Chapter 35 Some Bad News

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Juliet had woken up and felt Gnomeo's arms wrapped around her though something was missing and she was thinking then she remembered Orchid and looked at the crib only to find a note.

'Took Orchid this morning so you could sleep in and enjoy sometime by yourselves love dad'

Juliet smiled and crawled back under the covers and turned to see Gnomeo staring at her sleepily.

''Good morning beautiful sleep well?'' He asked holding her closer to him.

''Yes it was I had a fun time last night with you.'' She said.

''So I take it Orchid is still sleeping?'' Her husband asked.

''Dad left a note saying him and mom are taking care of Orchid so we could sleep in and enjoy ourselves this morning.'' She said winking at him.

The blue smirked playfully at her and rolled so he was on top of her and pinned her hands above her head. ''Then I guess we better take them up on their offer while it lasts.'' He whispered into her ear making her shiver.

He then started kissing her all over and she kissed him back wrapping her arms around him and he moved his hand downwards making his wife moan. After an hour they got up and got ready and went outside they saw their parents sitting on the ground playing with Orchid and went over to them.

''Good morning you two have fun last night and  sleep well?'' asked Lord Redbrick who had a rattle and was shaking it at Orchid as she was sucking on her pacy.

''Yes it was a blast. And I'm so happy to see my baby girl in one piece.'' Juliet said walking over to Orchid who smiled and cooed and reached out for her mommy who picked her up and hugged her giving her kisses.

''I told you she would be fine Juliet.'' Gnomeo said sitting up smiling at his little family.

''Well you never know say why is her diaper on backwards?'' She asked.

''Benny took care of Orchid last night and she was fussy but I put her to bed but she wouldn't sleep so Benny insisted that he take care of her.'' Lady Blueberry said smiling at the family.

''See Juliet give Benny some credit he took care of her and they fell asleep together.'' Gnomeo pointed out.

''I know say where is Benny?'' Asked the red leader looking around.

''He sleeping in apparently he was up late last night but he said he had fun.'' Nanette said coming over to the group and gently took Orchid from Juliet. ''Next time auntie Nanette is gonna take care of you.'' She said smiling at her niece.

''Well we better go make our rounds.'' Juliet said.

''No need I already did it this morning and made a list of things that needs to be done.'' Lord Redbrick said smiling at them the couple groaned. Juliet loved her dad but he was picky and every little thing was something that had to be done.

''Alright well we will get started on them.'' Gnomeo said as he got the baby carrier out.

''No need for that I'm gonna take care of Orchid till you guys are finished with your chores.'' Nanette said. Orchid started to cry she wanted her mommy.

''As nice as that would be Nanette she wants her mommy.'' Juliet said.

''No sweat I'll take care of part of the chores and you can do the other half.'' Gnomeo said kissing Juliet and Orchid and went to get started.

Later that afternoon Gnomeo and Juliet were having lunch with Orchid when there was a knock at the gate. Lord Redbrick answered it.

''Oh good morning Sir Blackberry what brings you here?'' asked Lord Redbrick.

''Good morning Lord Redbrick we need to speak with Gnomeo and Juliet on an important matter.'' He said.

''Oh well come on in are they in some sort of trouble?'' He asked.

''Well no not yet I just need to talk to them is all.'' He said as he walked over to Gnomeo and Juliet.

The couple looked at Sir Blackberry coming towards them and exchanged worried glances it was never a good sign when the mayor of the gnomes came to visit you.

''Good Morning Sir.'' asked Juliet standing up.

''Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Blueberry say is this your little one congrats she is so adorable what's her name?'' Sir Blackberry asked smiling at the purple hat baby gnome.

''Orchid Aelita Blueberry.'' Gnomeo said proudly.

''Well she is a cutie but that's not why I'm here I'm here because of what happened last night Abigail and Landon told me all that happened but I wanted to get your side of the story.'' He said looking at them sternly.

''Well me and Juliet were on a date having fun minding our own business when we ran into them and we both had a contest with some carnival games and we were gonna leave when Landon called us chickens and Abigail insulted us and it was a rumble in all fairness Landon started it.'' Gnomeo said.

''Not to mention your niece was egging us on I hope they are ok.'' Juliet said.

''They are fine beside some bruises but you guys got some marks too I see. But still you four all made a scene and tonight I want you two at my garden and we are gonna go over some things Landon and Abigail will be there as well'' He said.

''We didn't do anything besides protecting ourselves.'' Juliet protested.

''I know but this is just protocal and I want to get to the bottom of this. That will be seen and settle tonight at 7 see you then.'' Sir Blackberry said and he left.

Gnomeo and Juliet sighed and looked at each other.

Their parents came over to them. ''We heard what happened we'll watch Orchid tonight.'' Juliet's dad said.

''We were only protecting ourselves.'' Gnomeo said.

''We believe you I've met Landon and can see him starting it but Abigail I doubt it she too sweet for that.'' Lady Blueberry said.

''Sometimes girls can be misleading.'' The red dad said.

Alright here we go I hope you all enjoy and I will update next part soon.

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