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A little while later, Can entered the tent. He was hoping Sanem was deep in sleep. She was fast asleep and looking like an angel. He saw what he wanted...the moonstone ring hanging from her neck. He laid down beside her and slowly unhooked the chain. He was able to remove the ring but left the chain on her neck. He placed the ring deep inside his pocket. Now, he just needed to talk to Embre and Leyla once they returned home.

Sanem awoke the next morning cocooned once again in Can's arms. His face was buried in her neck and his beard was tickling her. She turned her head, so their noses were touching. She loved waking up in Can's arms. She stared at his face, for how long, she did not know. Can slowly opened his eyes and smiled at her. He told her good morning and in turn, she told him good morning. He slowly moved his lips towards her and kissed her. Sanem never wanted the kiss to end. The kiss started out slow and sweet but turned passionate very quickly. Can held her tight while moving his arms up and down her back. He could not stop tasting her lips. He was attracted to her and wanted her so much. He knew she was untouched, and she wanted to stay that way until marriage, but he just couldn't seem to stop kissing her....touching her. Evidently, he came to his senses and pulled back. He told her he was sorry for upsetting her last night. He wouldn't purposely hurt her for anything. She said it was OK and not to worry about it. He asked her if she was really giving up on him. Sanem told him no. She said things felt hopeless now, but she loved him with everything in her. She did not know what she would do if he wasn't in her life. Can felt relieved and smiled at her.

They packed up their camping gear and loaded up the truck. The drive back home was pleasant. They made small talk, laughed and joked around. It felt like old times to Sanem. Can was surprised that she hadn't missed the ring yet. Can dropped her off at the farm and went to talk to Embre and Leyla. Can found them home at the Aydin's. Can asked them to tell him about the night he proposed to Sanem. Embre told him it was during Can's birthday party at their old house. Leyla asked Can why he wanted to know. Can admitted that some of his memories of Sanem had returned because of her reenactments of their time together. Can said he wanted to reenact his proposal, but he doesn't remember it. Embre said they couldn't reenact it at their old home since it was sold. Leyla said they could have a party at the farm to celebrate the reopening of the agency. Embre and Can thought it was a great idea. Can told them he hopes that more memories would resurface once he placed the moonstone ring on her finger. Can went to talk to the Aydin's to let them know of his plan because he wanted Sanem's parents to be there.

Can explained to the Aydin's what he wanted to do. Nihat asked him what would happen if his memories didn't return once the ring was placed on Sanem's finger. Can hadn't thought that far ahead. Nihat wanted to know if Can would still marry Sanem if she accepted the ring. Nihat told Can he would not have his little bird upset again if the memories didn't return. Can told Nihat he loved Sanem. He would marry her anyway. Can explained he did love her, but he wasn't sure if it was the love they use to have or if it was a new love. The Aydin's were OK with trying this reenactment but warned him that they would not tolerate Sanem being upset.

Can returned to the farm to find Sanem. He found her tearing up her living room. Can asked her what she was doing. Sanem was in tears and told him she lost one of her necklaces. Can told her that it had to be around here somewhere. He changed the subject and asked Sanem if they could throw a party for their family and friends, due to the reopening of the agency. Sanem said it was a great idea. Can said good, then we will have it tomorrow night. Can called Embre to let him know the party was on for tomorrow night. Embre and Leyla were to let everyone know.

Can was nervous and excited about tomorrow night. He prayed everything worked out for the best. 

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