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The next morning, Can woke up before Sanem. She was laying naked across him. He loved the feel of her body against his. He ran his fingers through her hair. He loved the feel of her hair. He bent his head to smell her hair. He loved the smell of her hair. There wasn't one thing he did not like about his Sanem. He kissed the top of her head. She slowly woke up, stretching like a cat. She looked up at Can and said good morning, my love. Can told her good morning, my one and only. Sanem came up his body until she was face to face with her husband. She gave him the sweetest of kisses. Can deepened the kiss and soon they were making love once again. Can held his wife afterwards. Soon, they got up and got dressed. They went in search of breakfast before Sanem's meet and greet at the local bookstore.

They sat down in the café and ordered their food. They chatted while they waited for their food to be prepared. They talked about headed home after the bookstore meet and greet. They both missed their kids and could not wait to see them. Their breakfast arrived and they ate while stealing glances at each other. Can still felt like he did when they first met. He used to steal glances at Sanem when she wasn't looking. He prayed this feeling never ended. After eating, they headed to the bookstore for the meet and greet. By the time they arrived, there was already a line outside the bookstore. There seem to be more people here then there was at the library. Everyone got loud when they saw Sanem. Sanem held tight to Can's hand and plastered a beautiful smile on her face. They entered the bookstore and Sanem took her seat in front of the store. Can went to browse the books.

Can picked out several books he had not read. He even picked out some books for the kids. He went to pay for his purchases. He then went and sat in the back of the room to watch his wife in action. She wowed the crowd. Soon, there were questions be asked of Sanem about her new book. Somebody wanted to know where her albatross was today. Sanem told them with a smile, that he was there in the bookstore with her. Sanem put out her hand and Can got up and walked towards her. He took her hand and kissed it. It got very loud in the bookstore. Somebody asked if she got her happily ever after. Sanem looked at her husband and said she was still living it her happily ever after. Can gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. The bookstore got very loud with everyone yelling and screaming. Sanem smiled at her fans.

Soon, it was time for Sanem to sign autographs. Can went next door at a café and bought him and Sanem some tea. Can took Sanem her tea. He handed her the tea and she thanked him. Can went and sat at the back of the room and waited for Sanem. Sanem signed autographs for about 2 hours. Finally, it was over, and they could leave. Can told Sanem they had time to get a bite to eat before they headed back to the hotel to gather their belongings. Can took Sanem to a pizzeria. Once they were done eating, they went back to the hotel to gather their things so they could catch their plane and head back to Istanbul. Sanem told Can she was going to miss this place and the time they spent together. Can took his wife in his arms and told he would miss it too. But they were going home together, and they would remain together forever.

They were on the plane and headed home to their kids. Sanem could not wait to hold her babies. Can grabbed her hand and held. He knew she handed the take off and landing parts of the airplane. He could feel her hand tremble. He leaned over and kissed her deeply. Sanem kissed him back. She moaned into Can's mouth. He left her mouth and started biting, nibbling and sucking her neck. They were finally in the air, so he lifted his head. He smiled and asked if she felt better now. Sanem said yes, it did the trick. She laid her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head.

As soon as they landed, Can went to get his truck out of the airport parking lot and pulled it up to the front door. He loaded their suitcases into the back of the truck and opened the door for Sanem. Soon, they were on their way home. Sanem telephoned Leyla to let her know they were almost home. Leyla said she would bring Deniz over once they got there. Sanem then called Mihriban and Aziz and told them they were almost home. Mihriban said she would bring the twins over soon. Can unloaded the truck, while Sanem entered the house. She ran to their bedroom and fell back on their bed. She let out a big sigh. She kicked off her shoes and turned on her side. It felt so good to be home. Can came into the bedroom and laid down beside her. He pulled her back against his chest and held her. He told her he could hold her like this forever. Sanem told him she could lay like this forever.

They soon heard the door open and Deniz calling out for them. They both jumped up and went to greet their oldest child. Can picked her up in his arms so he could hug and kiss her. Sanem got her hug and kiss. Sanem told her she missed her so much. Deniz told her parents she missed them too. A few minutes later Ates and Yildiz came barreling through the door. Sanem hugged and kissed her twins. It felt so good to Sanem to be back with her children. Can went and got the books he bought for the kids. He passed them out to each of his children. The children loved them. They got their love of reading from both of their parents. The kids went to unpack their bags and Can started some laundry. Sanem hopped up on the dryer to chat with her husband while he was working on the laundry. She kept watching her husband. Can asked her what she was looking at. Sanem told him the most perfect view in the world to her. Can stood between her legs and kissed her deeply. When he lifted his head, Sanem told him she made a decision. Can said what might that be. Sanem smiled and kissed her husband's cheek. Sanem told him she would give him another child. Can smiled and said really? Sanem told him yes, but they needed to start work on it right away.

Can looked at his wife, picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Sanem asked what he was doing? Can said he was getting started on it right away. Sanem told him the kids were home. Can wiggled his eyebrows at her and said that is what locks are for. Sanem laughed as Can shut and locked the door. 

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