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Later that day, Ceyda from Compass Sports arrived to speak to Can. Deren showed her to his office. Can was in the middle of kissing his wife when Ceyda arrived. Deren knocked and then entered with Ceyda behind her. Can looked at Ceyda and asked what did he owe the honor. Ceyda asked why he refused to work on the campaign for Compass Sports. Can looked at her and asked if he really needed to spell it out for her. Ceyda told he did need to spell it out for her. Can told the last time he worked with Ceyda and her company, he made his wife's life a living hell. He told her he refused to put his wife through that again. Sanem just stood there beside Can and said nothing. Can reached out and took her hand. Ceyda said Can was not married at the time and she was attracted to him. Ceyda preceded to tell him he was married now, and she has never crossed that line and never will. The past is the past, she said. Can told her he still did not feel comfortable working with her again, but he would think about it. He would have someone let her know by the end of the day. Ceyda told him thank you and left.

Can looked at Sanem and asked what she thought about it. Sanem told him it was his decision. Can told her no, it was their decision. He told Sanem he did not want her to feel uncomfortable around Ceyda. She put her hands against his beard and told him that he was hers now. They were married with 3 beautiful children. They were more in love now then they were back then. She told Can she trusted him and Ceyda could not hurt her anymore. Sanem then kissed her husband. Sanem told Can they could try to work with Ceyda, but if anything happens, they could stop the campaign at any time. Can smiled and told Sanem he loved his very beautiful, smart and creative wife. He gave her a passionate kiss. Emre walked in and told them to get a room. Can told him in case he hadn't noticed, they were in a room. Emre laughed. He asked what Ceyda wanted. Can told Emre Ceyda wanted to work with us again. Emre asked what Can told her. Can said he would think about it. Emre asked if he decided. Can looked at Sanem and he said Sanem came up with a plan. He told Emre they would try and work with Ceyda, but if she stepped out line, then they would drop the campaign. Emre said that sounded like a plan. Can told Emre to phone Ceyda and tell her they would accept, under those conditions. Emre said OK.

It was lunchtime and Can asked Sanem if she wanted to head out for some lunch. Sanem said sure. It would give her a chance to peek in on the kids in day care. Can said OK. They headed out to a local cafe. They placed their order for food and ordered tea to drink. They sat and talked while waiting for their food. Can grabbed Sanem's hand and asked her again if she was OK with working the Compass Sports campaign. Sanem said she was OK with it. She told Can she was more secure in her relationship with him now then she was back then. She told him he was hers and she was his. She said besides, if that piranha touches him now, she would use one of her kickboxing moves on her. Can laughed. Sanem looked at her husband and said they have come along way since the day they met. Can said yes, they had. Can told her the road they had taken led them to where they our today. Sanem smiled at him.

After they ate, they headed back to the agency. They first stopped to check in on the kids. Ates was off in the corner with Emre's son Omer. Omer was younger than Ates, but Ates took him under his wing and looked out for him. Deniz, Yildiz and Guliz (Emre and Leyla's daughter) were off playing together. They all seemed to be OK, so Can and Sanem headed upstairs to the agency. Emre met them in the hallway and told them he called Ceyda. Ceyda had agreed to the terms of not causing any problems. Can said OK. For the rest of the day, Can and Sanem worked on the Compass Sports campaign. Ceyda wanted something different than last time. Compass Sports had new equipment to try out, so Can suggested another camping trip for his employees to try out this new equipment. Can suggested to Emre, Leyla and Sanem that they take the kids this time. Everyone thought it was an excellent idea. Can said they would plan it for this weekend. Can went and told his employees. He also told them they could bring their families with them.

Can told Sanem he would go to the sporting goods store and buy the kids their own little tents. He told her that Deniz, Guliz and Yildiz could share a tent and Ates and Omer could share one. He would get them little sports chairs to sit around the campfire with them. Sanem said that sounded perfect. She would be sure to pack plenty of marshmallows. Once everyone was home for the evening, Can and Emre ran to the sporting goods store. They bought a princess tent for the girls and a cars tent for the boys. They also bought 5 little sports chairs for the kids. They headed back home. Can entered the house, after he put all the camping gear in the outside shed. He hollered that he was home. Sanem said she was in the kitchen. Can came in and kissed his wife. She told him dinner was almost done. Can said good because he was starving. He told Sanem what him and Emre had bought for the kids. Sanem told him the kids would love it. Sanem asked what they would do with Adil, Deniz's dog. Can said he forgot about Adil. Can asked Sanem why don't they take him too. He could help look after the kids. Sanem laughed and said she was OK with it. Adil was pretty much trained now to stay where he was supposed to. Sanem hugged her husband and said she hoped they didn't bite off more than they could chew. Can asked her what could go wrong.

It was Friday afternoon and Can was packing up the truck for the camping trip. Sanem had already went to the grocery store to get what food they would need. Since they would be feeding all of the employees, there was a lot of food to buy. Sanem made sure she bought plenty of marshmallows. They would be meeting Ceyda's representatives there. Soon they were on the road with Emre and Leyla following them. 

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