Chapter 54 Feelings and Romance

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It was a lovely day and Irene Adler was out walking going to see Watson she and him had been dating for a few months now and they enjoyed each other she was returning a book she had read she got to their place and knocked on the door and it was answered by Sherlock.

''Irene what a nice surprise to see you.'' He said surprised to see her there.

''Hello Sherlock I came here to drop this book off Watson let me borrow is he around?'' She asked.

''Um yes he is busy in the bathroom he will be out shortly come on in.'' Sherlock said moving aside so she could come in and they went into the living room and stood their not talking.

''So how have you been doing Sherlock?'' She asked sitting down.

''I'm doing  fine thank you been working on another case this one is a big one Moriarty is still alive and plotting something I know it. I have an idea on how to trap him I am going to meet where I found out he maybe staying.'' He said pacing around talking.

''Interesting. Somethings never change.'' Irene said watching him pace.

''And what is that supposed to mean miss Adler?'' Asked Sherlock frowning at her as she frowned back.

Suddenly Watson came downstairs and saw Irene.

''Irene I'm happy to see you what brings you here?'' He asked going up to her and kissing her cheek.

''I came to return the book you let me barrow and also to see you silly I miss you and haven't seen you lately.'' She said smiling at him.

''Yes sorry I've been helping Sherlock with a case Moriarty is back but I'm sure Sherlock has told you all about it.'' He said looking at Sherlock who was fiddling with a device he had.

''He may have said something.'' She said shaking her head at him.

''Anyway thanks for returning the book.'' He said feeling a bit awkward.

''Of course you busy tonight?'' She asked.

''Well yes we are going to stakeout the hide out.'' He said.

''Oh I see.'' She said sounding a bit disappointed.

''Don't worry Irene that is not until late tonight its early what do you say we spend the rest of the day together.'' Watson said.

''Um Watson may I remind you we still have scooping out to do here in an hour.'' The detective said tired of listening to them flirt.

''Sherlock you said that was later tonight besides I'm going with you to stakeout and that isn't until 8 for sure so excuse me we are going out and you should be fine.'' Watson said as he grabbed his hat and he held out his hand to Irene who took it and was surprised by their argument.

Watson opened the door. ''After you.''

''Oh yeah if your going anywhere to have sex might I suggest the four season and you might want to go slow Watson Irene can't handle fast.'' He called from the doorway watching them.

Irene was shocked and embarrassed. ''Sherlock Gnomes if I didn't know better I'd say your jealous now have a good day.'' Was all Irene said as they left.

They walked for a bit until the came to the café they usually eat at.

''I'm terrible sorry about what Sherlock said Irene I wasn't thinking of going that far not that you aren't attractive at all.'' He said rambling. 

Irene giggled as they ordered. ''How thoughtful I'm not totally against the idea if you want to sometime we've been together long enough and besides your fun to be with.'' She said.

''Well thank you Irene I must say its been years since I last did it.'' He said quietly.

''Its alright I get its been awhile for me too.'' She said.

''Well its something to think about as long as you are comfortable with it.'' He said holding her hand.

There food came and they started eating and talking.

''So Moriarty is back I thought he got destroyed?'' She said a bit worried.

''Well he fell into the lake and he floats so their was no way he was gonna die and me and Sherlock got a note about it so we are investigating.'' He said.

''I see well I hope you two are safe doing it and also thanks for sticking up for me back there with Sherlock I hope I didn't ruin your friendship.'' She said.

''Nah he is fine he is jealous is all he doesn't say it but I think its hurts him a bit to see you with me.'' Watson said.

''Its his own fault we were fine and I was understanding of his work and that it was important but he put it first and then after we engage you know very well he ended in a letter not even bothering to face me and now he is on it again he on his own.'' She said.

''I know he was wrong and I tried to talk him about it and he said it can wait. I know I haven't been around but my partner or girlfriend always comes first and I'm not afraid to admit that though I feel there still maybe feelings you two have.'' Watson said looking down a bit.

''Well it won't work with me and him he hurt me enough and he not gonna change all I feel for him is anger and sadness and I pity him but enough of that. We should be getting back you have an hour left before going on your stakeout.'' She said sadly looking at the clock.

''Come on I'll walk you back home we can spend time together that way.'' Watson said standing paying and leaving the tip.

They walked back talking. ''This was a fun date and I can't wait to see you.'' She said as they held hands at the doorway as they sat on the steps.

''Yes I will come by this weekend sometime.'' He said smiling and blushing.

Before he could react she kissed him and he was surprised but kissed back both enjoying it holding hands and after a few minutes she pulled away.

''Maybe next time we can go a bit farther if you want?'' She said red and giggling.

''As long as your ready my dear.'' He said grabbing her and dipping her in a kiss and finally she went inside and he left.

Watson was feeling happy and he hadn't been with anyone since years ago and he could say he was falling fast and harder in love with Irene but she may not have feeling for Sherlock but he knew deep down Sherlock did. He got back and saw Sherlock waiting.

''About time your back I almost left.'' The detective said.

''Sorry but I was busy it is what happens when your in a relationship.'' He said.

''You and her makeout didn't you? Its all over your face and you have lipstick on your lips so meaning you kissed but didn't go any farther. Am I correct?" Sherlock said.

''Your the smart one figure it out and besides its non of your business.'' Watson said getting irritated.

''Your right I got more important things to worry about now come on Watson lets go have ur showdown with Moriarty.'' As they left.

Ok here we go. I wanted to write this in its been awhile since I wrote this for these two later sometime today I will update Office Love so more to come this was a nice little break.

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