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After the wedding festivities ended, everyone left for their homes. Can and Sanem went back to their home. They were leaving in the morning for their trip around the world on their boat. Can told Sanem she looks stunning in her wedding dress, but he said she would look even better out of it. Sanem told him he would look even better out of his tux. He turned her around and reached for her zipper of her dress. He slowly pulled the zipper completely down her back. The dress pooled at her feet. She was now standing there in her panties. Sanem helped Can remove his tux until he was only standing in his boxers. Can picked her up and carried her to their bedroom. Can told her this would be the first time he made love to his wife. Sanem giggled. Can made love to his wife all night long. He would never get enough of her. They finally fell asleep in each other's arms.

They awoke the next morning ready to begin their journey. All of their family and friends came back to bid them farewell. Everyone walked to the pier, where Can and Sanem's boat was waiting. Someone decorated it with signs and balloons. The back of the boat had a huge sign that said "Just Married...Mr. and Mrs. Can Divit". Everyone kissed and hugged the happy couple. Can got on the boat and lifted his wife onto the boat. Can started the boat and they headed off. They stood together waving at the friends and family until they were out of sight.

Sanem had no idea they were stopping at Galapagos first. It was Can's surprise for his wife. She had always dreamed of visiting Galapagos where the albatrosses migrated. They were going to stay there for a week, so Sanem could see all there was to see. Can was going to take tons of pictures and Sanem was going to write about their adventures.

Sanem stood at the wheel, with Can behind her. He was teaching her about steering the boat. His chest was against her back and his arms very over hers. He moved her hair to the side and started kissing, nibbling and sucking her neck. Sanem leaned her head back to give him better access. Can reached over and turned off the boat. He whispered to her that he wanted her again. Sanem turned around in his arms, stood on tiptoes and passionately kissed him. She then told him she wanted him again. He took her by the hand and walked her downstairs to their little bedroom. They undressed quickly and laid on the bed. They made love not once, but three times. Can was enjoying teaching her about her body and different ways to make love. He was so glad he was her first. She was his first too. She was the first woman he had ever made love too. It wasn't just sex with her. He loved her clear to his soul. Sanem got up and said she would make them some lunch. Their friends and family made sure they were well stocked on food and supplies. Can went back up and started the boat, so they could proceed to their first destination.

Sanem decided on dolma and a salad. Can loved dolma. Sanem never realized how hard it was to cook on a boat that was continuously rocking. She was thrown everywhere. She was talking angrily at herself. Can peeked downstairs and couldn't help but laugh at the situation she had gotten herself into. She had food thrown all over her. It was clinging to her face and hair. Sanem saw him and said hmm, very delicious. She told him she still had to make the salad. Can turned off the boat and came down to help her. He picked the food off her face and hair, then started making the salad. She told him she just wasn't used to this kitchen. He remembered when she told him that same thing when she made pasta for him at his old house, which ended up burnt. Can laughed out loud. He told her she was adorable, and he loved her crazy ways.

They went back up to the top of the boat, where they ate their lunch. After eating, Can restarted the boat and continued on. Sanem kept asking where they were headed. He told her it was a surprise. They traveled for about a week just enjoying each other's company. They ate, laughed, made love and talked the whole way.

They were getting close to their first stop....Galapagos. When they arrived, Can docked the boat and Sanem asked where they were. He told her they had arrived in Galapagos. Sanem's face lit up. She ran and embraced him. She told him he remembered. He told her of course he remembered. They were sitting on a pier when she told him she wanted to write a book and go to Galapagos to see the albatross. Sanem said you told me you would read my book with pleasure. They immediately exited the boat to begin exploring. Sanem was so excited to be here. Her dreams were coming true thanks to Can.

Can rented a car and drove them to find the albatrosses. They found their nest and they sat there silently just watching them. Can brought his camera and taking loads of pictures. He also took a few in of his Sanem. Her face showed so many emotions and he wanted to get them on film. They sat there for hours just watching the albatross. Sanem was sitting between Can's legs. Her back against his chest. He had his arms wrapped around her and she was tracing patterns on his arms. They were content just being in each other's arms. They decided to eat dinner at one of the restaurants in Galapagos before returning to the boat for the night. They sat across from each other and enjoyed their meal. They would occasionally feed one another from their own plate.

They returned to the boat after they ate. Sanem was feeling extremely tired. She told Can she wanted to go lay down. He gave her a quick kiss and told her he would join her shortly. Sanem was fast asleep when Can finally joined her. He laid down beside her and wrapped her in his arms. Can evidently fell asleep. Sanem woke up a short time later and ran to the bathroom. She felt sick to her stomach and lost the contents of their dinner. Can heard her and ran into the bathroom. He asked her if she was alright. Sanem told him it must have been the dinner they ate. It didn't agree with her. Can wiped her face with a cool cloth and helped her back to bed. She immediately fell back to sleep. Can laid there holding her and wondered if it was the food they ate. 

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