by each shape, nothing specific to distinguish them. The brown and the black dominated the tone, giving out the vibe of a vintage mood, and I realized all the bookshelves in Marvel's mansion looked identical.

This time, with determination I once again pulled the book out of the line and put it back to where it was. Just as I expected, it created a clucking sound which was of a different type than the two before. It was louder and firmer, as if a lock had been undone. I tried to push it slowly and a creaking sound welcomed me.

The pungent smell of paint and lacquer teased my nose before my eyes could catch what was dwelling in the dark space behind the folding shelf. I blinked in disbelief by what was called a secret chamber, so bereft of any source of lights. The particle of dust floated in the air, spreading its typical stench. Before I could identify the rest of it, the amazement got the best of me. I was stunned, speechless, and feeling triumphant at the same time.

Finally... I found it!

No wonder I couldn't find anything valuable in Marvel's bedroom and office even though I had always been there. They were right in front of me. It was just me who couldn't see them. If only I could spend more time in his private spaces alone, I would perhaps have realized it sooner.

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