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The next day, Can went to pick up Adil from the vet. Deniz would be so excited to see her puppy. Thank God he survived the poisoning. Can also thanked God he still had Sanem, Mihriban and his daughter, Deniz. He still couldn't figure out why he ever got involved with Polen. He never realized she was so unstable. After realizing how unstable her brother, Yigit was, it really didn't surprise him. The whole family must be nuts. He pulled into the vet's office and went inside. Adil was up running around and back to his playful self. He saw Can and came running to him. Can squatted down and said hey, buddy. The vet came out and said everything was fine with Adil. He had recovered nicely. Can thanked the vet and paid the bill. He put Adil in the truck and headed back home. Can could not wait to see Deniz's face when she saw Adil. His daughter had been through so much the last few days. First her puppy, then being abducted with her momma and Mihriban. Can prayed that Polen spends the rest of her life in jail.

Can pulled into the driveway and got Adil out of the truck. Sanem and the kids were in the yard. Deniz started clapping and yelling when she saw Adil. Can unlocked the gate and Adil went running to Deniz. She hugged her puppy and he was jumping all over her. Can walked over to Sanem and saw the tears in her eyes. He asked her if she was OK. Sanem hugged her husband and said she was just so happy everything worked out. Can kissed her and asked if she wanted to continue with her kickboxing lessons. She smiled and said hell yes. She told Can those lessons saved her life, as well as Deniz and Mihriban's lives. Can said good, he was glad. Sanem called to the kids and Adil. They all headed into the house.

Can's cell phone rang. It was Metin. Metin explained to Can that Sanem and Mihriban would have to testify at Polen's trial. Metin would try to keep Deniz off the stand due to her young age. Polen's preliminary hearing was scheduled for tomorrow. They did not have to be there, but they could come if they wanted. Can said he would talk to Sanem and get back with him. He thanked Metin and hug up. Can went to talk to Sanem. He told her everything Metin had told him. She looked up at Can and told her she wanted to be there tomorrow. She had to face her after everything she has done to them. Can said that was fine, and he would be right there beside her. Sanem said she would call Mihriban and see what she wanted to do.

Sanem called Mihriban and she said she would go with them tomorrow. Aziz was in the background saying he was going to. Mihriban told Sanem her bodyguard wants to go to. Sanem laughed and said that was fine. She would see if her parents could keep the kids for a little while. Sanem called her parents and they were thrilled to keep the kids. They really didn't want Sanem to attend the preliminary hearing, but they backed her 100%.

After the kids were bathed and in bed for the night, Can and Sanem were sitting on their bed talking. Can had his arms wrapped around her and she was leaning her back against him. Can asked her what she feeling. Sanem said she was scared to face Polen tomorrow, but she knew she had too. She had to let Polen know she didn't break her. Can told Sanem she would never hurt Sanem again. Sanem smiled up at him and said she knew. She told Can some of the things Polen had said to her while she was tied to that chair. She told Can once she was out of the way, Polen was going to step into consul him. She told Sanem her and Can would be together, and she would be taking care of his kids. Can told Sanem if anything ever happened to her, there would never be another woman to take her place. He told her you only fall in love once in a lifetime and he already has that with her. He told her if anything ever happens to her, they might as well dig him a hole, because he was going with her. Sanem laughed and told him he was crazy. He said yep, crazy for her.

The next day, they all loaded into he truck. Can dropped the kids off at the Aydin's then him, Sanem, Mihriban and Aziz headed to the courthouse. Metin was waiting for them outside. They all entered the courthouse together. Can held Sanem's hand the whole way. They sat down and waited for them to bring Polen in to court. They soon escorted Polen into the court room. She immediately saw Can and smiled at him. Can glared at her. She looked at Sanem and gave her a smirk. Can was still holding Sanem's hand and refused to let go. Polen sat down but kept looking back at Can. Metin explained that the preliminary hearing was to see how Polen wanted to plead and if there was enough evidence to bound her over for trial.

Polen was asked to stand and enter her plea. Polen pled not guilty. Sanem's mouth dropped open. Not guilty? Sanem was shocked. They found enough evidence against Polen to hold her for trial. She would not be bailed out due to the nature of the crimes. Her trial date was set for 3 weeks from now. They led Polen out of the courtroom. Polen turned around to look at Can. She told him she loved him, and they would be together again soon. Sanem felt like she was going to vomit. Can put his arm around Sanem when he noticed she had gone white in the face. Can whispered that he loved her, and she was doing fine. He kissed her cheek. They walked together, with Mihriban and Aziz out of the courthouse. They decided to get a bite to eat before picking the kids back up from the Aydin's. They stopped at a little cafe by the boardwalk. They ordered their food and waited for it to be brought to their table.

Can noticed Sanem hadn't said to much. He asked her what she was thinking. Sanem said she was thinking about Polen and how crazy she is. She asked Aziz, Mihriban and Can if she should be in a mental hospital to get the help she needs. Aziz told Sanem that would be up to the courts. If they can see she is crazy, they can send her to a locked down mental hospital until she becomes well, if that ever happens. Sanem said she actually felt sorry for her in the courtroom. Can looked at his wife and said please do not feel sorry for her. He told Sanem he came close to loosing her, Deniz and Mihriban because of Polen. He told Sanem he loved her gentle and caring heart, but Polen did not deserve her pity. Aziz and Mihriban agreed with Can. Sanem smiled at them and said yes, maybe your right. Their food came and they all dug in.

After they ate, they left to pick up the kids. When they arrived at the Aydin's, the all went in to visit for a few. Sanem updated her parents on the hearing and they were glad she would have to stay in jail until her trial. They felt she was very unstable and dangerous. When it was time to head home, the kids did not want to go. They wanted to stay with mama and papa. The Aydin's said they didn't care if they stayed the night. They admitted it gets lonely there since Leyla and Sanem got married and moved out. Sanem said they had no clothes or anything there. Nihat said they was a few items left there for each of them. Sanem smiled and said OK if Can was fine with it. Can said he was OK with it.

Aziz, Mihriban, Sanem and Can headed home. Can dropped Aziz and Mihriban off at their home and then he drove Sanem and himself home. Adil met them at the door when they arrived. Sanem let him out to use the restroom. Can told Sanem to go soak in the tub and he would let Adil back in. She gave him a quick kiss and said OK. When Adil was scratching at the door, Can let him in. Adil went straight to Deniz's bedroom. He looked back at Can like he was confused that Deniz was not there. Can told Adil she would be home tomorrow. It was like Adil understood. He went into Deniz room and jumped up on her bed. He curled into a ball and went to sleep.

Can went searching for Sanem. She was sitting in the tub surrounded by bubbles. She had her hair pinned up on top of her head. Can smiled and asked her if she wanted her back washed. Sanem smiled and said sure. Can lathered up the cloth and slowly washed her back. Sanem leaned her head forward and moaned. She told Can that felt so good. He asked Sanem once her back was washed, was she ready to get out. Sanem said yes. Can said good, because he wanted to make her feel really good, once they got in bed. Sanem smiled a shy smile and said she couldn't wait. 

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