Chapter 3 Grandparents Visit

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One fine morning Gnomeo and Juliet were planting a new flower bed with all kinds of flower when Nanette came up to them.

''Juliet, have you heard the news!'' The frog asked.

''What news I haven't heard anything what's going on?'' The red asked not looking up.

The Nanette smirked. ''Your grandparents are coming sometime later today.''

The red planting a flower froze for a minute.

''Hey Juliet what's wrong?'' her blue companion asked.

''M-my grandparents are coming oh man this is bad what am I going to do this garden has to look perfect.'' She said getting back to work as fast as she could.

Gnomeo chuckled. ''What's so wrong with that our garden is looking better then ever.''

Juliet looked at him. ''You don't understand Gnomeo My grandpa is strict and likes everything perfect and he hates blues.''

''Sounds just like your dad he didn't like me but he learned to like me overtime.'' He said taking Juliet's hand and pulling her up to look at him.

''He even more strict then Lord Redbrick and hates blues more then Tybalt and he hated you guys a lot. In fact after you broke into the garden he would of had every corner on guard and would of fed you to the dogs.'' The frog said dramtically. 

The couple looked at each other. ''She not wrong Gnomeo he would and he thinks the feud is still going.'' Juliet said as she made her way to get the hose.

''He not the nicest he pretty mean to Juliet he didn't like that she seemed different from the rest he liked Tybalt more.'' Nanette said sadly and hopped away. 

Gnomeo felt horrible about that and he knew Sir Redbrick would hate that she married a blue but he was gonna protect her at all cost. Later that evening Juliet had just cleaned up and went over to her dad who was talking with Lady Blueberry and Gnomeo waiting for their guests the other gnomes were carry on like nothing is happening.

''Hey guys.'' The red said as she walked up to them.

''Ahh I was wondering where you were at Juliet.'' Her dad said.

''Getting cleaned up is all.'' She said.

''You ready to see your grandpa and grandma Juliet?'' Her dad asked.

''Nope are you dad?'' She said.

''Not really they think the feud is still going and last they knew you were getting married to Paris so this will be a shock for them.'' The older red chuckled.

''You got nothing to worry Juliet I'll be right beside you.'' Gnomeo said hugging her from behind.

Suddenly there was a knock on the gate and Lord Redbrick went to answer open to see his parents.

''Ahh welcome mom and dad to the garden.'' Lord Redbrick said.

The red mother hugged her son. ''Its so good to see you Alfred.

''Come give your dad a hug son.'' Sir Redbrick hugged his son really tight that he was trying to breath.

The three gnomes watching were laughing quietly.

''So where is my pretty red granddaughter?'' The older Lady Redbrick asked.

Juliet ran over and hugged her grandma. ''It's so good to see you grandma.'' Juliet said.

Her grandma looked at her studying her. ''My goodness your not  little red rosy anymore your a full grown young woman now.''

Juliet blushed and hid her face in her hands as she heard Gnomeo and his mom giggle then her grandpa came over to her and looked at her hard.

"Juliet, let me look at you. Say there something different about you young missy.'' Her grandpa said.

''I'm now the leader of the garden.'' She  said proudly.

''So I hear your married young lady I want to meet the lucky gnome and the actual leader of the garden.'' Her grandpa said.

Juliet frowned as she knew her grandpa didn't approve of young ladies being leaders. Suddenly Gnomeo came up beside her and smiled at him.

Sir Redbrick gasped and pulled Juliet behind him in a protective way. ''It's a blue what are you doing over here come to ruin our garden. Well I'll show you not to mess with our garden.''

Juliet ran in front of her grandpa to stop him from hurting Gnomeo.

''Grandpa this is Gnomeo my husband and the other leader of the garden.'' Juliet said shyly.

''But he's a blue we are enemies with the blues it's always been that way and you are a disgrace young lady I knew something was wrong with you from the beginning. Alfred  you need to do something about this.''

''Sorry dad but reds and blues aren't enemies anymore thanks to these young leaders they helped me and Lady Blueberry to see that the feud was pointless we nearly lost our kids because of the feud.'' Lord Redbrick said sternly.

''I'm Gnomeo is nice to meet you Sir.'' Gnomeo said bravely stepping forward and holding out his hand.

''I will not shake hands with a filthy blue this is wrong had I known this we wouldn't of come what happened to that red you were to marry Juliet?'' Sir Redbrick asked staring coldly at her.

''He wasn't the right one he was in love with someone else same as me.'' She said trying not to cry.

''Oh and Lady Blueberry the devil woman who started this mess.'' He said angrily.

''Alright dad that is enough, Lady Blueberry is a sweet woman who has a sweet son and we have both moved on and become friends I won't have you talking them like that.'' Lord Redbrick said.

''Well it's late, come on Regina lets go back to our hotel room I won't stay here with blues.'' Sir Redbrick said walking away.

''I'm happy to meet you Gnomeo your a lucky gnome to marry my granddaughter. I will see you both tomorrow.'' Regina said as she hugged both of them and left.

That night as Gnomeo and Juliet went to bed. ''I'm sorry Gnomeo.''

''For what?'' He asked.

Juliet looked at him. ''For what happened with my grandpa.''

''It's nothing it was a shock but I excepted it, your grandma seems nice.'' Gnomeo said looking at her.

''She made me feel special but my grandpa never approved of a lady being a leader he thinks im a disgrace it was bad when dad said it but it hurts to hear it again.'' Juliet said tears running down her face.

Gnomeo walked over to her and pulled her up and hugged her then pulled away slightly.

''Your not a disgrace your father knows that, my mum and the whole garden know you are smart funny brave and an insanely  gorgeous gnome who puts her family first.'' Gnomeo said as he took her hand and kissed his way up her arm to her cheek and then her lips she kissed back when they pulled apart.

''And I wouldn't want it any other way.'' he whispered.

''Thanks Gnomeo I needed to hear that we still have to get though the next couple of days.'' She said.

''Yes and It'll give us plenty of time to prove to him how wrong he is.'' he said as they laid down to sleep.

''Good night little red rosy.'' He teased only to get a pillow shoved in his face.

Well her you go wow this was long anyway I hope you enjoy I'm doing a second part to this a special shoutout to 123lovelauren and ZacEfron16 who have been a big help with this chapter.

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