Chapter 5 Questions and Answers

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One spring morning a couple of gardens gnome leaders were doing rounds holding hands and laughing. After they finished they stopped at the beautiful orchid.

''How did you manage to get this orchid Juliet?'' The blue gnome asked swinging her hand.

''I ordered it well more like Benny and Nanette ordered it, they felt bad about you failing the mission so I decided to get it for you instead.'' Juliet explained laying her head on his shoulder.

Gnomeo smiled. ''clever and sneaky gnome.''

They laughed. ''So what on the agenda for the day?'' asked the red.

''Well we got some gardening and turns out that we are giving a tour of our garden this afternoon. According to the meeting last month all the gardens are giving tours and we are first on the list.'' Gnomeo said rolling his eyes.

''I'm amazed you remembered all that.'' Juliet said smirking as they continued walking.

Gnomeo grinned. ''Well it wasn't to hard to remember.''

''You looked at the list your mother had last night didn't you?'' Juliet said.

''I don't know what you are talking about.'' He denied.

They continued laughing as they finished there rounds and saw Benny and Nanette.

''You guys ready for the tour I hear you got a lively bunch.'' Nanette said as the couple walked up to her and benny who were looking at pictures.

''Oh we can handle it, it'll be easy as walking.'' Juliet said.

The gnome and frog started laughing. ''What is so funny?'' the blue leader asked.

''Oh you'll see,'' Benny said as Gnomeo and Juliet walked away from them.

Later that afternoon the leaders were getting things set up for their guest drinks and some snacks.

''Good morning you two.'' The couple turned around to see their parents walking up to them.

''You mean afternoon right dad?'' The red said chuckling.

''It's all the same to me. ''So are you guys ready for your visitors?'' Lady Blueberry asked.

''Yes we are it'll be easy.'' Gnomeo said.

The older couple just grinned like crazy.

''Ok what do you guys know that we don't?'' Juliet asked.

''Nothing but anyway we just came to say good luck.'' The older couple left suddenly there was knock on the gate.

''We got this how hard can it be.'' Juliet said as she opened the gate and they were both speechless as there was about ten gnome kids all elementary age running around the alley and a young gnome lady about Juliet's age smiled at them.

''Hi my name is April and these are my students we are here for the tour.''

The couple were wide eyed they sure weren't excepting a bunch of kids. ''Yes come on in.'' Juliet said breaking the silence.

April blew a whistle the kids stopped talking. ''Now when I want you all to partner up and stand in a line.'' The kids all partnered up and did as they were told and waited.

''Welcome to our garden and we will be giving you a tour. I'm Juliet and this is Gnomeo. So let's get started.

The group walked around while Gnomeo started telling them facts about the garden. Juliet told them about the flowers and named a few of them finally the leaders brought the kids to the Orchid.

''Can anyone tell me what flower this is?'' Gnomeo asked.

One girl raised her hand. ''It's a cupid's arrow orchid a really rare flower, legend said that it has power to draw two people together and they become lovers.'' Gnomeo and Juliet were shocked and stared at each other as it had drawn them together.

One of the kids started laughing. ''You know that is not true your just a sappy romantic Tulip.''

 ''Well there might be some truth to it this flower is special to me and Gnomeo actually this flower caused us to meet and we knew we were soulmates.'' the red said smiling fondly at the girl.

So after touring the garden the kids all went to the snack table and started eating afterwards and talking. Tulip walked over to Juliet who was sitting down and sat next to her.

''Excuse me was that story true that you guys met because of the orchid?'' 

''Yes, reds and blues were enemies once and I wanted that flower to prove I wasn't a delicate gnome. I was climbing up the greenhouse to grab it when I reached for it Gnomeo's hand got to it the same time my hand did and when we saw each other we knew that it was meant to be and neither of us wanted to leave so I asked for the orchid but he refused and we played keep away with each other and ever since then it's been special to us.'' the red said smiling and saw that Tulip was leaning up against her leg wide eyed and another sitting on her lap the rest of the kids were gathered around her listening.

''So any questions?'' the blue asked who was sitting next to Juliet with a couple kids in his lap.

Hands shot up and he picked a yellow hat boy. ''Yes.''

''So your name is Gnomeo, why didn't they call you Romeo so you guys could be Romeo and Juliet like the play?'' the boy asked.

''Well my mum came up with the name and I am a gnome so Gnomeo just fit.''

One girl raised her hand, Juliet nodded toward the girl. ''So what color will your kids be?'' The girl's name was Willow.

Gnomeo and Juliet looked at each other and blushed. 

Another kids said. ''Well purple of course they are red and blue and that makes purple.'' Another kid asked ''How many kids are you going to have.''

April blew the whistle. ''Alright kids that is enough lets not overwhelm the leaders anyway it's time we go back.''

All the kids groaned and said no. ''Now now kids the tour is over so lets get in a line and thank Gnomeo and Juliet for the tour and story time.

The kids all thanked the couple. Tulip stopped in front of them. ''So you saw each other even though you knew you shouldn't?''

Gnomeo smiled. ''Yep we were in love and it was all thanks to the orchid.''

''Just remember don't be afraid to go for what you want just be careful in the process.'' Juliet said.

Tulip smiled and jumped up and hugged both of the gnomes. ''Tulip come on the class is waiting.'' Called April.

Tulip jumped down smiled at the couple and left after the gate shut the couple let out a sigh of relief.

''Wow that was something.'' Gnomeo said.

''Yeah it was.'' Juliet said smiling as she thought of Tulip.

Redbrick and Blueberry walked up to them.

Lady Blueberry smiled at them. ''So how did it go?''

''It was great really fun we should do that again.'' Juliet said.

''That one girl seemed to take a liking to you Juliet, so you guys thinking of having kids now?'' Lord Redbrick teased.

''Someday dad, but not now we still have a lot to learn.'' Juliet said blushing.

''Well it better be soon I'm not getting any younger and I want some little ones to chase after.''

Gnomeo laughed. ''Please you wouldn't be able to keep up with them if they are anything like me and Juliet.''

Redbrick snorted. ''I raised two kids on my own I'm sure me and Lady Blueberry can handle it.''

''Well keep dreaming old man.'' Juliet said.

''I ain't old till I have grandkids.'' He called as the couple went to see what was next on the agenda.

There you go this was a fun one to write, if you have any more ideas please let me know.

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