Chapter 17 Anniversary & Surprise

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Every since Gnomeo and Juliet met and got married their life has been amazing yes they had ups and downs and it made their love stronger. Even after being leaders they still at times acted like they were still on their honeymoon it was no secret how in love they were the other gnomes caught them during some intimate passion they had they got chewed out by their parents a few times. But today was their anniversary and they were gonna celebrated it.

Gnomeo had Juliet up against the wall of the shed kissing her with all the passion he had. Juliet was enjoying it and was moaning at the feeling of him kissing her she had her arms wrapped around him.

"Juliet do you know what day it is today?" The blue asked kissing her neck.

"Oh a day of passion and they day I married the gnome of my dreams." She mumbled kissing his lips.

"'t..regret..this." Gnomeo said as he kissed her neck and running his hands up and down her body. Suddenly there was a cough. They turned around to see their parents watching them in amusement.

"What are you guys doing here?" The red asked.

"We came to see what you two love birds were up to because he have something special to show you." Lady Blueberry said.

"Gee why am I not surprised you guys are acting like your on your honeymoon going like that I should have grandkids." Lord Redbrick said teasingly.

"It is our anniversary so what do you have for us?" Gnomeo asked.

Lady blueberry and Lord Redbrick smiled and pulled them along and put blindfolds on their eyes. And they removed the blindfolds.

"SURPRISE!!!!" All the gnomes jumped up and shouted.

Gnomeo and Juliet were surprised to see a banner and a large cake that said Happy Anniversary.

Nanette and Benny came over and hugged them. "Congrats cousin how does it feel 4 years since you got married?" Benny asked.

"Oh its amazing I couldn't be happier." Gnomeo said pulling Juliet close.

"I couldn't be any happier as well." The red said.

Nanette smiled and hugged Juliet. "How romantic you two are I can't believe you lasted this long."

"All thanks to you covering for me and helping me your the best Nanette."

Everyone started dancing and eating. It was late and the party was still going strong. Gnomeo and Juliet decided to sneak away and went to their own secret garden a couple fences down and Gnomeo held out his hand and smiled at Juliet.

"Care to dance with me my love?" Gnomeo asked bowing.

"Like you have to ask?" Juliet said curtsying.

Gnomeo and Juliet started to dance to the song Hello Hello that was played when they first met. He twirled her around.

"The night we met was the best night ever. You were glowing in the moonlight then I saw you a beautiful goddess ninja and when I saw your face time stopped." Gnomeo said smiling at her.

"My world stopped too I saw you I knew you were the one for me and I never questioned if you were a blue you let me be me and you stayed with me until the end. You are the world to me." Juliet said with tears coming out of her eyes.

Gnomeo wiped her eyes and hugged her and they held each other close and then Gnomeo pulled away and pulled something from his back.

"Happy Anniversary Juliet." he said getting on his knee and holding out a  cupid's arrow orchid.

Juliet smiled and took the flower and set it down and tackled Gnomeo to the ground kissing him.

"This is the best night ever. I love a surprise for you also Gnomeo." She said shyly looking down.

"What is it?" He asked.

Juliet took his hand and placed it on her stomach. "You are going to be a daddy here soon.

Gnomeo stared at her and was silent then smiled and hugged Juliet and kissed her all over her face he had tears of joy in his eyes.

"I don't know what to say I'm so happy Im gonna explode." He said and started running around the garden jumping and shouting "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!!!

He came over to Juliet who was smiling and laughing at the way he was acting. He pulled her in for a hug. "I love you Juliet. I love you so much."

"I love you to now we should be getting back its late plus everyone wants to knows." She said as they snuggled and went back to their garden.

"Their you are we were worried about you." The reds dad said.

"We wanted to be by ourself." The red said.

"We got amazing news We are going to have a baby!" Gnomeo said.

Redbrick smiled and ran over and hugged Gnomeo jumping around with him.

"Oh about time I'm gonna be a grandpa!"

Lady blueberry and Juliet laughed at the boys. Benny and Nanette Willow and Tulip came over.

"Whats going on?" the frog asked.

"Im having a baby." Juliet said excitedly.

All the girls hugged Juliet.

"This is wonderful congrats!" Willow said.

Later that night everyone went to bed and Gnomeo and Juliet were laying im the grass holding hands and talking.

"My life is perfect because I got a beautiful wife and we are having a baby." The blue said kissing Juliet on the cheek.

"I'm so happy as well. Happy anniversary Gnomeo." They spent the most of the night outside cuddled together it truly was a night to remember.

Hey everyone I want to thank you all for reading my stories also Happy G&J Day. 8 years ago today Gnomeo and Juliet came I wanted to write something special for ZacEfron16 and 123lovelauren they have been a big help I hope you guys enjoy the fluff and surprise.

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