Chapter 30 Home Sweet Home

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For the rest of the evening into the night was painful for Juliet and Gnomeo who were in the  waiting room Juliet sitting sideways on Gnomeo's lap with her head on his shoulder and they held each other Gnomeo rubbing the red's back their parents there with them, Shroom was next to Gnomeo's legs.

''Mom dad you guys can go home if you want no need to stay here with us.'' Gnomeo said in a low and hoarse voice.

''Are you kidding son we are staying here with you two until this is all over you two need all the love and support you can get.'' Lady Blueberry said.

''Who is watching the garden?'' asked Juliet asked tiredly.

''Oh Benny Nanette and Paris are taking care of it, besides you two need us more then ever.'' Lord Redbrick said.

''I just want my baby safe and sound with me and now I may never get to hold her.'' Juliet said looking down.

''Juliet dear come with me I need to stretch my legs and I also want to talk to you.'' The blue mom said standing up.

Juliet followed Lady Blueberry and they walked down the hall away from the guys.

''Come on now Juliet how are you really feeling my dear and I can tell when your lying.'' The mother said calmly hugging her red daughter.

Juliet broke down into tears hugging her mom. ''I feel helpless I can't do anything to help and I have to pray and hope my little girl will be alright. This isn't the first time we tried to have a baby, the first couple times it didn't happen and finally it did and now I'm about to lose my beautiful Orchid.''

''I know how you feel dear when me and your dad saw the lawnmower heading for you and Gnomeo we were horrified it hurt knowing we couldn't do anything and we thought we lost you two and we were so relieved to see you guys survived I'm sure Orchid will survive look at her parents they survived something impossible. Also me and my husband had to try a few times before we had Gnomeo  I know that feeling and sometimes we take things like this for granted.'' the blue mom said as her and Juliet continued to walk around.

Juliet smiled at her mom and laid her head on her shoulder as they walked back to where the guys were talking. And they sat down Gnomeo was on his phone playing a game and Juliet snuggled up to him watching him. After a few hours Lord Redbrick and Lady Blueberry were asleep. Juliet finally managed to fall asleep leaving Gnomeo awake too nervous to sleep he decided to get something to drink and saw a dad walking by with his daughter and it made Gnomeo sad as he wished it was him and his daughter. He went to go sit back down and an hour later the little girl came to the waiting room with her teddy waiting she looked over at the blue and walked over to him.

''Are you alright Mr. you look sad is your mommy in the hospital too?'' She asked.

Gnomeo smiled at the girl and chuckled she looked about 3 to 4. ''Nope my newborn daughter is in here and she having trouble and I'm waiting to see what they doctor says.'' 

''Oh that's sad what's her name?'' The little girl asked.

''Orchid Aelita.'' He said.

''Oh what a pretty name I'm sure she will be ok and you look like you need a hug my mommy said hugs make others feel better. The little girl jumped up and hugged Gnomeo who was surprised and hugged her back and felt tears coming.

''My name is Madeline.  What's your?''

''My name is Gnomeo and this right here sleeping is my wife Juliet.'' He said looking at his wife sleeping form.

''Oh she is so beautiful she kind of looks like my mom who is here.'' Madeline said.

''Oh and what is your mommy doing here shouldn't you be with her?'' He asked.

''She here because she has cancer and is going to die I can tell she is pale I came out here because I can't stand to see my daddy cry like that.'' She said still sitting on his lap.

''I see and your not sad or anything?'' He asked.

''Oh I am I don't want to lose my mommy but if she leaves at least I know she won't be suffering anymore.'' The girl said her eyes sparkling.

Suddenly Juliet woke up and saw Gnomeo holding a little girl as she was crying. ''Hey who is this?'' she asked softly.

''Oh Juliet meet Madeline she was just keeping me company.''

''Hi there Juliet you look so pretty and you look like you could use a hug.'' And Madeline hugged Juliet who hugged her tightly and smiled.

''Thank you for keeping Gnomeo company.'' 

''Oh it was no problem he was telling me about Orchid and I know she will be alright she tough. Well I should get back but it was nice you two.'' Madeline said.

''It was nice to see you too.'' the couple said as the girl skipped away.

''I needed that.'' Juliet said.

''Yes she a sweetheart her mom has cancer and is dying and she helped cheer me up a bit. Everything will be alright honey.'' Gnomeo said as he kissed Juliet's forehead. After a bit it was morning and the doctor came out of the ward and up to the family.

Mr. and Mrs. Blueberry I'd like to say your daughter has survived and is all better would you like to come see her?'' He asked. The parents had tears in there eyes and hugged each other their parents already awake.

''Yes of course.'' The happy couple along with their parents went into the room to see Orchid smiling and sleeping.

''She did it and after a few more tests and paperwork you can take her home.'' The doctor said as lifted Orchid out of the incubator and gently handed her to Juliet who hugged her.

''Thank you Doctor.'' Gnomeo said. The doctor left the family and they were happy and Gnomeo and Juliet looked up to see a lady a bit older then them being wheeled out of the room followed by the dad and Madeline who were crying. Madeline saw the couple and went into the room.

''Oh this must be Orchid oh she so beautiful.'' The little girl said.

''Yes she is say is that your mom?'' asked Gnomeo.

''Yes and she died last night I was able to sleep next to her but I'm happy she survived.'' Madeline said. Gnomeo went over and hugged her. ''You look like you could use a hug.''

They both laughed and Madeline took off after her dad and mom. After an hour they were finally able to taake Orchid home and everyone was happy to see the new addition to the garden and had a party. Later that night everyone was in bed and Juliet and Gnomeo was watching her baby sleep.

''I'm so happy to be home with you and our daughter.'' Juliet said crying tears of joy.

''I know the feeling and that little girl gave me hope. She only cried once and she handled her mom dying a lot better then we could with Orchid.'' He said.

''I wonder if she knew Orchid would survive.'' Juliet asked,

''Well one thing is for sure no place like home sweet home now lets get to bed.'' Gnomeo picked up his wife and placed her in bed and they both feel asleep.

Ok here it is I hope you enjoy.

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