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Deniz and Guliz's 1st birthday

Today they would be celebrating Deniz and Guliz's first birthday. Sanem could not believe her baby girl and Leyla's daughter were one year-old today. They were born on the same day, with Deniz only about an hour older. Deniz was making her needs known with one word here and there. Of course, her first word was da da. Can was over the moon when he heard her say it. She was walking everywhere and into everything. They were now living happily in their log cabin that Can designed. Sanem simply loved the house. Emre and Leyla were living in their house next door, that Can helped Emre design. Of course, Mihriban was a frequent visitor to Sanem and Can's house. Deniz was very attached to Mihriban. They were having their birthdays at the farm today. Mihriban insisted. She helped Sanem and Leyla plan the party. Everyone was and friends. Can and Emre went to the office for a while to get a little work done but would return for the party.

Sanem and Leyla took the girls over to the farm to help Mihriban with the party. There were balloons everywhere. Mihriban had been busy. There was a long table with 2 huge cakes. One for Deniz using an albatross theme and one for Guliz using a princess theme. Mihriban made both of the cakes. Deniz did not go anywhere without the stuffed albatross her daddy got her. She slept with it. She ate her meals with it. She traveled with it. She was Can's little albatross. Bulut was sitting up more tables and chairs. When he saw the girls, he stopped and ran over to them. He was very attached to both Deniz and Guliz. The girls ran to him. He picked them both up and gave them hugs and kisses. Sanem noticed a huge thing covered with a tarp in the corner of the yard. Sanem asked Bulut what was under the tarp. He smiled and said it was his gift to Deniz and Guliz. He made it for both the girls. Mihriban heard him and added that the girls would love it.

Deniz and Guliz played in the yard, while Sanem and Leyla helped get the party ready. Mihriban had a fenced-in area put in the yard, just for the girls. This is so they could play and not wander off. Mevkibe and Nihat arrived with the food they made for the girl's party. Mihriban had also made food for the party. There was a table set up just for the food, and it was overflowing. Nobody would leave there hungry today. Can's truck pulled up and him and Emre got out. They immediately went over to their daughters to get their hugs and kisses. They were both saying da da. They wanted back down to play so they put the girls back into the fenced in area. They went in search of their wives. Can came up behind Sanem and wrapped his arms around her. She turned in his arms and ran her hand through his beard. He gave her a quick kiss and asked what else needed done. Sanem told him everything was just about ready. She told him to go relax and visit with his Dad and father-in-law. He said OK.

Soon everyone arrived. Bulut saw Deren and went up and embraced her. Deren gave him a quick kiss. They were getting pretty close. Sanem was hoping a wedding would be in their future soon. Can walked over to Sanem who was still watching Deren and Bulut. Can hugged her from behind and told her that was them way back when. Sanem told him she knew. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

Can and Emre had their own surprise. They had Muzzo dress up as an albatross and Cey Cey agreed to dress up as a princess. He made a very ugly princess with his mustache, but he insisted on doing it for Guliz. Can and Emre went and got the girls and brought them over to the party area. Deniz saw the large albatross walking around and ran over to it. She was saying batros (her version of albatross) so Muzzo pick her up. Deniz petted the giant albatross. When Guliz saw Cey Cey dressed as the princess, she cried and ran to her da da. Everyone laughed.

Everyone sat down to eat. Deniz sat in her highchair between Can and Sanem. She was eating solid foods now, but in bite size so she wouldn't choke. She had an appetite like her momma. Guliz was the exact opposite. She was a picky eater like her momma, Leyla. It was time for the cakes and the birthday song. Everyone sang happy birthday to the girls and then the cakes were cut. Soon it was time for the presents. The girls got little tricycles from Nihat and Mevkibe. Mihriban got them cute little outfits. Deniz's outfit had an albatross on her t-shirt and Guliz's outfit had a princess on her t-shirt. Each of their names was embroidered on the back of the shirt. Last, it was time to unveil Bulut's gift to both girls. He removed the tarp and underneath was a beautiful handmade jungle gym. It had swings, a slide, a teeter totter and a carriage. The girls ran over to it. They both loved it and wanted their da da's to push them on the swing. Emre and Can pushed their daughters on the swings. They were safety swings so the girls would not fall off. The girls squealed and giggled. Sanem and Leyla went over to Bulut and embraced him. They thanked him for the beautiful gift and told him the girls loved it. He smiled with embarrassment.

The party was winding down and the girls were getting tired and cranky. Can and Emre told Sanem and Leyla to take the girls home to get them settled for the night. They would stay behind and help Mihriban clean up the party. Sanem gave Can a quick kiss and took Deniz home. Leyla did the same with Emre. Once home, Sanem bathed Deniz and got her ready for bed. Sanem had to talk to Can about something when he got home. Sanem laid Deniz down and she fell asleep fast, hugging her stuffed albatross. She then went to make a cup of tea and wait for Can.

Can came home a few hours later. He sat down beside Sanem and threw his arm around her. He said the party turned out well. Sanem said yes it did. She told him she needed to talk to him. Can looked at her and asked if everything was OK. She said I hope it will be. Can asked her what was wrong. Sanem told him she didn't know how he was going to react or if he was even ready. Can told her she was worrying him. He told her to just tell him. Sanem told him she loved him more than anything and she loved the little family they created. He said go on. Sanem told Can she was pregnant again and if her dreams came true, it would be twins this time. Can just stared at her. Sanem waited for him to say something. Can broke out in a huge grin. He embraced Sanem tightly. He then kissed her passionately. Sanem asked him if he was happy. Can said am I happy? I am more than happy. He told her he wanted more kids and twins are 2 for the price of 1. Sanem laughed. He told Sanem he loved her, and he loved their little family. He would never change anything about their life, except for adding more babies. He said as long as you are beside me, everything in the world is alright. Sanem told him she loved him and called him her albatross. Can told her she would always be his phoenix. 

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