Chapter 57 Only in Dreams

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Marcus woke and realized it was dark and he noticed he was back in his and his wife old apartment right after they got married. He looked and wondered if he had dreamed everything. The bathroom water was running.

''Hello?'' He asked.

''Oh Marcus dear I thought you were sleeping?'' His wife Jade called out.

''Oh I was.'' He said confused.

''Well here I come tell me what you think?'' She said coming out.

He looked and saw a hot looking body wearing a light silky nightgown and you could see her curves. He looked up to her face only to realize it wasn't Jade it was Juliet standing there with her brown hair down and a blush on her face.

''J-Juliet? What are you doing here?'' He asked not believing.

''Well silly we got married remember unless that was a dream which I don't want to wake from.'' She giggled walking over to him.

Marcus couldn't believe it he was here with the girl of his dreams. He went over to her and pulled her close and kissed her holding her close feeling her body he was in heaven he heard a knock at the door and looked to see Juliet and his room disappear he woke with a start to find it was morning and his alarm went off and he saw his little girl standing in the doorway.

''Daddy its time to get up.'' She said hugging him.

''So it is good morning Madeline sleep well?'' He asked.

''Oh yeah very good say daddy can I hang with Orchid and Toby and the garden?'' She asked.

''Well maybe I guess for a bit I'm not going in so I'll take you to school I have stuff to do today.'' He said.

Later that morning Marcus went out to do some grocery shopping he couldn't get the dream out of his head he had honestly tried to let Juliet go but couldn't it was driving him crazy. He was shopping when he ran into Juliet.

''Good morning Marcus.'' She said.

''Good morning Juliet fancy seeing you here.'' He said happy to see her and took her in.

''Yeah doing a bit of shopping then I have to go work on cleaning the garden.'' She said.

''Oh good to hear I took the day off and well say I was running out of stuff say you wanna get a coffee with me?" He asked.

''Well I have to check out and get back besides I'm not sure that is a good idea.'' She said.

''I promise I won't do anything we can go get coffee and then go back.'' He said.

''Ok I could use something'' She said.

''Good did you walk or drive I got a lift from my friend Amber she and Lucky are finding a place to live so we are watching their son Toby.'' She said.

''Then I'll give you a ride home I mean all those grocery is a lot of work.'' He said.

''Ok sounds good.'' She said.

They got coffee and got in his mower and took off he went a bit slower.

''I'm sorry things were awkward last night Juliet I didn't want to intrude but Madeline wanted to go so I figured I'd stay.'' He said.

''Its alright I get it Gnomeo is just being careful is all he almost lost me to a lawnmower that almost killed me he stayed when he could of left me.'' She said.

''Some guys do crazy things like that for their loved ones. I'm sorry Juliet its hard to be without my better half I dreamed about her last night and it made me sad to think that she is gone but you look like her which is why Madeline had taken an interest in you.''' He said.

''I know I love her and so does Gnomeo.'' Juliet said as they pulled up to the gat and Juliet got down with her grocery.

''Thanks for the lift.'' She said.

''Of course your welcome see you later oh um I'll bring Madeline over this afternoon if you want.''

''Yeah that would be great.'' She said as she went in.

Juliet put down the sack and was getting ready to start working on the garden when she was swept up and kissed by Gnomeo.

Juliet smiles and kisses back she pulls away smiling. ''I'm back.''

''I know its been torture without you.'' He said.

''So where are the kids?'' the red hat asked.

''Benny and Nanette with Shroom took them to the park so it is you and me cleaning up the garden with the help of the goons.'' He said holding her close.

''I see lets get to work.'' She said.

They got nets to work on the pond. ''So while shopping I ran into Marcus who was also shopping.'' She said.

''Oh I thought he would be working.''Gnomeo said a bit irritated.

''He took the day off and bringing Madeline over later. It doesn't bother you he gave me a ride home does it?'' She asked.

''Why should it did he do something he shouldn't of?''

''No he was friendly as always but there was something different that threw me off he seemed more unfocused like a longing going on,'' She said pulling out a bunch of leaves.

''Hmm well he's lonely and as long as he left you alone is all I care about.'' Gnomeo said he trusted Juliet but didn't trust Marcus he was still sour from the kiss Marcus gave Juliet.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. ''I detect the sound of jealously.'' She said hugging him.

''You know how I feel about him Juliet after what he did its like your annoyance with Abigail and me.'' He said holding her hands.

''I know I love you Gnomeo I always have and always will now turn around I have something for you.'' She said.

He turned to be kissed by Juliet it caught him off guard they both fell into the pond they came up laughing and Gnomeo wrapped his arms around her kissing her back smiling as they moaned and laughed.

Marcus had climbed up the fence a bit and saw them. He was sad and angry and thought that should of been him and Juliet he had an idea but it would require Abigail and he knew just where to hit.

Ok everyone here you go sorry I couldn't update the past couple days my wifi sucks and it can only be used by one person at a time so but today and most of tomorrow I will be updating enjoy.

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