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After they left Huma's house, Can and Sanem decided to stop for a bite to eat. They stopped on the coast for kebabs and tea. Can teased her about keeping up her strength for later. Sanem's face turned red and she giggled. Can thought he could never get enough of her childlike qualities. She got embarrassed so easily and giggled like a small child. He loved that about her. They finished eating and drove back to the farm.

When they got out of the truck, they noticed their family and friends were gathered around Sanem's yard. They went to see what was up. Sanem asked them what was up. Her mother responded by telling her they were there to finalize the preparations for their wedding. Their wedding was only 5 days away. Sanem was happy about it the finalization but sad because she really wanted to be alone with Can. Can leaned over and whispered in her ear that they had all night. He promised it would be worth the wait. Sanem giggled and her face once again turned red. Leyla and Embre witnessed the exchange and smiled to each other.

After working for hours on the preparations for the wedding, they were finally complete. Everyone gathered to leave. Sanem kissed her parents and her sister, Leyla good-bye. Can hugged his father and brother as they were leaving. All their friends blew kisses as they too left. Finally, Sanem and Can were alone. They sat outside by the fire pit for a little while, just looking at the stars. Can had her wrapped tight in his embrace, kissing her cheek. Sanem said alone at last and giggled. She turned around and wrapped her arms around Can. She told him she could stay like that forever. Can started playing with her hair...touching her face...her lips...her neck. Sanem closed her eyes and moaned. She suddenly grabbed Can's hand and indicated she wanted him to stand. Can stood up and Sanem pulled him towards her house.

Once they entered the house, Sanem turned around and immediately jumped into his arms. She pushed her hair behind her ear and dived in for a kiss. She nibbled, bit and sucked on his bottom lip. Can was getting extremely turned on. With Sanem in his arms, he walked them slowly to her bedroom without breaking the kiss. He lowered her so her feet were on the floor, still not breaking the kiss. They tenderly undressed each other until they both standing there naked. Can could not stop looking at her. She was perfect in every way. Sanem in turn, could not stop looking at Can. She loved his abs...his chest...his albatross tattoo. She leaned over and kissed his tattoo. He will always be her albatross.

They climbed into bed and were touching each other all over. Sanem did her share of touching this time. She couldn't get enough of him. When she was ready, he entered her slowly. This was no pain this time just a feeling of fullness and a feeling of being one. They both had an orgasm at the same time. Sanem saw stars this time. They held each other afterwards. They looked deep into each other's eyes. Sanem told him she loved him with every breath in her and that there would never be anyone else for her. He was her everything...her reason for breathing. Can told her he loved her with every beat of his heart and there would never be another woman for him. He said she was stuck with him for the rest of her life. Sanem said that was fine because he was stuck with her for the rest of his life. They fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning after they ate breakfast and dressed for the day, they headed to the agency. They were going to work on the campaign for Sanem's creams. They wanted to get it completed before the wedding. So, Can, Sanem, Leyla, Cey Cey, Muzzo and Derin met in the conference room. They had yet to come up with a name for the cream. Everyone voiced their choice of names, but nothing seemed to click. Sanem wanted to call it Can because he was her inspiration. Can wanted to name it Sanem because it was her masterpiece. He explained to Sanem that the name Sanem could be a combination of both their names. Sanem was happy with that explanation. So, the name Sanem became the name for her creams.

Everyone left the conference room. Can and Sanem went into Can's office. Can embraced her and asked her if she knew how smart, beautiful and funny she was. Sanem smiled and started waving her hand in a "come here" motion. Can laughed and accused her of stealing his moves. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips. There was a knock on his door and then the door opened. Polen entered the office. Can started to tell her to get out. Polen interrupted him. She said she just came to apologize for the things she said. She was headed to the airport so she could return to London. She promised they would never hear from her again. Can and Sanem remained silent.

As Polen turned to leave, somebody came up behind her. The person asked if Polen was ready to head to the airport. Can and Sanem were in shock. Now what was HE doing back in Istanbul???

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