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Sanem woke up the next morning wrapped like a cocoon in Can's arms. They were at their hut. So many memories were made here and so many new memories to come. She cherished this man. She never thought love could feel like this. It was like their hearts beat as one. Each one knew when the other was close by...they could feel it. It felt like their souls were constantly searching for the other. After their accident and Can's memory loss, Sanem never thought they would be together again. His memories of her were erased from his head and his heart. Her love was permanently tattooed on her heart and would not erase. When she was hospitalized, they fed her pills. Still, the memories and the love she had for Can remained. After the accident, Can lost his way. She tried everything to get him to remember her, but nothing worked. Even though she loved him more than life itself, she walked away. It hurt to much for him to look at her with emptiness in his eyes. Then his memories returned along with all of the love he still had in his heart for her. Now they were husband and wife with a beautiful daughter. Sanem couldn't be happier.

Can was awake and watching Sanem. She was deep in thought. He could tell by her facial expressions. She was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen in his life and she was his. He thought back on the day he walked away from her. He was gone for a year, traveling on his boat. He thought of her every day and his soul yearned for her. He had no idea she had to be hospitalized because of him. It tore his heart out just thinking about it. Nihat told him once he arrived back in Istanbul to see his father, Aziz. Apparently, it was bad. Nihat told him she flopped around in his arms like an injured bird. She was on medication. She had to take therapy. He never meant for any of that to happen. He never wanted to hurt her. He had a hard time picturing her in a mental hospital...forcing her to take medications to numb her heart and mind. It kills him to think about it. Then there was the accident with Sanem that erased his memories of her...of their love. Once again, she suffered. She tried everything to get his memories of her to return, but with no luck. He saw the pain in her eyes daily. It tore him up to see her eyes tear up with unshed tears. But now, they were married with a beautiful daughter who looked like her momma. He never thought this day would ever come. Sanem now belonged to him. His wife...his heart...his everything. He worshiped the ground his wife walked on.

He leaned in and kissed her cheek. She turned around and told him she thought he was asleep. He told her no; he was watching her. Sanem smiled. She turned around to face him. She kissed his lips tenderly. Can deepened the kiss. He tasted her moan in his mouth. Sanem threw her arms around his neck. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. They started touching each other everywhere. Soon, Can was making slow, sweet love to the woman who owned his heart. He cherished each and every inch of her. She was his moon face. His beloved. The woman he could not live without. Afterwards, they laid in each other's arms, looking deep into each other's eyes.

They got up, showered and dressed a short time later. They headed out to find some food, because Sanem was starving. After they ate, they went to Sanem's parents house to pick up their daughter. They missed that precious little girl. They arrived at the Aydin's and rang the doorbell. Mevkibe answered the door, holding Deniz. When Deniz saw her parents, she started cooing and babbling. She reached for her daddy. Can reached out to take his daughter. He gave her kisses which had her laughing. She then wanted her momma. Sanem grabbed her and gave her more kisses. Deniz reached out and grabbed Sanem's hair. They told Mevkibe they were headed home and thanked her for keeping Deniz. She told them she enjoyed it. It reminded her of when Sanem was a small child. They got in the truck and headed back to their home.

They unloaded the truck and headed inside. Emre, Bulut, Muzzo, Aziz and Cey Cey were next door working on Emre's house. Can told Sanem he was headed next door to help the guys on the house. She said OK. She gave him a quick kiss and he headed out the door. Sanem put Deniz in her swing and started to put things away. Deniz wasn't in her swing very long before she started crying. Sanem went over to her and picked her up. She asked her what was wrong. Sanem noticed Deniz had a fever and was drooling a lot. Sanem pried open Deniz's mouth and found a tooth. Her precious baby was cutting teeth. Sanem went and got the baby pain reliever and gave Deniz some. She also rubbed some baby numbing medicine on her little gums. She calmed down about an hour later. Sanem could not believe her little girl was cutting her first tooth. She couldn't wait to tell Can. She looked over at Deniz a few minutes later and she had fallen asleep in her swing. Sanem gently picked her up and laid her in her crib. Sanem finished putting things away from their overnight stay at the hut.

Can came home a few hours later. She excitedly told him about Deniz's first tooth. Can said no way! He went to see his baby girl. She was awake playing in her crib. She saw her daddy and cooed. Can picked her up and gave her kisses. He told her that daddy's little girl was getting her first tooth. She smiled at her daddy and he saw the tooth. He told her his little girl was getting bigger and he couldn't love her more. She reached out and pulled on her daddy's beard. Just like her momma, she loved his beard. He carried her into the living area where Sanem was. She saw her momma and reached out to her. Sanem said hello my precious girl. She asked her if she was getting hungry. Sanem fed her with a bottle of breast milk. When she was done, Can took his baby girl and burped her. He then laid on the floor with her and they played. He blew raspberries on her little belly and she just laughed and giggled. He played with her toes and she giggled. His baby girl was ticklish like her momma.

Sanem went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. She was making a Turkish stew with biscuits. It was one of Can's favorite dishes. He actually wasn't picky. He loved food in general. He told Sanem after they put Deniz down for the night, he wanted to start teaching her some self defense moves. Sanem told him it wasn't necessary but Can insisted. He wanted his wife to be able to protect herself if he wasn't around. Sanem said OK, but I am a klutz and will probably end up on my ass. Can laughed at her and told her she would be fine. She said it is your funeral, husband dear. They sat down to eat their dinner. Can complimented her on the stew. He told her that her cooking abilities have improved a great deal since they first met. Sanem laughed and told him she remembered. After dinner, Can cleaned up the dishes, while Sanem bathed Deniz. Sanem gave her some more children's pain reliever and rubbed more numbing medicine on her gums. She then put her down in her crib for the night.

Sanem joined Can in the living area. He asked her if she was ready to rumble. Sanem laughed and said yes. I am ready to make a fool of myself. Can laughed at her and said she would be fine. Can showed her how to get out of a move if someone grabbed her from behind. He showed her how to flip somebody over if they were to grab her from behind. Can then faced her and was showing her how to get out of this move if she ever needed too. Sanem said I know how...I know how. Can smiled and said then show me. She put her hands on his shoulders, stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips. Can laughed so hard his stomach hurt. He told her no, Sanem, that won't work. She smiled and asked why? He said because her lips were not allowed on anybody else's lips but his. Sanem said I got it. Can showed her a few pressure points to use on someone if they were attacking her. Sanem felt she was getting the hang of this self defense stuff. Can suddenly picked her up in his arms and asked her, what are you going to do now? Sanem said this and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Can smiled at her and said that works, for me only. He told her let me show you some moves if you happen to be naked. Sanem smiled at her husband. He then carried her off to their bedroom. 

LIFE HAPPENS WHEN YOUR MAKING PLANSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora