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Sanem continued laying there on deck in that tiny bikini, soaking up the sun, while Can stood at the wheel watching her....suffering. His wife was slowly killing him, and she didn't even know it...or did she? Can stood there thinking of ways he wanted to touch her. She had him so hot and bothered. He just wanted to go pick her and carry her downstairs. He was turning into a sex fiend. He would never get enough of this woman. He turned off the boat and went over to her. He laid down beside her. She was on her stomach. He reached over and untied the straps of her bikini top. He removed his shirt and was now leaning over her, his chest against her bare back. He started kissing and nibbling the back of her neck. He worked his way down her back. He heard her sigh. He continued to nibble and lick when Sanem quickly turned over. She lost her bikini top since it was untied. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. She then pulled him down for a kiss. She did her own nibbling, biting and licking of his bottom lip. The kiss went on until they both had to stop for a breath. Then they just stared into each other's eyes.

Can made quick work of her bikini bottoms and his shorts and boxers. They were now laying with their skin touching. Sanem asked him if they should move inside. Can looked around and saw no other boats around. He told her no. He wanted her right there right now. He told her it was all her fault. Sanem asked what she did. Can picked up her bikini and showed it to her. He told her she was to only wear that bikini for him and nobody else. She was to wear a full piece when they were in public, with a cover up. Or better yet no bathing suits in public at all. Sanem laughed. Can started kissing her again making his way down her body. He stopped and paid special attention to her stomach. He loved that she was carrying his child. He moved back up her body and flipped her, so she was on top. He smiled at her and told her she had been begging to drive. Sanem looked at him and laughed. I meant the boat, Can....the boat. I want to drive the boat. He lifted her up and brought her down on him. He filled her completely. It wasn't long before Sanem reached her peak and Can followed right behind her. He then rolled her on her side and just held her. Can told her she did a good job of driving the "boat". Sanem swatted him and told him he was very funny.

Can asked her how her nausea was. Sanem told him it comes and goes. She said it was worse in the mornings. She said I guess that is why they call it morning sickness. Can asked her if it happens at night, is it called night sickness? Sanem said no. It was just called morning sickness. Can said that makes no sense at all. He said when they got to Santa Cruz, he was going to go buy some books on pregnancy and read up on it. Sanem said OK and laughed. Sanem asked him to start cooking their fish soon because she was hungry. Can said OK and you can start the salad.

After they ate their fish and salad, Sanem started cleaning up and Can restarted the boat. They were almost to their destination of Santa Cruz. It would be getting dark when they arrived, so Can told Sanem after they docked the boat, they would get some sleep. They would start exploring Santa Cruz in the morning. Sanem told him that was fine. After docking the boat, Sanem did not want to go right to sleep. She wanted to sit on deck and look at the stars. There were so many stars in the sky tonight. Can sat behind her, with his chest to her back. Sanem leaned back so she could look up at the sky. She told Can it was so beautiful there. Can said yes, it was beautiful, but he was looking at Sanem, not the sky. Can asked her to tell him another story about the constellations. Sanem told him the story of Altair and Vega. It was a story about a weaver girl and a cow herder. A river was built to separate the two lovers. They could be together only once a year because the magpies felt sympathy for the two lovers. The magpies flocked closely together to form a bridge over the river on that one night a year. Can told her that was a sad story, but he loved to listen to Sanem's stories.

Sanem and Can turned in for the night a short time later. Sanem was excited to go exploring in the morning. She fell asleep rather quickly wrapped in Can's arms. She felt so safe and protected in his arms. 

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