XI-Dinner out- part 1

Start from the beginning

I was just trying hard to think of everything that could land me in trouble .But my poor mind wasn't able to think of anything.

"What do want to talk about?" I asked in wonder.

"Well we were just wondering do you have any plans tonight." Dad asked.

I left a sigh "I am totally free for this weekend." I replied still puzzled.

"Do you think you would be up for going out for dinner tonight at Mr. Parker's house?" My mom asked nervously considering my shyness.

I shrugged. Not caring where we had dinner. The only two things that were required were food and my parents. As they both were present, I instantly agreed for it. I just wanted to spend more time with my parents for once.

"Sure but why exactly are we going to Mr. Parker's house for dinner?"

"Since our business dealing was perfect, our boss Mr. Parker wants to have family dinner with us." My dad said sounding proud of him.

I smiled and nodded. "I'd liked that "My parents sighed happily as if their life dependent on my agreement.

It felt nice to make them Happy

"That's great honey. We will be leaving in the evening. Don't go anywhere and dress nicely," mom said excitedly.

I nodded and walked towards my room. I had nothing to do; I sat in my room and opened the laptop. I had a Face book account but I rarely used it. Most surprising thing is that I have eighty friends out of which half of them I don't even know but they claim to be in my class or to stay in my neighborhood.


This proves that you would never be alone on Face book

I logged on Face book and was stunned to see two notifications and four requests .This randomly happens with me. Three requests were from random guys whose names I couldn't even pronounce. So I rejected them instantly. I was extremely shocked by next request .It was from Austin. He had requested me to be friend. He rarely sends request to anyone according to what I have heard so this was shocking. He had even liked and commented 'beautiful' on my profile picture. I was beyond surprised by this but I still wondered where his ego subsided when he was liking my pictures and commenting on it?

I did a happy dance in my head. Butterflies filled my stomach assuming I was the 'only' girl he had commented for.

I immediately accepted the request. I didn't want to keep him waiting

It would be crazy to deny the request right?

I clicked on his name to checkout his time line.

Or you can say I was stalking his account.

So what if I'm stalking Austin. Nobody would know about it. Then who cares right?

His time line was freaking full with lots of pictures of his and his friends, some of his pictures were with girls maybe his past girlfriends. Just by watching them I felt a pint of jealousy.

Silly hormonal rush.

This guy is really photogenic.

On his every pictures he had 735, 550, 465 likes and some had even crossed 1000. Even his comment box was flooded with comments.

Damn this guy is seriously popular. The little hopes which I had in my mind of getting in relation with him also vanished the moment I observed his account.

I clicked on his profile picture and chuckled. It was him shirtless taking a mirror picture with his remarkable smirk.

Typical Austin.

He looked stunning in all his pictures.

My heart skipped a beat when my laptop made a beeping sound. I had a new message. This rarely happens.

Austin: Already stalking my account huh, princess.

Oh My Gosh!! He messaged .The sun must have risen from the wrong side today. I tried to calm my nerves and typed

Jenny: In your dreams Parker. I have many more important things to do than this.

I know that was not true but I didn't wanted him to know this atleast

Austin: Wow grumpy much. Huh?

Jenny: I'm not grumpy. Just wanted to know why are you bothering me?

I asked a little rudely

Austin: Can't I just message you without any reason?

He said falsely sending sad faces. This brought an idiotic smile to my face. I ignored his over-dramatic comment when my screen made a beeping sound again.

Austin: Besides, I thought for a change, it would be nice talking to the girl which 'drools' all over me.

Jenny: In your wildest dreams, got tired of chasing the girls that are behind you, huh?

Austin: For your information, princess. I never chase girls. Note that in your nerdy head.

Jenny: What's with the nicknames, asshole.

Austin: I know you love it, princess.

My heart went totally numb at his comment.

Gosh he can increase my heart beat even when he is miles away from me.

I am in deep trouble, to hide my excitement I typed.

Jenny: You are pathetic flirt.

Austin: Oh baby now you are insulting me. My flirting skills are flawless. Until now no girl has turned me down.

Along with it he forwarded a broken heart. God this guy is seriously so dramatic.

This is kind of cute.

Jenny: I'II be your first. There has to be first for all the things

Austin: Playing hard to get, princess.

Jenny: Don't call me that!

Austin: Why so hostile? :(

I realized then we have always ended our conversations with fights. For which I am the reason though. He had always tried to have a decent conversation with me. But I have always removed my wrath on him. Maybe because of his 'bad boy' title I persuaded myself. He acts like he doesn't care about anything. This freaks me, maybe. I was about to replay back with a simple 'sorry' when my eyes pooped out their sockets.

Austin: Lets be friends. Want to start over?

Was this happening for real? I literally pinched myself to see that I wasn't dreaming..

Austin Parker, the schools bad boy who just has two best friends was asking me to be his friend.

Jenny: Sounds good. But wouldn't it affect your reputation or something.

I asked out of curiosity. Being friends with him was really something I would have never dreamed off.

Austin: As if I care about that shit.

He said it carelessly. On which I did happy dance in my mind. I wasn't expecting this reply.

'We just can't hang out in college ' Or 'No one in college should know that we are friends.' Were the replies which I was expecting.

Austin: I hope that smile is still on your face, princess. Catch you later.

Austin's last message brought an awesome smile on my face. And I dreamt about him and fell asleep with a smile again.


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