Chapter 24 The Family Guests

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Nanette was so excited when she found out her dearest and best friend Juliet was pregnant she had talked to Juliet about being the one to plan the baby shower and she got a yes. Nanette had been working on the invitations for a few weeks she handed out the cards to most the girls in their garden and she sent an invitation to Amber Yellow as the frog had heard fun things about her from Juliet and she also invited Irene and Juliet's grandparents. And the beginning of the week she got a number of 12 who were coming  at the end of week on Saturday her and Juliet had sent up the baby registry. Now a day before the baby shower Nanette and Lady Blueberry were setting somethings up.

''So when will the grandparents be arriving Nanette?'' asked the blue mom as she was busy making the cake.

''Well they should be here sometime today most likely this afternoon.'' The frog said pulling out bread to make small sub sandwich for the party Juliet walked into the small kitchen.

''Hey there ladies need so help in here?'' The pretty red leader asked. Juliet being 4 months along she had a small baby bump that was starting to show and she had gotten a bit wider thwn normal.

''Oh Juliet you should sit down and take it easy. If you want you can frost those cookies if you want.'' Nanette said.

''So who is all coming to this shower?'' asked Juliet.

''Well there your sisters, Irene, Lady Blueberry and myself along with a few gnomes from our garden and also your grandparents and Amber.'' The frog said walking to the fridge.

''Oh you finally got a hold of Amber I'm so excited.'' Juliet said frosting a cookie and eating it.

''So how do you know Amber again?'' asked Lady Blueberry.

''Oh me and Gnomeo met her at the meeting we went to a couple months back.'' The red said as she was working on the second cookie.

''You know I'm gonna have to make more cookies if you keep eating them Juliet.'' Nanette said playfully at Juliet who was eating a third cookie.

''Sorry but I'm hungry its hard work being pregnant.'' The red said moving her feet.

''Yeah and your got about 4 more months left. Your craving are kicking in big time.'' Lady Blueberry said.

''Yes and I hate it I never eat this much. At this rate I'll be able out eat Benny and Gnomeo together.'' Juliet said rubbing her tummy. 

Lady Blueberry smiled and hugged Juliet. ''I know honey but it will soon pass I ate a lot with Gnomeo I think most of the food went straight to Gnomeo.''

Suddenly there was a knock at the gate and Juliet went to answer it and saw it was her grandparents.

Sir Redbrick smiled at Juliet and hugged her. ''So here is the little mommy how is my great grandchild doing? ''Is it a boy or a girl?''

Juliet giggled as her grandpa put her down. ''Me and the baby are doing fine as for boy or girl we don't know yet. ''We'll find out next week.''

Lord Redbrick, Willow and Tulip along with Gnomeo came over to the group.

Juliet's grandma hugged her. ''Its so good to see you Juliet Oh I got a surprise for you.'' The grandma replied.

''Oh you didn't have to just being here is enough.'' The red said.

''Oh really too bad I came all this way to see my niece.'' Said a voice and Juliet's eyes were wide and turned to see the one gnome she wanted to see.

''AUNT ROSETTA!!!'' The red ran up to the slightly older gnome and hugged her and her aunt hugged her back.

Juliet my goodness look at you I haven't seen you since you were 16 look at you all grown up and married with a baby on the way oh I missed you as well. Now where is the dreamboat I've heard of from grandma.'' Rosetta said.

Juliet smiled and pulled Gnomeo over to her. ''Aunt Rosetta this is Gnomeo Blueberry my husband and the soon to be father.''

Rosetta turned serious and looked him up and down and circled the blue before coming to stop in front of Gnomeo who looked nervous. 

''So this is him the blue I heard so much about who help break up the feud and managed to win my nieces heart and managed to help save all the gnomes. You were right Juliet he is a dreamboat. Nice to finally meet you Gnomeo.'' Rosetta said as her and Juliet giggled. Rosetta went over and gave him a tight hug and jumping up and down. Juliet and the parents are laughing.

''It's a pleasure to finally meet you as well. I can see where Juliet gets her personatliy  from.'' Gnomeo said taking a deep breath.

Lord Redbrick smiled. ''Mom dad Rosetta these girls are my long lost daughters Willow and Tulip.''

Sir Redbrick smiled and scooped both girls in a hug. I was wondering when I was finally gonna meet you girls.''

Rosetta and her mom smiled and hugged the girls as well.

Lord Redbrick smiled and laughed. ''Its good to see you all here.''

Sir Redbrick put down Willow and Tulip and walked over to Gnomeo and Juliet. ''Good to see you again Gnomeo. Taking good care of my granddaughter?''

''Yes Sir I give all my attention over to her.'' He said grabbing Juliet's hand.

Lady Blueberry came over. ''Rosetta its good to see you again.''

''Good to see you again Lady Blueberry your looking well tell me how is your brother Mark doing?'' Rosetta asked.

''Well last I knew he was in New York with a great job but I haven't heard from him in awhile. Last time I talked to him he was happy and asked a bit about you.'' The blue said teasing the red.

''Well as long as he doing well is all I care about.'' Rosetta said.

So the group all went to look around the garden and get settled in. When there was a knock on the gate.

Hey everyone sorry I haven't been updating but here it is the family is all here now who else is at the door.

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