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That evening at home, Sanem was unusually quiet. Can always knew when something was wrong with his little bird. He left it alone for a while. Hoping she would come out of whatever funk she was in. Maybe she was on her cycle. He wouldn't dare ask her. The last time he asked, she blew up at him and called him insensitive. Can starting thinking back over the day to see if he remembered anything that would have bothered Sanem. It was times like this he wished he had her photographic memory. The only thing that stood out was that new client and his daughter, Ayca. But, he and Sanem talked afterwards and he thought everything was settled. Could she still be upset over the incident with Ayca? Surely not, he thought. He made it clear to Sanem it no longer felt the need to travel and do outdoor sports. He made it clear his place was here with her and the kids. He also made it clear that her and the kids were not holding back from anything. He was going to have to corner her and demand an answer.

After dinner, Sanem started getting the kids ready for their bath and then tucked into bed. Can cleaned up the kitchen from dinner. When he was finished, he went looking for Sanem. He found her outside, sitting on the balcony. She was looking up at the stars. He sat down beside her and put his arm around her. He felt her tense up for a brief moment and then she relaxed. Can looked down at his wife and told her to spill it. He knew something was wrong and demanded she tell him what it was. Sanem at first denied anything being wrong. Can just looked at her. Sanem told him she has been thinking. Can asked about what. She looked at her husband and asked how he could just give up traveling and doing his sports. It was his whole life and she now feels she may be the reason he gave it all up. Can looked at Sanem and told her they had already talked about all this. She was not the reason he gave up anything. He told her again he traveled and did risky sports because he had no place to call his own. Nobody to call his own. He told her when he met her, he finally felt he had somebody to call his own and a place to call his own. He told her to please get it through her head that he was happy. He is happy being at home with his beautiful wife and children. Sanem asked him if he was sure. Can said come on my beautiful little bird and I will show you. Can grabbed her by the hand and led her into their bedroom.

The next morning, Can noticed that Sanem's mood had improved a great deal. Everyone had breakfast and then they headed out the door. Sanem and Can took the kids to the day care center and they headed upstairs to the agency. Deren said their new client's daughter, Ayca was waiting in their office. Can and Sanem entered. Can told Ayca he wasn't aware of a scheduled meeting this morning. Ayca said she just decided to pop in. Can asked what he could do for her. Ayca said there a climbing trip scheduled for this weekend and wanted to invite Can and Sanem. Can reached over and grabbed Sanem's hand and held it. He told Ayca he appreciated the offer, but he just wasn't into outdoor sports any longer. He was married with three children and would much rather spend his time at home with them. Ayca smiled and asked if he was sure. Can kissed his wife on the cheek and told Ayca he was absolutely sure. He also asked her not to invite him to anything else. He did not feel comfortable mixing business with pleasure. Ayca gave Sanem a dirty look and told Can fine. She would not bring it up anymore and walked out slamming the door. Can asked Sanem if she was OK. Sanem gave her husband a kiss on the cheek and told him she was fine. She told Can they probably lost Ayca's father as a client. Can said Oh well; there will be other clients.

Ahmet (Ayca's father) telephoned Can later in the day and asked what he did to upset his daughter. Can told Ahmet he did nothing to upset his daughter. He explained she was waiting for him when he arrived too the agency. She wanted to invite Can again to a climbing trip this weekend. Can just old her he was married with three children at home and chose to spend his time with them. He told Ahmet that he asked Ayca to no longer invite him on any outdoor trips. He did not like mixing business with pleasure. Ahmet told Can he was glad he explained. He got a different explanation from his daughter. Can told Ahmet his wife was in the room the whole time. Ahmet told Can he believed him. He knew how his daughter was. Can asked if they were to conduct business, that he no longer bring Ayca. Ahmet said that was fine and he had no problem with it. When Can got off the phone he relayed everything that was said to Sanem. Sanem asked him what was Ayca's explanation. Can said he did not know, and he did not care.

Can ordered lunch for him and Sanem. He decided they would eat in their office today. When their food arrived, Sanem went to fetch them some tea. While she was pouring the tea, Ayca walked back into the agency. Sanem asked her if she could assist her with something. Ayca asked her why she was holding her husband back from enjoying life. Sanem told her she had no idea what she was referring too, and it was none of her business. Ayca told Sanem that her husband had been leading her on. Sanem laughed at her and told her she was crazy and needed help. Ayca told Sanem it was true. Can was sending her signals ad she picked up on them. Ayca asked if Sanem was blind. Sanem continued to laugh, grabbed the tea and started to walk away. Ayca grabbed her arm to stop her. Sanem suggested to Ayca to let go of her arm. Deren had witnessed the whole thing and ran to get Can. Ayca laughed and asked what she was going to do about it. Sanem dropped the tea she was holding. She then grabbed Ayca's arm that was holding her. She twisted it behind Ayca's back. Sanem got in her face and told her that was what she was going to do about it. Sanem applied pressure until Ayca yelped in pain. Sanem suggested she leave the agency and do not ever return. Sanem let go of her arm. Ayca told Sanem she would pay for that. She drew back to punch Sanem but Sanem swept her legs out from under her and she landed on her back. Can was standing there watching his wife with his mouth open. He could not believe Sanem just did that. Ayca was screaming and cussing at Sanem. Two security guards arrived and escorted Ayca off the property.

Can embraced his wife and asked if she was OK. Sanem smiled and said she was fine and that felt wonderful! Can laughed at her. He told her to come on. Their lunch was getting cold. Sanem said she would get more tea and be right there. Can kissed her cheek and told her OK. He asked if she could stay out of trouble from here to their office. Sanem said she would do her best. 

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