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The next day, Can decided on traveling to the Santa Cruz Islands. He asked Sanem if that sounded good to her. She smiled and said yes. He brought her tea and toast for breakfast. He wanted to give her something light for her nausea. He picked up her vitamins while they were in town. He gave her one to swallow. He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. He told her he was going to start the boat and head out. Can went up top to start the boat so they could continue their journey. He kept a close eye on Sanem. He checked on her periodically and always found her asleep. The doctor told him it was normal at the beginning of the pregnancy.

Around lunch time, he made her some soup with crackers. He took it down to her and found her sitting up in bed. He asked her if she was hungry. She said of course. I am starving. He put the tray down in front of her and sat beside her. He started spoon feeding her the soup. Sanem laughed and told him she was pregnant, not sick, and she could feed herself. Can told her he loved taking care of her and his little albatross she was carrying. Sanem said it might be a girl, what then? Can smiled and said there are female albatrosses. Sanem laughed.

Sanem told Can they needed to wait a few months to tell their family. She didn't want to do anything to jinx her pregnancy. Can said that was fine with him, whatever she wanted. Sanem asked him if he was happy. Can responded by saying he was over the moon. He finally has everything he ever wanted. Her as his wife and his child in her womb. He leaned down and kissed her belly. He started talking to his unborn child. Sanem loved when he did that. Can looked up and smiled at his wife. He said the doctor said we could still be intimate, with a smile and a wink. Sanem said so she did and giggled. Can said she needed to finish eating first. You need to keep your strength up. So, he continued feeding her.

When she was done eating, she told Can she wanted to go up top to feel the sun on her face. He walked with her up top. She sat down on the edge of the boat. She loved listening to the waves hit the side of the boat. There was a slight breeze and it felt wonderful. Can sat down beside her and held her hand. He said you asked me if I was happy. He then asked her if she was happy. Sanem looked at him and smiled. She said she was the happiest she has ever been. She had many dreams of having his children but never thought it would be a reality. She told him he was the only one she ever wanted as a father to her children. Can leaned over and rubbed noses with her. He then dived in for a passionate kiss. Sanem kissed him back with an intensity. He started kissing her all over her face and then down the side of her neck. Sanem moaned with pleasure. Can asked her if they should move this indoors. Sanem laughed and said yes. She didn't want any passing boats to get a show. Can helped her to her feet and then shut the boat off. They headed downstairs where he made quick work of both their clothes. He made love to her so gently and lovingly. She felt so loved and cherished in the time he was making love to her. Afterwards, they laid in each other's arms just enjoying being with each other.

Can finally got up and went back up top to start the boat. Sanem headed to the shower. Once she was showered and dressed, she went up top in search of Can. She found him sitting behind the wheel, reading her book. She laughed and asked him if he ever finished it. He told her no. He said he reads each page a thousand times before going to the next page. He said he didn't have photogenic memory like her, and it took him a while to memorize things. She asked him why he was memorizing her book. Can thought for a moment and then he said I want your words to stay imprinted in my mind forever. Sanem told him he was sweet and gave him a hug, then ran her hands down his beard.

Sanem told Can she wanted to practice making rope knots. So, he sat down with her to help her work on it. Can laughed at her frustration. She just couldn't seem to get it. She ended up with the rope wrapped all around her. Can could not figure out how she got into that mess. But it was his crazy wife after all. After a while, they gave up on the tying knots. Can asked her if she wanted to fish for their dinner. Sanem told him yes, but she has never been fishing. He told her he would teach her. Sanem had a hard time putting the bait on. She did evidently get the hang of it. She ended catching more fish then Can. She just couldn't stop gloating over that fact. Can told her the fish were attracted to her as well. Sanem giggled.

Can took the fish downstairs to the kitchen. He would make them later for their dinner. Sanem said she would make the salad to go with their fish. Sanem decided she would put her bikini on and lay on deck. She thought she might as wear it while she could. She came up top and Can was steering the boat. She laid a towel down, dropped her bikini cover and laid down on the towel. Can could not take his eyes of her or that bikini. He stayed where he was. He didn't want Sanem to think he was a sex fiend. Sanem called out for him and asked for his help on applying sunblock. Can thought his wife was trying to kill him. He went over and applied the sunscreen to her back and the back of her legs. He told her to roll over and he would do the front. She told him she could reach the front but Can refuse to let her. He was enjoying touching her. So, he coated the front of her with the lotion. Sanem was really enjoying this. She told him that was good, and she had enough lotion on. Can leaned over her and started kissing her. He stopped and told her they were not going to make it to Santa Cruz at this rate. Sanem just laughed. She told Can to go drive the boat then. Can said OK, but they would finish this later. 

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